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Start Here

Where to Begin Reading at

How does one come to faith in Jesus Christ? Faith comes through hearing the word of God (Rom. 10:17). But due to man's natural hardness of heart (1 Cor 2:14, Rom 8:7), only God can remove our hostility to the gospel. He opens our eyes and we see. He unplugs our ears and we hear. He disarms our willful hostility and softens our heart that we may believe (Deut 29:4, 30:6; Ezek 36:26. John 6:63, 65 & 37).

First Time Visitors
Getting your feet wet. here are a few core resources we recommend to first time visitors.
How to Become a Christian - A Sermon on Acts 2:37-38, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones (MP3)
What Is a Biblical Christian? (eBook) by Al Martin
Christ is the End of the Law by John Calvin
Man's Utter Inability to Rescue Himself by Thomas Boston (printable)
Human Inability by Charles Spurgeon, 1858
Adversity by Terry Johnson
Spiritual Discernment is Wholly Lost Until we are Regenerated by John Calvin
An Introduction to the Gospel: A Covenant Theology Primer by John Hendryx
What is the Gospel? by John Hendryx
A Simple Explanation of Monergism by John Hendryx
Two Views of Regeneration by John Hendryx
God's Part and Man's Part in Salvation by John Reisinger
A Divine and Supernatural Light by Jonathan Edwards
The Pelagian Captivity of the Church By R. C. Sproul
The Cambridge Declaration of the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals
Effectual Calling and Regeneration by Martyn Lloyd-Jones
What God Requires of Us (Gospel Tract)


1: New Christian: First Steps

What is a Christian? One who, by the grace of God, can declare that he justly deserves the wrath of God, save for the mercy of Jesus Christ alone. He casts aside all hope in his self-righteousness and puts away all pride in his own goodness. One who is glad to be regarded as spiritually bankrupt, a poor sinner, saved by the free grace and righteousness of Christ and, with a renewed heart, yields in allegiance to Him alone as LORD and sovereign. In a word, one who "glories in Christ Jesus and has no confidence in the flesh." (Phil. 3:3)

If God is currently doing a work of grace in you or if He has already opened your heart to the gospel, these resources will help you begin to better understand the basics of Christianity and/or your new life in Christ. These do not assume you have read the Bible, and they provide answers the some of the most common questions people have about the faith. Some people who have been Christians for some time may also find these resources helpful in establishing a more firm foundation for their belief:

What is the Cost of Being a True Christian? by J. C. Ryle
Paul’s Definition of a Christian
The Moral and Immoral Both Alienated from God
The Trial - The Case of God the Father against ______________ (fill in your own name)
Intro to the Christian Faith @Monergism
How Did We Get the Bible? by John MacArthur
What is the Bible? by Edmund Clowney
A Simple Way to Pray by Martin Luther (.pdf)
On Prayer by John Calvin (.eBook)
What Should I Pray For?
How Does Forgiveness Work? J. C. Ryle
Pardon for the Greatest Sinner by Jonathan Edwards
Who is Jesus? by R. C. Sproul
What is the Church? by J. I. Packer
Why Should I Join a Local Church?
Can a Christian Lose His or Her Salvation?
Whether or not repentance be necessary for the pardon of sin? by Thomas Boston
Repentance in the Order of Salvation
What is the New Birth or Regeneration? by R. C. Sproul
What is the Will of God?
What is the Trinity? by J. I. Packer
Reformed Companion Smart Phone (App) Reformed catechisms, confessions, creeds, and more.

What is The Bible All About? - Isaiah 53:6 (MP3) by Albert Martin

2: Disciple

These resources are for Christians who have known Christ for a short period of time and have already worked through the first set of questions. These believers have a basic understanding of the message of the Bible, but now have new questions as they dig a bit deeper:

"To mortify the lusts of the flesh, to be crucified unto the world, to overcome the Devil, to die daily unto sin and live unto righteousness, to be meek and lowly in heart, trustful and obedient, pious and patient, loving and gentle is a task far, far beyond the poor resources of fallen human nature."- A. W. Pink

What Are the Old and New Testament About and How Does the Bible as a Whole Fit Together?
What Principles of Interpretation are Necessary to Study the Bible?
Where Do I Start Reading the Bible?
Does Prayer Change Things?
Not All My Prayers are Answered?
What if I am Finding it Difficult to Forgive?
Why Should I Forgive Others?
What Are the Five Solas and What Do They Mean?
Why is it Important to Understand that Jesus Became a Human Being?
The Gospel by Which We are Saved by Paul Washer
How May I know I am Elect? by A. W. Pink
Confessional Discipleship, Part 1 & Part 2 by Nick Batzig
The Attributes of God (eBook) by A. W. Pink
The Westminster Confession of Faith: Edinburgh Edition (eBook)

3: Growing in Grace

“Just as the sinner's despair of any hope from himself is the first prerequisite of a sound conversion, so the loss of all confidence in himself is the first essential in the believer's growth in grace.”- A. W. Pink

"Sinners cannot obey the gospel, any more than the law, without renewal of heart." - J.I. Packer

