
Tue, 09/26/2006 - 08:24 -- admin

"As a regular visitor to the Monergism.com site, I warmly commend this tremendous web resource to you. It provides a one-stop-internet-shop for a trove of classic articles, old and new, and other material that will aid Christians in their understanding Scripture and theology, that will promote a healthy devotional appropriation of Christian doctrine and that will help pastors, elders and teachers in preparation to explain and apply the truth of God's word. Read, download, delight, learn and grow!"
Ligon Duncan
Senior Minister, First Presbyterian Church, Jackson , Mississippi , USA
President, Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals
Adjunct Professor, Reformed Theological Seminary
Chairman, Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood

Monergism.com is simply an invaluable resource. The work done and time spent in posting the fine material on this website has produced an on-line resource second to none. This is one place where web-surfing is never a waste of time! I heartily recommend monergism.com. Bookmark this one and check it out often."
- Dr. Kim Riddlebarger
Senior Pastor of Christ Reformed Church in Anaheim, CA [URCNA], visiting professor of systematic theology at Westminster Theological Seminary in California
Co-host of The White Horse Inn radio program.

This is the premier Reformed site on the Web. It's a great guide to all the best Reformed literature on the Internet, in bite-size portions, updated weekly. There's a good balance of historical theology and timely material here, with links to lots of must-read material. Monergism.com has always been a first-class site, but it just gets better all the time.
-Phil Johnson - The Spurgeon Archive, The Hall of Church History, Pyromaniacs and elder at Grace Community Church, Sun Valley , CA.

"When people come to me with their theological questions and are seeking written material on an issue, monergism.com is the first place I encourage people to go. It is also the first place I turn to in my own studies. The wealth of biblical and theological information gathered here is unique, not only gleaned from the annals of church history, but also from the best scholarship available in our own day. God has used the God centered, Christ centered and Gospel centered articles and resources of this web site to greatly impact my own life and ministry. I highly recommend it."
- Pastor John Samson

"I highly recommend Monergism.com and have it as my home page. In a time where the internet puts a plethora of questionable "theological" material before a host of people it is refreshing, as a pastor, to have one place to go where I know I can access orthodox material from the giants who have gone before. I recommend both Monergism and Monergism Books to people without hesitation knowing that they carry and promote only the best. Monergism is a stockpile of reformed jewels par excellence. I encourage anyone to delight themselves in this site."
David A. Thommen
Pastor-Teacher, Estacada Christian Church, Estacada, Oregon.

More Visitor Comments

"...have greatly appreciated this ministry to put out resources that are rich in theological reflection on Christ on almost any given topic, as well as the mp3 page. Tremendously helpful when teaching high school youth in Sunday School." - Cesar

The thing I appreciate about Monergism.com is that I can turn to it for good bible based theological articles and books. Living in an area that known for its liberal churches, and not being closed to a good reformed church, I use the information on Monergism.com to supplement church and bible study. Monergism.com has helped to grow in Christ more than any other earthly thing except the bible, which of course may be earthly but was written by God so is not really earthly. - John

As a pastor I use Monergism.com for research and study purposes. I have found that the site offers me a variety of study options. I enjoy the theological options as well as the practical sermon options. I use the site for virtually every sermon and Bible study I prepare. Thank you for providing the one of the best Bible study sites available on the internet. - Mike

Thanks for the website. I have it as my home page. I found your site by studying on the web. I am thankful for the fact that this site is a virtual library of reformed teaching for a pastor. I love the MP3 library. Keep up the good work for the glory of God. - Greg

Several years ago I became very interested in evangelism and began ministering in that capacity on the street. I was able to overcome some objections to Christianity, but deeper questions led me to study the theology of salvation. At the time I was naive and didn't know Christians differed on the theology of salvation, but I had read some of Charles Spurgeon's work and heard him favorably mention something called Calvinism. So I began looking online for more on this Calvinism thing...it didn't take me long to find Monergism.com and the website became a wealth of information on the subject. I like that the website has continued to be a growing database of resources. The topical index has always been very helpful in evangelism. I could come home from witnessing on the street and lookup related (reformed!) articles on the very subject of objections or errors I had heard from people I witnessed to. I hope to see the range of topics continue to broaden.- Jeff

A good friend of mine, Jeff ____, sent me the link. I find your site to be intellegent, but not snobby. It's a reformed oasis in a desert of post-modern, emergent, seeker sensitive Arminianism.

