God the great Creator of all things does uphold, direct, dispose, and govern all creatures, actions, and things, from the greatest even to the least, by His most wise and holy providence, according to His infallible foreknowledge, and the free and immutable counsel of His own will, to the praise of the glory of His wisdom, power, justice, goodness, and mercy. WCF 5.1
The Crook in the Lot (eBook) by Thomas Boston
The Providence of God (Study Guide) by R. C. Sproul (.pdf)
Shall the Ax Rise up Against Him that Raiseth it? - An Exposition of Isaiah 10:5-26, by John Calvin
The Providence of God by Loraine Boettner
Providence by Martyn Lloyd Jones
Providence by Charles Hodge
God's Providence by James Montgomery Boice
Providence by Louis Berkhof
The Ruler of the Waves by J. C. Ryle
Providence by A. A. Hodge
Of Providence by A A Hodge (from his commentary on the WCF)
A Defense of the Secret Providence of God by John Calvin
The Providence of God by Thomas Watson
Of God's Providence by Henry Bullinger
The Mystery of Providence by D. A. Carson
Through the Westminster Confession Chapter 5.1 by Phil Ryken
Providence (Study) by Capitol Hill Baptist Church
Doctrine of Providence by Reformed Study
God "works all things after the counsel of his will" (Ephesians 1:11). This "all things" includes the fall of sparrows (Matthew 10:29), the rolling of dice (Proverbs 16:33), the slaughter of his people (Psalm 44:11), the decisions of kings (Proverbs 21:1), the failing of sight (Exodus 4:11), the sickness of children (2 Samuel 12:15), the loss and gain of money (1 Samuel 2:7), the suffering of saints (1 Peter 4:19), the completion of travel plans (James 4:15), the persecution of Christians (Hebrews 12:4-7), the repentance of souls (2 Timothy 2:25), the gift of faith (Philippians 1:29), the pursuit of holiness (Philippians 3:12-13), the growth of believers (Hebrews 6:3), the giving of life and the taking in death (1 Samuel 2:6), and the crucifixion of his Son (Acts 4:27-28).
Of God's Providence - Southern California Reformed Baptist Pastors' Conference 2018 with lectures by Dr. James Dolezal, Dr. J. V. Fesko, and Dr. James Renihan
The Providences Of God - Genesis 50:15-21 (MP3) by Sinclair Ferguson
Providence and Prayerlessness - Genesis 29:1-14 (MP3) by Edward Donnelly
Of Providence (Ch.5, Sec.1-3) by Greg Bahnsen
Episode 5.1: Providence: Greatest to Least (MP3) by Jerusalem Chamber
Providence (MP3) by R. C. Sproul
The Providence Of God by Jerry Bridges
Genesis 22:2,7,8 - Our Father's Amazing Providence (MP3) by Joel Beeke
Providence and evil - Part 1 (MP3) by J.I Packer
Providence and evil - Part 2 (Mp3) J. I. Packer
The Providence of God and the Teaching of Jesus (MP3) by J. Ligon Duncan
1 Kings 17:8-16: God Will Provide (MP3) by Sinclair Ferguson
The Timing of God's Providence (MP3) by R. C. Sproul
The Wisdom of God's Providence (VIdeo) by Jerry Bridges
The Crook in the Lot by Thomas Boston
The Providence of God by Paul Helm
The Secret Providence of God by Paul Helm
What is Providence? by Derek Thomas
Behind a Frowning Providence by John J Murray
The Providence of God by GK Berkouwer
Divine Providence by Stephen Charnock
The Mystery of Providence by John Flavel (Also free eBook)
All Things for Good by Thomas Watson (Also free eBook)
Jehovah-Jireh: A Treatise on Providence by William Plumer
Providence Handled Practically by Obadiah Sedgwick
On Providence by Ulrich Zwingli