What Does it Mean to be Saved by Grace Alone? by Kim Riddlebarger
Justification and Sanctification: How do they Differ? by J. C. Ryle
Union with Christ the Only Way to Sanctification, by Thomas Boston
The Deadly Dangers of Moralism by John MacArthur
What is Legalism by John Hendryx
Growing in Grace by J. C. Ryle
Another Gospel by John Cheeseman
Decisional Regeneration by James Adams
The Practical Implications of Calvinism  by Albert Martin
Does the Doctrine of Unconditional Election Make God a Respecter of Persons? by John Hendryx
The Sovereignty of God (.pdf) Rev. David Petrie
Summary of Christian Doctrine by Louis Berkhof (eBook)
The Attributes of God by A. W. Pink (eBook)
One True God: A Biblical Study of the Doctrine of God (Bible Study) by Paul Washer
Outlines of Theology by A. A. Hodge (.eBook)
The Millennium – Major Views
Theological FAQs
What is the Trinity? by R. C. Sproul (.pdf)

4: Leadership

Have you grown up in Christ to such a place where it requires you to teach others? Do you need to dig even deeper into the Scriptures to help you disciple and build up those in your sphere of influence?"

Always Ready by K. Scott Oliphint
The Bleeding of the Evangelical Church by David Wells
The Marcions have landed! A Warning for Evangelicals by Carl Trueman
Introduction to Herman Witsius' "The Economy of the Covenants by J. I. Packer
Intro to John Owen's Death of Death by J.I. Packer - also available in .pdf format.
Notes on Our Ongoing Need of Redemption as Christians by John Hendryx
Regeneration by Robert Reymond
Two Views of Regeneration (chart) by John Hendryx
Does Jesus Teach that Regeneration Precedes Faith? by John Hendryx
The Rejection of the Classical Doctrine of God by David F. Wells
Distinguishing Authentic Vs. Diluted and Counterfeit Evangelicalism
Systematic Theology by Louis Berkhof (online book)
Lectures to My Students by C. H. Spurgeon (online book)
The Marrow of Modern Divinity by Edward Fisher (online book)
Studies on Saving Faith by A. W. Pink (online book)
Covenant Theology (Resources)

5: Pastors

The Character of a True Theologian by Herman Witsius
The Wisdom of Listening by Burk Parsons
How to Handle Criticism (MP3) by Dr. Joel Beeke
Listening Before Answering by John Piper
What Happens When Christianity Doesn't Work by Michael Horton
The Lasting Power of Reformed Experimental Preaching (.Pdf) Dr. Joel Beeke
A Study of the Principles and Practice of Family Visitation by Peter Y. de Jong, Ph. D.
Present Day Evangelism by A. W. Pink
A Pastor's Love for Christ by Nicholas Batzig
Puritan Resources for Biblical Counseling by Tim Keller
What God Requires, Christ Provides By John Piper
Liberating Ministry from the Success Syndrome by Kent Hughes
The Sole Consideration, that God is God, Sufficient to Still All Objections to His Sovereignty by Jonathan Edwards
Treatise on Grace by Jonathan Edwards
Suffering and the Sovereignty of God by 2005 Desiring God national Conference


Apologetics - Questions Skeptics Often Ask

10 Basic Facts About the New Testament Canon by Michael Kruger
Why Does God Condone Genocide? by John Hendryx
Isn't It Arrogant to Claim that Only One Religion Can Know Spiritual Truth? by Tim Keller
Seven Fatal Flaws Of Relativism by Greg Koukl
What about the Innocent Native Who’s Never Heard About Jesus? by R. C. Sproul
What About Those Who Have Never Heard the Gospel? by Mark Pickering
Justifying Non-Christian Objections Douglas Wilson & Farrell Till
Deconstructing Defeater Beliefs (.pdf) by Tim Keller
Can a Relativist Consistently Believe that Slavery, Torture and Racism are Morally Wrong? by Tim Keller
What is the Most Offensive Verse in the Bible by Dan Philips
The Golden Rule Apologetic Bob Passantino
Apologetics in Practice by Greg Bahnsen
More Common Objections ot Christianity from Skpetics by Steve Hays



Doctrines of Grace

What the Bible Says About the Doctrines of Grace
God's Part and Man's Part in Salvation - John Reisinger
The Five Points of Calvinism – R.L. Dabney
The Five Points of Calvinism – John Piper
The Reformed Faith – Loraine Boettner
The Reformed Faith – B.B. Warfield
More Than A Calvinist – John Newton
Why Can’t They See This – Tom Nettles
A Defense of Calvinism – C.H. Spurgeon
More articles like this....

Total Depravity
Free Will – A Slave – C.H. Spurgeon
Human Inability - Charles Spurgeon
Man's Utter Inability to Rescue Himself - Thomas Boston
The Doctrine of Total Depravity – Part I – John G Reisinger
The Doctrine of Total Depravity – Part II – John G Reisinger
Total Depravity – Loraine Boettner
Man in His Fallen State – John Newton
Decisional Regeneration - James E. Adams
The Myth of Free Will - Walter Chantry
Captive Hearts, Captive Church - R. C. Sproul
More articles like this...

