January 2019

Augustinian Theology Vs. Semi-Pelagianism

by R. C. Sproul

This classic issue between Augustinian theology and all forms of semi-Pelagianism focuses on one aspect of the order of salvation (ordo salutis): What is the relationship between regeneration and faith? Is regeneration a monergistic or synergistic work? Must a person first exercise faith in order to be born again? Or must rebirth occur before a person is able to exercise faith? Another way to state the question is this: Is the grace of regeneration operative or cooperative?

Monergistic regeneration means regeneration is accomplished by a single actor, God. It means literally a “one working.” Synergism, on the other hand, refers to a work that involves the actions of two or more parties. It is a co-working. All forms of semi-Pelagianism assert some form of synergism in the work of regeneration. Usually God’s assisting grace is seen as a necessary ingredient, but it is usually dependent on human cooperation for its efficacy.

The Reformers taught not only that regeneration does precede faith but also that it must precede faith. Because of the moral bondage of the unregenerate sinner, he cannot have faith until he is changed internally by the operative, monergistic work of the Holy Spirit. Faith is regeneration’s fruit, not its cause.

According to semi-Pelagianism regeneration is wrought by God but only in those who have first responded in faith to him. Faith is seen not as the fruit of regeneration, but as an act of the will cooperating with God’s offer of grace.

Mon, 01/28/2019 - 16:21 -- john_hendryx

What is Semi-Pelagianism?

Semi-Pelagianism is theological position midway between Pelagianism and the teachings of Augustine of Hippo regarding the origins of the experience of salvation. Pelagianism placed salvation in the power of human free-will; Augustine ascribed salvation (regeneration, new birth) wholly to God's grace; the Semi-pelagians held that salvation was initially prompted by God's grace, but depended for its effect on human cooperation.

Fri, 01/25/2019 - 16:07 -- john_hendryx

Are All Sins the Same Before God?

by Jeff Durbin

There's a lot of talk today about abortion and national sin. There's also a significant display of ignorance about God's Law and His judgment upon nations (including pagan nations). I saw a few people arguing that though child sacrifice is sin, it's not like God would pick any one particular sin to judge a nation and drive them out of a land. I mean, "Hey, we're all sinners, right? All sins are the same to God, right?"

This is sheer, unbiblical ignorance. And it shows that theology matters. Bootleg theology can sound so true until we open our Bible and simply read. Unbiblical views and ignorance of God's Law, today, tend to show up in moments like this.

As a start: All sins will separate you from God for all eternity no matter how "small". Yes. Very true. However, keep in mind, God didn't call for the death penalty for theft. He did for murder. So, no. Not all sins are the same before God. There are heinous sins and crimes for which God has stiffer penalties; for individuals and for nations.

Furthermore, there is a category of specific sins for which God says He judges (even pagan nations) and drives people out of a land. These sins run across the sexual and even child sacrifice (Leviticus 18; 20). Look at this regarding the sexually perverse in Leviticus 18:

Thu, 01/24/2019 - 13:43 -- john_hendryx

Pelagianism in the Formation and Reformation of the Christian Church


Guest Post by Rev. C. R. Biggs

Part I

By the middle of the second century,the Church had developed the Apostle's Creed which contained the foundational doctrines, or essential beliefs of the Christian Church. In the 4th century, the doctrines of the Trinity and the two natures of Christ had been established at the Councils of Nicea in 325 AD, Ephesus in 431 AD, and Chalcedon in 451 AD. The doctrine of soteriology however, or the doctrine of salvation and grace had not been clearly and systematically established until Augustine and the Pelagian controversy in the 5th century in the West. These doctrines of Salvation and Grace would continue to be debated throughout church history, through the Medieval period, the Reformation, and up to the 20th century. In contrast to these Augustinian doctrines of sin and grace, the controversial doctrine of Pelagianism would reappear in many forms to challenge these doctrines.

Wed, 01/23/2019 - 20:10 -- john_hendryx

Shall We Break Fellowship with Churches that Promote Same-Sex Romance?

Question: Is promoting same sex romance in the church a primary issue or a secondary issue? In other words, shall we break fellowship with churches that promote this or shall we treat them as brothers?