After having found your site, and reading the articles and sermons, I found that the only way I could not believe the tenants of Calvinism and monergistic regeneration would be to deny what the Bible actually says. These truths have become wonderful to me by now; I no longer struggle with them but embrace them with heartfelt joy. I like everything about monergism.com; it's beautifully designed and easily navigated, with thousands of free resources expounding the truths of the historic faith. The bookstore is a godsend; I think I could (if possible, I would) buy everything available in the bookstore without fear or hesitation. I love the blog, hearing from the different voices of faith. I would like to see monergism.com's original articles in one place for browsing; I love the terse and lucid writings of John Hendryx, Nathan Pitchford et al. - Stultz

Monergism is THE go-to source for all things pertaining to reformed theology. It is absolutely the most comprehensive website for reformed theology... period! Any time I have to prepare for something (teaching, aiding my pastor in his teaching preparation, bulletin quotes, etc...) or just want to be more informed on a particular topic, Monergism is the first place I go! (I have literally gone through reams of paper and my 160GB ipod is filling up!) Monergism is also the first place I refer anyone that asks me for information regarding things of the faith, although I am hesitant at times because then they'll know that I'm not really as smart as they think I am! :) - Martie

I studied Romans in a quest thinking about what the bible teaches on mans will. Just when the Holy Spirit explained the bondage of the will through Rom 6:22 I got a link from a friend to monergism.com . From there I studied the doctrines of grace (TULIP) about one letter during one weeks time and my understanding of the gospel became so depthened. Shortly after that myself and 4 other guys started a westminster biblestudygroup here in Stockholm! We are now 20+ people in that group (2years later). - Markus

I like Monergism because if magnifies the grace of God in Christ in the salvation of sinners. Jonah's proclamation comes to mind, "Salvation belongs to the LORD!" (2:9). - Jimmy

Before moving to Florida, I attended John Piper's Church, Bethlehem Baptist, where I was turned on to reformed theology. Whiler doing a google search for some reformed resources I stumbled upon Monergism.com. As a systematic theology and Biblical theology teacher in a Christian school I am weekly on monergism.com accessing resources. What a blessing it has been! Thank you! I appreciate Monergism keeping me up to speed on new books, sermons and movements. They feed my passion to "grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ" (2 Pet. 3:18). I am also thankful for how this ministry has served to mobilize so many reformed Christians into nothing less than a national movement. - Aaron

I found your website from the Bible Design Blog (http://www.bibledesignblog.com/) and have been very impressed. Monergism.com is unusual among the theological/biblical resource websites that I've found in that, not only does the website contain a massive wealth of information but it is also easy to find what one is looking for and the site is - even more amazingly - very visually appealing. I've certainly enjoyed the time I've spent at Monergism. - Ben

What I like about monergism is that I can trust that the material and resources you make available are from sound Bible teachers who are of similar cloth as far as theological understandings. I have monergism as my first port of call (second to the Bible) when it comes to study material for sermon and Bible study preparation, because of the vast amount of resources. I have also purchased a number of books which I have found difficult to purchase elsewhere at a good price. So my thumbs go up for monergism and pray that this site may be frequented and supported by many. - Daryl

Don't change anything, i love monergism.com my favorite part are mp3's and pdfs. - Michael

"... the moment I came to your site I was hooked. It is undoubtably the best reformed online source on the internet. (Not to mention that I have ordered so many wonderful books from the best reformed bookstore on the planet!!!)" - Jay

In my transition from run-of-the-mill fundamental dispensational Christianity Monergism.com has played a crucial role. I was a assistant Pastor of a Calvary Chapel. My presuppositions were challenged by much of what I read there, most notable an article by John Hendrex about "free will". I have been fully persuaded of the Reformed Faith for about 5 years. I now Pastor a very small Reformed Church in Chico Ca, called Sovereign Joy Christian Fellowship. I Love the new mp3 section and the bookstore. I also use the sermons section frequently. The only dislike would be that I have heard from some people I have recomended Monergism to is the at first it is overwhelming and hard to know where to begin. Thanks for all of your hard work for God's kingdom. - Patrick

I heard about Monergism through my friend Andy. We were talking about justification and he mentioned that he had read been reading John Bunyan's article on "Justification by an Imputed Righteousness" I asked him where he found it and he told me about this site. The only downside of monergism.com is the overwhelming amount of excellent resources that I know I will never have to read. What an excellent collection! Before discovering it I had been exposed to Jonathan Edwards and John Piper but now my horizons have been expanded and I have been tremendously blessed by the such dead hero's of mine as John Owen, Stephen Charnock, Charles Spurgeon, etc. Thanks! - Ben

