by Diana Kleyn and Joel Beeke
In ePub. mobi & .pdf formats
HT Chapel Library
Life of Martin Luther is a concise summary of Luther’s significant life and contribution to evangelical Christianity. His conscientious search for the truth of salvation through diligent study of the Bible led to the recovery of the biblical doctrine of justification by faith alone. His advocacy for reform in the Roman Catholic Church led to the Protestant Reformation, which spread throughout Germany, France, The Netherlands, Scotland, Sweden, and England, and became a major influence upon which Western culture is formed. Every Christian should be familiar with his life, and give thanks to God for raising him up for such an important time as the Reformation.
This is a reprint of chapter 5 in Reformation Heroes; complete 250 page book available from Reformation Heritage Books.
Pages: 28.
His youth
His studies
He becomes a monk
He tries to find peace
Johann von Staupitz
He becomes a priest
A visit to Rome
The just shall live by faith
Johann Tetzel
The ninety-five theses
Luther summoned by the pope
Johann Eck
Luther burns the papal bull
Important writings
The Diet of Worms
Luther is captured
God gives Luther a wife
Luther and Zwingli on the Lord’s Supper
His work and hospitality
His death
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