Answer: This is a primary issue, because it is a gospel issue. Those who embrace these practices in the church are withholding the gospel from an entire group of men and women who are created in the image of God. While you and I appeal to Jesus to save us from our greed, our idolatry, our sexual immorality, and a multitude of other sins for which we are guilty and justly deserve the wrath of God, incredulously, this one sin is somehow being made exempt. Thus, in order to be popular with the spirit of the age, they sacrifice the precious lives an entire group.

Wed, 01/23/2019 - 18:34 -- john_hendryx

Bird Box, the Lion Outside, and the Shepherd Inside

By Jared Moore

[Bird Box has several things that may violate your conscience. Know your conscience. Be sure to look it up before you watch at Plugged In or Common Sense Media.]

*Additionally, if you want more detailed interaction with Bird Box, check out episode 36 of the Pop Culture Coram Deo Podcast:


Netflix’s original movie, Bird Box, within its first 7 days of release, was viewed (70% of the movie) by over 45,000,000 accounts. Bird Box tells the story of an invisible presence that when viewed with one’s eyes takes on physical form to the viewer, and drives most people to suicide. Sandra Bullock stars, along with John Malkovich, and Trevante Rhodes. It presents a compelling story with something important to say, something Christian parents need to hear, as well as an idol and false gospel that Christian parents need to reject.

But what is the message of Bird Box?

The Good

[Spoiler Alert: Spoilers Follow!]

The primary message of Bird Box is similar to the principle we find in Proverbs 22:13. Solomon wrote, “The sluggard says, ‘There is a lion outside! I shall be killed in the streets! (ESV)’”

After Malorie (Sandra Bullock) experiences the loss of her sister, boyfriend, and friends (almost every person she gets close to), and after having barely escaped death herself on numerous occasions, she seeks to shelter herself and her children from these apocalyptic monsters in the name of survival.

Tue, 01/15/2019 - 12:08 -- john_hendryx

Passing Through the Wilderness of this World

by John Newton

Dear Sir,
I make no doubt but you have at times had pleasing reflections upon that promise made to the Israelites, "Remember how the LORD your God led you all the way in the desert these forty years, to humble you and to test you in order to know what was in your heart, whether or not you would keep his commands." Deuteronomy 8:2

They were then in the wilderness, surrounded with difficulties, which were greatly aggravated by their own distrust and perverseness. They had experienced a variety of bitter dispensations, the design of which they could not as yet understand. They frequently lost sight of God's gracious purposes in their favor, and were much discouraged by reason of the difficulty of the way. To compose and animate their minds, Moses here suggests to them, that there was a future happy time drawing near, when their journey and warfare would be finished; that they would soon be put in possession of the promised land, and have rest from all their fears and troubles; and then it would give them pleasure to look back upon what they now found so uneasy to bear: "Remember how the LORD your God led you all the way in the desert these forty years, to humble you and to test you in order to know what was in your heart, whether or not you would keep his commands."

Thu, 01/10/2019 - 15:53 -- john_hendryx

A Case for Christ

by Steve Hays

 What's the best evidence for Jesus? Many Christian apologists and Jesus scholars make a case for the historical Jesus. Having read so much material over the years, this is how I approach the issue. To a great extent I'm summarizing the best arguments, as I see them. But I also have some reservations about the stereotypical apologetic. Because apologist are influenced by other apologists, and scholars read other scholars, that has a conditioning effect, which produces a stereotypical apologetic. The standard apologetic has some good elements, but the conditioning effect fosters tunnel vision, so that other lines of evidence are neglected. In addition, there are bad elements in the standard apologetic.

I. Preliminaries

1. The historical Jesus

The "historical Jesus" is often a downsized Jesus or even a naturalized Jesus. What's left over after the NT is filtered through the sieve of standard criteria. A historical reconstruction of the real Jesus, once we peel back the layers. However, the scope of my post isn't the "historical Jesus" in that residual sense, not about a reconstructed Jesus, hidden behind the NT record, but about the NT Jesus in toto.

Of course, there is a Jesus who stands behind the NT record, independent of the NT record. A Jesus who is, in a sense, bigger than the NT. But for me, the real Jesus corresponds to the NT Jesus. While Jesus is ontologically prior to the record, yet our knowledge of Jesus is epistemologically dependent on the NT record.

2. "Bias"

A stock objection to using the Gospels is the allegation that the Gospels are partisan sources since their writers are Christian. But that's a confused objection:

Wed, 01/02/2019 - 19:40 -- john_hendryx

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