Redemptive History
" view the whole counsel of God, with all its teachings, laws, prophecies, and visions, in the light of Jesus Christ”...if the Old Testament indeed witnesses to Christ, then we are faithful preachers only when we do justice to this dimension in our interpretation and preaching of the Old Testament. The tragedy is that contemporary historical-critical exegesis, which tries so hard to recover the original meaning of the Old Testament, usually ignores this dimension. Although Christ is pictured in the Old Testament, contemporary Christian preachers frequently fail to notice it. This blind spot of ours makes it crucial that we, after establishing the original message of our text, view it again in light of the New Testament, raising questions as to how this message connects with Jesus Christ." - Sydney Greidanus
"Redemptive history is that series of events by which God redeems his people from sin, a narrative fulfilled in Christ. It is the principal subject-matter of Scripture. Redemptive history constitutes the "mighty acts of God" that he performs for the sake of his people, those acts by which people come to know that he is the Lord (Ex. 7:5, 14:18)...The mighty acts of God also bear God’s lordship authority, in the sense that they demand a favorable human response. God’s deliverance of Israel from Egypt ought to motivate Israel’s obedience. The Preface to the Decalogue is "I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery." Then come God’s commands, "You shall have no other gods before me," and so on."
- John Frame
The New Testament lies hidden in the Old, and the Old Testament is unveiled in the New.
- Augustine, A.D. 354-430