is an Internet based 501(c)(3) non-profit resource ministry with the following goals:
1) To equip Christians in the truth by making available the finest classic articles and resources of historical orthodoxy. This is done in the hope that the church will embrace, and recover the true Biblical doctrines of the historic faith.
2) To encourage the church to always be reforming its thoughts in order to be more God-honoring & consistent with the Word of God. To teach the whole counsel of God and not just aspects we feel comfortable with, that the Gospel would affect and transform all areas of our life. To stress important doctrines that have been lost or set aside in the belief that it will help us in one of the most urgent tasks facing evangelicals today - the recovery of the gospel.
3) Bring glory and honor to God by stressing that the Scriptures are a divine Self-disclosure that is Christ-centered, not man-centered and that the work of salvation is a monergistic work of grace; that, prior to grace, man remains hostile, passive, unable and unwilling to turn to Christ until regenerated by the Holy Spirit. That salvation is not based on the fact that God knew which persons would believe of their own natural free will, for there is no person which fits that description (1 Cor 2:14; Rom 3:11; Rom 8:7; John 1:13; Rom 9:16,18;John 10:26). The decision was based in eternity upon God's sovereign good pleasure alone (Eph 1:4-6; 2 Tim 1:9, Titus 1:2) and enacted in time through the redemptive work of Christ and applied to the elect by the Holy Spirit on those He redemptively set His affection on. Affirming these doctrines did not come through philosophical or confessional routes but through the route of biblical exegesis.
To proclaim the truths of Scripture as reiterated in the 16th century Reformation that salvation is by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone, as revealed in the Scripture alone to the glory of God alone.
Where to Begin at
Start Here
Due to the enormous amount of data on the site, you may not know where to start so we have created an index of Christ-honoring resources at the heart of this ministry which will help get your feet wet.
Theology FAQs
Brief and concise answers to some of the most common questions about Christianity and Christian theology.
Monergism Directory of Theology
The World's Largest Reformed Online Database/Vertical Portal. This page is arranged both topicaly and alphabetically for your convenience. This page also serves a the main place to view all of our most recently added resouces. This can be found under "Newest LInks".
Monergism's Audio & Multimedia Archive
The largest collection of multimedia links on the net from a Reformed perspective.
Theological Distinctives
Our union with Christ has its roots in divine election, its basis in the redemptive work of Christ, and its actual establishment with God's people by the regeneration of the Holy Spirit. All of God's elect will be regenerated by the Holy Spirit during their life, at a time of God's choosing. This regeneration is a spiritual resurrection given to sinners who are spiritually dead. It infallibly results in faith, repentance and obedience. This regeneration is accomplished by the irresistible power of the Holy Spirit (Jn.6:37,44; Eph.2:4-5; Ps.110:3).
Encouraging emails, reviews and recommendations by visitors to
Classic Articles, Contemporary Essays, Free Online Books. These are links to helpful online resources listed alphabetically by author.
Offsite Links
The Internet Monk Interview: John Hendryx
Exiled Preacher Interviews John Hendryx
Christian Publication Resource Foundation (CPRF): The producers of have formed CPRF, a non-profit organization, as the place to become financial partners with us in the development and maintenence of our online Christian resources.
Other Websites Developed in Association with
Extensive but easy-to-navigate website with essays and vast resources on and by the Puritans. Includes free downloadable books and resources by Puritans such as Thomas Watson | Thomas Brooks | Thomas Boston | John Bunyan | Stephen Charnock | Richard Sibbes | Thomas Goodwin | Thomas Shepherd | John Robinson | Thomas Case | John Owen | William Bridge | John Flavel | John Howe | Richard Baxter | Hugh Binning | Thomas Gouge | Joseph Alleine | Richard Alleine | William Bates | David Clarkson | Richard Steele | Jerremiah Burroughs | William Gurnall | Thomas Adams | Philip Doddridge | Benjamin Brook | William Guthrie | William Perkins (Book Reviews), a ongoing project and ministry of, reviews books and ranks the top 3-5 Reformed books, in each category. The site will be updated frequently with new categories and changes if we encounter outstanding titles of deserving excellence.
Hall of Contemporary Reformers
Servants of God whom we think God has raised up to faithfully proclaim the gospel in our time, and whom the Lord is now using to preserve that silver thread of orthodoxy that has existed through the ages. (Blog)
We are a community of confessing believers from diverse backgrounds with solidarity in Reformed Theology.
Solus Christus
John W. Hendryx
Click here to contact this ministry
Jesus is Lord and creator of all things both seen and unseen ...and He will soon be invading with His armies. "He is offering pardon in advance of His invasion and should you receive the pardon and ally yourself with Him now before He invades, when he comes you will be considered His ally and He will raise you to Kingship. The alternative is to be under the wrath of the king. We herald this announcement that The True King is on the throne and he'll be invading. The gospel is not merely an invitation to an array of choices, it is a command. Will you heed the command? Jesus is Lord, repent and believe." (William Wilder)