History of Christianity
We believe in the progressive self-revelation of God to His covenant people through the vehicle of history. All things have a direction toward the consummation of God's good purposes. The culmination of the ages is the manifestation of God in the flesh, Jesus Christ, first in humiliation to accomplish God's eternal redemption and finally in glory to consummate the Kingdom of God. To these fullnesses of time God orchestrates all of history leading up. The Church [Abraham's seed] is the nation of choice through which God has delighted to bless all the nations of the world. ... the Scriptures [are] the progressive self-disclosure of God. All of the Scriptures point to the Lord Jesus Christ, the eternal Son of God, become flesh. And all of the Scriptures need to be interpreted in light of His historical work, death, resurrection, and ascension.
Biblical Theology and Redemptive Historical Hermeneutics
If you do not know history, you do not know anything. You are a leaf that does not know it is part of a tree.
Michael Crichton
By Scripture
Old Testament