Unconditional Election
Chain of Grace – John G. Reisinger
The Doctrine of Election – Parts I, II & III – John G. Reisinger
Election - B. B. Warfield
Election - J. C. Ryle
The Argument of Romans 9 – John Piper
Who Chose Whom – John F. MacArthur Jr.
Who Saves Whom – Michael Horton
Unconditional Election - C. H. Spurgeon
Election - C. H. Spurgeon
Unconditional Election - Loraine Boettner
Electing Love - Robert Murray McCheyne

Particular Redemption
The Atonement –  Arthur Pink
Sufficient for All? - Jim Ellis
Death of Death - John Owen
Was Anyone Saved at the Cross – James White
For Whom Did Christ Die? - C. H. Spurgeon
Particular Redemption – C.H. Spurgeon
Intro to The Death of Death – J.I. Packer
Llimited Atonement - Loraine Boettner
Partticular Redemption - Wayne Mack
The Love of God and the Intent of the Atonement - D. A. Carson
A Concise Exegetical Defense of "Particular Redemption" in the Book of John @Monergism
More Resources on Particular Redemption...

Effectual Grace
Effectual Calling and Regeneration - Martyn Lloyd-Jones
Justification & Regeneration - Charles Leiter
The Internal and External Call - Wilhelmus a Brakel
Effectual Calling – C.H. Spurgeon
The Sovereignty of God the Holy Spirit in Salvation – Arthur Pink
Irresistible Grace – Jacob Moseley
Preaching the Grace of the Spirit’s Calling – S. Lewis Johnson
Who Can Come – Mark Webb
More Resources like this...

Preservation of the Saints
Can a Christian Lose His or Her Salvation? - Greg Johnson
Perseverance of the Saints – Loraine Boettner
Sanctification and Perseverance - Herman Bavinck
Perseverance of the Saints - Wilhelmus à Brakel
Perseverance of the Saints by Brian Schwertley
How to Know you are a Real Christian - Jonathan Edwards
More Essays like this...


Related to the Doctrines of Grace

Augustine and Pelagius – R.C. Sproul
From Whitefield to Wesley – George Whitefield (Includes Wesley’s Sermon Free Grace)
Ian Murray on Whitefield and Wesley
The Legacy of Charles Finney – Michael Horton
The Carnal Christian Doctrine – John G. Reisinger
The Pelagian Captivity of the Church – R.C. Sproul
The Moral Basis of Faith – Tom Wells



The Catacombs

The "catacombs" are our way of saying that "you are on your own here." Lurking beneath here are an near-infinite labyrinth of links where the researcher can dig down deep into the volumonous data available on the site. Here is a small attempt at producing a site map for you:

  • Theology FAQs - Brief and concise answers to some of the most common questions about Christianity and Christian theology.
  • Classic Articles
  • Contemporary Essays
  • Free eBooks
  • Theological Distinctives
  • Endorsements Encouraging emails, reviews and recommendations by visitors to
  • - Extensive but easy-to-navigate website with essays and vast resources on and by the Puritans. Includes free downloadable books and resources by Puritans such as Thomas Watson | Thomas Brooks | Thomas Boston | John Bunyan | Stephen Charnock | Richard Sibbes | Thomas Goodwin | Thomas Shepherd | John Robinson | Thomas Case | John Owen | William Bridge | John Flavel | John Howe | Richard Baxter | Hugh Binning | Thomas Gouge | Joseph Alleine | Richard Alleine | William Bates | David Clarkson | Richard Steele | Jerremiah Burroughs | William Gurnall | Thomas Adams | Philip Doddridge | Benjamin Brook | William Guthrie | William Perkins
  • Hall of Contemporary Reformers - Servants of God whom we think God has raised up to faithfully proclaim the gospel in our time, and whom the Lord is now using to preserve that silver thread of orthodoxy that has existed through the ages.
  • (Blog) - We are a community of confessing believers from diverse backgrounds with solidarity in Reformed Theology.

This site is made possible by your donations to CPRF, our 501(c)(3) non-profit.


Offsite Links

The Internet Monk Interview: John Hendryx

Exiled Preacher Interviews John Hendryx

The Man Behind Monergism, Nicholas Batzig interviews John Hendryx (2012)

Christian Publication Resource Foundation (CPRF): The producers of have formed CPRF, a non-profit organization, as the place to become financial partners with us in the development and maintenance of our online Christian resources.

Regeneration is a sovereign work of God (Jn. 1:12-13; 3:3-8; Jas. 1:18; 1 Pet. 1:3) a radical work or total transformation (Ezek. 36:26-27; 1 Jn. 3:9) not just an addition...The SOURCE of regeneration is Christ (1 Pet 1:3; Eph 1:3, 2:4, 4:24; 2 Cor 5:17) The AGENT of regeneration is the Holy Spirit (Jn. 3:3-8; Titus 3:5) The INSTRUMENT of regeneration is the Word of God (Jas. 1:18; 1 Pet. 1:23, 25) which causes faith and obedience (Jn 6:63-65, 1 jn 5:1, Eph. 2:5; Col. 2:13)

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2 Thessalonians

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2 Peter

1 John

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