Song of Solomon
Song of Solomon
Song of Solomon is also called the "song of songs" and "canticles". This song is the finest and most precious of its kind; the noblest song, "das Hohelied," as Luther calls it. The Solomonic authorship of this book has been called in question, but evidences, both internal and external, fairly establish the traditional view that it is the product of Solomon's pen. It is first literal poem setting forth a biblical marriage between a husband and wife. This poem explores their love for each other through passion and sexual imagery. We should note that the literal interpretation should not be throw away for this next view. This poem can be interpreted as allegorical, which sets forth the mutual love of Christ and the Church, under the imagery of the bridegroom and the bride found in several New Testament passages. Some Christians have interpreted the relationship between the bride and groom as a normative passage to apply to our Christian walk with the Lord. - Raymond B. Dillard and Tremper Longman III
By Scripture
Old Testament