While the king sits at his table

While the king sits at his table
September 10—Morning—Song of Solomon 1:12
"While the king sits at his table, my spikenard sends forth its fragrance." — Song of Solomon 1:12
That was a precious testimony Mary gave of her love to Jesus; and Jesus Himself has given His approval of it when she anointed His feet with the spikenard. God our Father has anointed His dear Son, and so should we. Surely, God's Anointed should be our anointed; and if Mary poured forth the best of her offerings, my soul, you should do the same. Indeed, while the king sits at His table and reigns in your heart, the graces will flow. Yes, heavenly King! When You spread Your table and call Your redeemed as Your guests, while You sup with them, and they with You, the humble spikenard in the heart of a sinner, awakened by Your grace and brought forth into exercise, will send forth all that shall testify love, praise, affection, duty, and regard. Do then, dearest Lord, sit as a king frequently at Your table. Let me hear Your gracious invitation: "Eat, O friends; yes, drink abundantly, O beloved!" And, O heavenly Master! As all at the table is Yours—the bread of life, the water of life, the wine of Your banquet—and all is Your own, and of Your own do Your redeemed give You; "let me hear Your voice, let me see Your countenance." And while You give forth Yourself with all Your fullness, O let my poor spikenard send forth faith and grace in lively exercise, that I may eat of Your flesh, and drink of Your blood, and have eternal life abiding in me.
September 10—Evening—Deuteronomy 26:17
"You have declared the Lord this day to be your God. — And the Lord has declared you this day to be His special people." — Deuteronomy 26:17-18
What a most lovely view this scripture provides of the solemn transaction between God and His people! What an amazing thought, that the High and Holy One, who inhabits eternity, should condescend to propose and confirm such a covenant! And, my soul, do you think that, in the charter of grace, sealed as it is in the blood of God's dear Son, this covenant is any less blessed or sure? Does not God confirm it in every promise? Is it not read and ratified in every ordinance? And does not the Holy Spirit of promise set His seal to the whole, "whereby we are sealed unto the day of redemption?" Pause over this blissful subject! Ponder it well, this solemn evening! Surely, every service, every ordinance in the church of Jesus, becomes a confirmation of this blessed truth. What, indeed, is the gospel itself but God's covenant in Christ, declaring Himself to be our God, addressed to the ear? And what is the institution of the supper but the same thing addressed to the eye? And when received by faith, both become seals of the covenant, certifying that the Lord this day, by this service, declares Himself to be our God, and we declare, by the same, that we are His people. Oh! It is sweet and refreshing at an ordinance, even without ordinances, to be continually looking over and reviewing those bonds of the covenant. Do you not feel an inexpressible joy, rapture, and delight to look back on those gracious transactions that have passed between you and your God in Christ? From the first Bethel visits of divine love, through the numberless renewals of it, in which you have heard His lovely voice speaking to you again, and saying to you, as to Jacob of old, "I am the God of Bethel, where you anointed the pillar, and where you vowed a vow to Me;" (Genesis 31:13). Yes, Lord! I have done, and still do, and desire everlastingly to be found doing it. It is my daily prayer to declare You to be my gracious Lord God in covenant, in the blood and righteousness of Christ. And do You, my glorious Lord God, declare me to be among the redeemed of Your people. Surely, Lord, in this charter of grace, You have given Yourself, in all Your divine perfections, to be Your people's God. In this royal grant, as the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, "of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named," all Your attributes are pledged for the fulfillment of Your covenant promises to Your dear Son and His church in Him. Your very name, Lord, gives a being to Your engagements, and an assurance of their fulfillment. Yes, Lord, You have given Yourself to Your people in Christ, and commanded them to call You theirs. Begin your song, my soul, and say, "The Lord is the portion of my inheritance and my cup; He will maintain my lot;" (Psalm 16:5).
by Robert Hawker (lightly modernized)