Theological FAQs

This a new subsection we are currently working on at With answers drawn from the whole of Scripture, we briefly and concisely cover some of the most common questions about Christianity and Christian theology. Here is a starting list for our Theological FAQs -- we hope to add more questions as time allows.

  1. What is theology?
  2. Why is the study of theology important?
  3. Where do we go to learn about theology?
  4. What is the Bible About?
  5. What makes the bible unique?
  6. Can anyone read and understand the bible on his own?
  7. Does the Church have to interpret the bible?
  8. What principles of interpretation are necessary to study the bible?
  9. What does the term “grammatical-historical hermeneutic” mean, and why is it important?
  10. Is a “grammatical-historical hermeneutic” different from a “Christ-centered hermeneutic”?
  11. Is the whole bible about Christ, or just the New Testament?
  12. Isn't it reading too much into the Old Testament to see references to Christ on every page?
  13. Wasn't the Old Testament written especially Jews, so that it doesn't apply in the same way to Christians?
  14. What does the term “sensus plenior” mean?
  15. Is a grammatical-historical hermeneutic opposed to sensus plenior?
  16. What does the term “analogy of faith mean?
  17. What is the Gospel?
  18. What is Dispensationalism?
  19. Is Dispensationalism biblical?
  20. Does the bible teach a pre-tribulational rapture?
  21. Does the bible teach that in the end times there will be a restored Jewish state and a restored temple?
  22. Does the bible teach that there are two peoples of God, Israel and the Church?
  23. What is Amillennialism?
  24. What is Postmillennialism?
  25. What is Premillennialism?
  26. Is Premillennialism always dispensational?
  27. Does the bible clearly teach pre-, a-, or postmillennialism?
  28. What is the difference between Biblical Theology and Systematic Theology?
  29. Why is Biblical Theology important?
  30. Why is Systematic Theology important?
  31. What is Covenant Theology?
  32. Why is Covenant Theology important?
  33. Is Covenant Theology the same as Replacement Theology?
  34. What is the difference between the Covenant of Works, the Covenant of Grace, and the Covenant of Redemption?
  35. Is there a biblical basis for the Covenant of Works?
  36. Is there a biblical basis for the Covenant of Grace?
  37. Is there a biblical basis for the Covenant of Redemption?
  38. What is Reformation Theology?
  39. What are the “five solas,” and what do they mean?
  40. What does monergism mean?
  41. Doesn't the bible teach that we're born again through faith?
  42. Is being born again the same thing as being saved?
  43. What does “ordo salutis” mean, and why is it important?
  44. Is God sovereign over every single event that takes place on earth?
  45. How can God be sovereign and man still be free?
  46. What does the term “compatibilism” mean, and is it biblical?
  47. Does the bible teach that man has free will?
  48. What is Calvinism?
  49. What do the terms “Pelagianism,” “Semi-Pelagianism,” and “Arminianism” mean, and how do they relate to each other?
  50. What does prevenient grace” mean and is it biblical?
  51. What does the term “total depravity” mean and is it biblical?
  52. Even though a depraved person cannot do good works, he can still believe, can't he?
  53. What does the term “unconditional election” mean?
  54. Doesn't the bible teach that God chooses those whose faith he foresees?
  55. Doesn't the doctrine of unconditional election make God an arbitrary tyrant?
  56. Doesn't the doctrine of unconditional election take away human responsibility?
  57. Doesn't the doctrine of unconditional election make people into robots?
  58. Doesn't the doctrine of unconditional election hinder evangelism and missions?
  59. What is “double predestination”? and does the the bible teach it?
  60. What do the terms “supralapsarianism,” and “infralapsarianism” mean, and does the bible teach one or the other?
  61. What does the term “limited atonement” mean?
  62. What about the passages that speak of Christ's work being for the whole world?
  63. What about the passages that speak of God's desire for all to be saved?
  64. What does the term “irresistible grace” mean?
  65. Does irresistible grace mean that human response is forced and artificial?
  66. What is “perseverance of the saints” and does the Bible teach it?
  67. Is perseverance of the saints the same thing as eternal security?
  68. What is meant by the expression “once saved, always saved”?
  69. Is the doctrine of perseverance opposed to the doctrine of salvation by grace alone?
  70. What is “easy-believism”?
  71. What are Patristics, and why should we study them?
  72. What is Post Modernism?
  73. What is Emergence/the Emergent Church?
  74. What are the “New Perspective(s)” on Paul?
  75. Are Arminians Saved?