From Grief to Dance

From Grief to Dance
Adapted from Psalm 30
Those who know Psalm 30 will see the familiar points from the psalm in this adaptation. Perhaps the most notable phrase in this song is, “We are born in sin to weep in the dark, cold night, but joy comes with Christ the morning light.” How true! Jesus has changed our mourning to dancing now and will at His coming again. In John 16:16-22 Jesus told His disciples they would grieve when He left them but they would see Him again and have unending joy. And those of us (all) who cry out as ‘wretched’ like Paul in Rom. 7, what rejoicing will be ours when our salvation is complete! So we rejoice in hope now, singing “O LORD my God, I thank you ever more.”
*Find this song on all streaming platforms. Links to lyric sheets and devotion available at*
The songs of Regulative Heart are curated, adapted and produced by Greg Pearson of Tennessee. Greg has served the Lord’s church in various roles over the last 44 years, including Pastor, Minister of Music, Student Pastor, Associate Pastor, and Elder in a Reformed Baptist Church. After suffering a debilitating stroke in December 2021, limiting his ability to continue to serve in those roles, Greg has turned his attention to bringing these important songs, in various musical styles, to as many of God’s people as possible. Now, in partnership with, Greg is in the process of writing a short devotional intro for each song as you will find each week in the blog.