by J. C. Ryle
This exceptional book is now available free from Monergism in mobi, ePub & .pdf formats. I would encourage every Christian to carefully read and digest the contents.. Ryle's words speak directly to the condition of many modern churches. These words are gems full of wisdom from a wise pastor which will edify and equip you for discernment.
In .mobi, ePub & .pdf formats
The ambiguity and obscurity of statements from religious leaders today often confuse ordinary Christians. J.C. Ryle s writings were of a different character. His outspoken comments can still help us towards clear Bible-based convictions.
The church s doctrine and practice are in constant danger of being corrupted from their original divinely-given character. Seeing this, Ryle felt compelled to utter a warning, however controversial this might prove. As he observes, There are times when controversy is...a benefit. Give me the mighty thunderstorm rather than the pestilential malaria. The one walks in darkness and poisons us in silence...The other frightens and alarms us for a little season. But it is soon over, and it clears the air .
Strong convictions and clarity of expression always mark Ryle s writings. Nowhere is this more evident than in the addresses and articles brought together as Warnings to the Churches.
Notable Quote
“Does any one ask me, What is the best safeguard against false doctrine? – I answer in one word, ‘The Bible: the Bible regularly read, regularly prayed over, regularly studied.’ We must go back to the old prescription of our Master: ‘Search the Scriptures.’ (John 5:39) If we want a weapon to wield against the devices of Satan, there is nothing like ‘the sword of the Spirit, the Word of God.’ But to wield it successfully, we must read it habitually, diligently, intelligently, and prayerfully. This is a point on which, I fear, many fail. In an age of hurry and bustle, few read their Bibles as much as they should. More books perhaps are read than ever, but less of the one Book which makes man wise unto salvation. Rome and neology could never have made such havoc in the Church in the last fifty years, if there had not been a most superficial knowledge of the Scriptures throughout the land. A Bible-reading laity is the strength of a Church.”
Table of Contents
The True Church
Not Corrupting the Word
Give Yourself Wholly to Them
Pharisees and Sadducees
All Kinds of Strange Teachings
The Fallibility of Ministers
Apostolic Fears