Welcome to Monergism.com, a free and comprehensive online library dedicated to equipping believers with the riches of Reformed Christian theology. Our mission is simple yet profound: to glorify Jesus Christ alone by proclaiming the good news that salvation is a free gift of grace for guilty sinners—not a reward for the righteous.
Through a curated collection of classic and contemporary resources, Monergism.com serves as a hub for those seeking to grow in their knowledge of God, embrace the historic Christian faith, and apply biblical truths to all areas of life.
Our Mission
At Monergism.com, we aim to:
- Equip Believers: Provide access to the finest articles, books, and sermons that uphold the doctrines of grace and the truths of historic Reformed theology.
- Encourage Reformation: Foster a spirit of continual renewal by aligning our beliefs and practices with the Word of God.
- Glorify God: Emphasize the Christ-centered nature of Scripture, proclaiming that salvation is entirely a monergistic work of God—accomplished by His grace alone.
What is Monergism?
The term monergism comes from the Greek words mono (one) and ergon (work). It means "the work of one," signifying that salvation is wholly the work of God. Left to ourselves, we are unable and unwilling to turn to Christ. But God, in His mercy, regenerates our hearts, granting us faith and repentance.
As the Scriptures declare:
- "I will give you a new heart, and a new spirit I will put within you" (Ezek. 36:26).
- "The Spirit quickens, the flesh counts for nothing .... This is why I told you that no one can come to me unless the Father who sent me grants it" (John 6:63, 65).
Monergism celebrates the harmony of the Trinity in salvation: The Father elects, the Son redeems, and the Spirit applies regeneration to the elect.
What is a Christian?
A Christian is someone who, by grace, recognizes their sinfulness, renounces self-righteousness, and trusts wholly in Jesus Christ for salvation. In his great mercy, they are spiritually reborn, living in gratitude and allegiance to Christ as Lord.
As the Apostle Paul says:
"We glory in Christ Jesus and put no confidence in the flesh" (Phil. 3:3).
Explore Monergism.com
Monergism.com is more than just a website—it is a resource for the global church. Whether you are a pastor preparing a sermon, a missionary sharing the gospel, or a believer seeking to grow in faith, our resources are here for you.
What You’ll Find:
- Timeless Articles: Dive into classic works from theological giants like John Calvin, Jonathan Edwards, and Charles Spurgeon, as well as historical documents that have shaped the Reformed faith.
- Sermons and Audio: Access Christ-exalting sermons and teachings that expound the full counsel of God, perfect for personal study or group learning.
- Modern Resources: Read contemporary essays and writings addressing current issues in theology, culture, and Christian living from a biblical perspective.
- Topical Collections: Explore curated collections on doctrines such as the Five Solas, the sovereignty of God, covenant theology, and the person and work of Christ.
- Extensive eBook Library: Enjoy over 1,200 free eBooks spanning topics like systematic theology, biblical studies, and Christian living. Our resources are available for download, making it easy to grow in your faith anytime, anywhere.
- eBook Library App: Our dedicated app allows you to organize, access, and read your favorite resources on the go.
- Specialized Topic Libraries: Discover in-depth resources on specific theological and practical issues, from church history to Christian ethics and apologetics.
All resources are freely accessible, reflecting our mission to make theological education available to everyone.
Join the Community
Monergism.com is not only a library but also a growing community of believers united by a love for God’s Word. Follow our blog for regular devotionals, articles, and ministry highlights. Share resources with your church, family, and friends to help spread the gospel.
Partner with Us
Monergism.com operates as a subsidiary of the Christian Publication Resource Foundation, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Your prayers and support enable us to continue providing free resources to equip the saints, inform skeptics, and proclaim the gospel to the ends of the earth.
If you have found Monergism.com helpful, consider partnering with us in this ministry through prayer, sharing resources, or financial support.
To God Alone Be the Glory
At the heart of everything we do is a commitment to the supremacy of Christ. We pray that the resources on Monergism.com will deepen your love for the Savior, strengthen your faith, and equip you to live for His glory.
About the Editor
I am the owner and director of Monergism.com, dedicated to providing biblically faithful, Reformed resources that glorify God and edify His Church. My goal is to make solid theological content accessible to those seeking to grow in their understanding of God's truth. If you have any concerns about the accuracy of our content, I welcome your gracious feedback and glad to review and, if necessary, correct any errors.
If you would like to reach out, please visit our Contact Page or email me at johnATmonergismDOTcom.
Soli Deo Gloria.
John Hendryx
Discover. Grow. Share.
Explore the treasures of the Reformed faith today.
A Call for Clarity and Truth
We live in a time when many who call themselves evangelicals drift into vagueness and uncertainty on crucial doctrines about our Lord Jesus Christ. Now, more than ever, we must come together as a body to proclaim a clear, biblically grounded Christology. On this site, we aim to provide well-defined, Spirit-illuminated resources that demonstrate how historic Reformed orthodoxy aligns with Scripture. Our efforts span a wide range of topics and biblical references to encourage theological clarity and conviction.
Our Theological Perspective
Our theological stance should be evident to any thoughtful reader. We belong to the historic evangelical tradition, firmly holding to the doctrinal distinctives of the Reformers and Puritans. As confessing Christians, we affirm Covenant Theology and the Five Solas of the Reformation. While Presbyterian in governance and doctrine, we provide a wealth of resources from traditions like Reformed Baptists, Reformed Anglicans, and Conservative Lutherans, with whom we share agreement on most foundational matters of faith.
Though we grieve the loose and broad theology prevalent among some modern evangelicals, we take no human leader as our ultimate authority. We are committed to following Scripture wherever it leads, striving never to twist God’s Word to fit our own biases. By God’s grace and through your prayers, we aim to ground every statement and viewpoint on the whole counsel of Scripture. We do not shy away from disagreement when necessary, but we always seek to do so with gentleness and respect (1 Peter 3:15).
A Shared Purpose
Together, let us seek the Lord Jesus Christ daily and grow in spiritual knowledge with every passing year. Let us search the Scriptures deeply, praying with dependence and zeal for God to open our eyes to His truth. It is not enough to skim the surface of the Bible; we must dig deeply into its treasures. We pray this ministry inspires you to seek God’s face regularly and allow His Word to dwell richly within you.
The Centrality of Scripture and Christ
Ignorance of Scripture—and its focus on Jesus Christ—is at the heart of every error. If this work removes even a small measure of ignorance and sheds light on the treasures of God’s Word, we would consider it the greatest honor imaginable.
A Prayer for God’s Glory
We conclude with a prayer that God would forgive the shortcomings of this website and use it for His glory and the salvation of many souls. This project has required significant time and labor, but if the Holy Spirit uses it to bless His church, it will all be worthwhile. May God alone receive the glory!
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