October 2017

What is Lordship Salvation, and what do you think of it?

I have read some critical remarks of Lordship salvation which have some validity. These criticisms have indeed been true with some erroneous presentations of Lordship that appear to be nothing more than a works-based based gospel which give the impression that salvation, at least partly, has to do with our commitment every bit as much as Christ's cross.  However, just like any doctrine, things tend to go awry when humans are involved... but if understood rightly, biblically I believe that it actually conforms to the Reformed confessions and, more importantly, to the Bible's central message of salvation by grace alone in Christ alone. Because of this I wish to write a very short piece to bring some clarity to the issue.

What is Lordship?

When the Holy Spirit touches or quickens a person's heart, they recognize immediately that because of their sinful rebellion against a Holy God, that they justly deserve the His wrath and know sin to be their greatest burden and enemy. Yet being in captivity and bondage to it, they despair of all hope in their flesh (Phil 3:3), knowing there is nothing they can do to save themselves. So they appeal to Christ Jesus as their only hope to deliver them from both the guilt and power of sin. They know only He can save them from God's wrath and sin's captivity.  That is why he is called the Savior.

Thu, 10/19/2017 - 15:26 -- john_hendryx

10 classic Christian books for your Kindle or Smart Phone that are free on Monergism

Many classics of ther Christian faith are out of the average person's price range. We have made some of them available for free. 

iPhone, iPad Users: To open ePub in iPhone open the file with Safari, NOT YOUR FACEBOOK APP. You must tap the 3 vertical dots in the bottom right, which says Open in Safari then tap the epub link and then tap Open in iBooks in the top right. Hope this helps

Android Users: Open with Google Play Books (default on your device). Even if you usually use Kindle there may be an even simpler option for downloading eBooks on Monergism to your Android: tap on the ePub file on the Monergism download page as it will automatically open in Google Play Books, an app that comes default with your Android device. Seems to have most of the features of Kindle and it opens up right in your device without the extra steps...

Kindle Users: You can always upload .mobi files to your device with a USB cord to the folder called "documents" ... but if you upload eBooks often, I would encourage you to
1) get the free app from Amazon called "send to Kindle" which will wirelessly upload the file to your Kindle device(s) in an instant. Or
2) you may also send them as an attachment to your [email protected] email address which also sends it wirelessly to your Kindle.


1. Augustine, Confessions

2. Athanasius, On the Incarnation

3. Martin Luther, The Bondage of the Will

Mon, 10/16/2017 - 15:07 -- john_hendryx

Do you think repentance means we simply stop sinning?

Repentance does not mean you simply stop sinning. It means, rather, by the grace of God, turning to the only one who has the power to enable you to do so. Being a Christian is not a self-salvation project but an appeal to the grace of God in Jesus Christ as our only hope. Otherwise, left to ourselves, none of us could change. EVER. No amount of therapy or will power could help. Before Christ opened our heart to the gospel, we are all caught in ways of bondage that we could not change. If we could change ourselves we would not need Christ. Part of the problem is that people are still stuck on trying, at least partly, to save themselves. But what is impossible with man (faith, repentance) is possible with God. (Luke 18:27)

Jesus said to them, "It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners."

Just like you don't need a doctor unless you are sick, in a similar way you don't need a Savior unless you are a sinner. Jesus came to save those who know themselves to be sinners. Man is naturally proud and does not want to admit he is a rebel sinner in need of rescue. In context to the above quote the Pharisees are questioning Jesus as to why he eats with tax collectors and sinners. Thinking themselves more righteous than the rest, these Pharisees are revealed to be people who do not admit they are sinners in need of grace, but proud and think they deserve God's favor. So the call to repentance begins with acknowledging that you are caught in sin, incapable of freeing yourself from its' captivity and an appeal to Christ alone for deliverance from sin's guilt and power.

Tue, 10/03/2017 - 07:09 -- john_hendryx

Knowing Our God

Thus says the LORD: "Let not the wise man boast in his wisdom, let not the mighty man boast in his might, let not the rich man boast in his riches, but let him who boasts boast in this, that he understands and knows me, that I am the LORD" Jeremiah 9:23-24


Of all the possible pursuits, activities, or studies that are practically relevant and positively beneficial which we might spend our time pursuing, there is none, however profitable or necessary, that is as needful and uplifting and valuable as the subject matter of this study. As Christians, there is nothing more practical for us than to know our God. As created beings, there is nothing we need more than to understand our Creator. As desperate and wandering souls searching for significance, longing for something that is infinitely satisfying, seeking pleasure from finite things when God "œhas set eternity in [our] heart" (Ecclesiastes 3:11), there is nothing that can even begin to answer to the depths of our vast needs, desires, and longings, except for one thing. That one thing is knowing our God. And that one thing is what we are hoping by his grace to pursue in this study. I hope that all of us can resonate with the truth A. W. Pink once observed, that "œa spiritual and saving knowledge of God is the greatest need of every human creature," and furthermore, that "œthe foundation of all true knowledge of God must be a clear mental apprehension of His perfections as revealed in Holy Scripture." As we turn to the scriptures, it is with the hope and prayer that God will " shine in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ" (II Corinthians 4:6).

Mon, 10/02/2017 - 14:42 -- john_hendryx

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