MONERGISM: My favorite site, I've gotten several leads to solid reformed theology, etc. You keep changing up the front page, so I come back on a frequent basis. Where else would I have found Nathan Pitchford's Redemptive Historical Gospel Tract. I am looking forward to seeing it published.. Great bookstore.. my source for books. - Jim

Wow, where do I start in summing up my thoughts on your site? Well first of all, I enjoy the feeling of when I visit that the material on your site that it's sound and biblically based. In our day and age where truth is relative to whatever, it's comforting to know that you can visit monergism and rest in the fact that what I research on your site is based on good teaching - even though most articles link to external sources, I've come to trust in the opinion of Monergism to include the articles. Some points in brief: Every now and then, I am asked to share a message at Church as a lay person. Everytime I've been asked, I go to Monergism to do research. - Love your MP3 library! ... - Am saved by your search function! Your website is so huge! - I have discovered awesome sites through Monergism! - Monergism is becoming like a Google search engine for awesome content of sound biblical content on the net - Really enjoy how the site looks - warm and welcoming and academic - makes you just want to hang around! My only negativity is that I don't have enough time on my hands to explore as much as I would like to. - Simon

"...now I use Monergism for every sermon or Bible study I preach/teach! The primary reasons I prefer Monergism for my personal Bible study is because, 1) the resources are all from a God-centered perspective and 2) there is a plethora of great information to search through! Thanks for creating a great website!" - Chad

I would imagine the reason I like your site the best (if I can only pick one reason) is you help me stay focused on Jesus by keeping my mind focused on His Word. Monergism does not get faddish with the latest and most hip and I am grateful for this; but your site seems dedicated to relevant information from dead authors (or live authors who love dead authors) who's stuff has proven the test of doctrinal time. I really do like that. I think that is rare these days. Folks who are grounded firmly in doctrinal solidarity while staying relevant. What a hard balance and you do it gracefully and with excellence. - Brian

Monergism.com first came to my attention through searching the blog-o-sphere for materials on the 'therapeutic gospel.' I now rely upon, and love, monergism.com as a primary source for resources on all topics! - Douglas

I found out about Monergism through a classmate of mine at the North Georgia Campus of New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. What I love the most about the site is the fact that there are so many resources available for free! I have grown substantially in my understanding of theology using many of the resources that I found on your site. Thanks for all that you do! - Cory

I learned about Monergism.com from our family doctor back in Port Lavaca, TX who also went to church with us at Hope Fellowship. I love the sight and that there is so much FREE information available to regular folks like me. Keep up the good work. - Dave

One of my pastors recommended it for my study at Southern California Seminary. I initially felt the call to the ministry after wrestling with the Doctrines of Grace on deployment in Afghanistan. After growing in appreciation with Reformed doctrine I now use Monergism all the time. I especially like the MP3s on doctrinal issues. It is a great resource since my school is dispensational and "moderately" Calvinistic (in other words Arminian). - Zach

I learned about Monergism from my roommate and I really love all the resourr, iTunes classes,
topics on our faith, and the endless resources that are at my "finger tips" through Monergism.com. - Chad

I enjoy the articles and the way they are categorized. The categories are really neat and simple so it makes looking for related articles easy. - Petrina

It's an excellent resource for the growing Christian. - Jonathan

"...I have been a huge fan of monergism telling others about the great resource that it is. I love the great selection of books it has through its bookstore. I also love the vast and evergrowing array of articles and resources on a whole host of issues as well as its constant commitment to grow into other areas of resourcing and equipping believers with solid biblical content. Thanks so much!" - Bentley

I found Monergism several years ago and forwarded it to my husband, who happily reads, researches and studies with your site (and others like it). It's been a great resource for him, as he looks toward being full time in the ministry. - Julie

I found monergism through Google. It's been a real treasure trove for me. I especially find the MP3 library most useful. I have time to listen to two sermons a day. One in the morning as I cycle to work and one in the evening as I come home. Keep up the good work. - Mark

I found out about Monergism.com from my pastor about 3 1/2 years ago...yes I love Monergism.com. I can always find resources on things I am studying. Keep up the good work! - Greg

I love the directory. You have been so comprehensive in all the topics listed. If a topic is impressed upon my mind I know that I can go to the directory and find helpful articles to help me think through the issue. - Marty

I love the website.I like the link that you had about chinese reformed books for sale, b/c my wife is chinese - Kelly

My son was doing a research paper on Calvinism in the 9th grade. He asked for help and I found your site. I enjoy your site because it seems that no matter what the topic, I can find information on it. I work overseas and having such a large amount of info readily available is so valuable to me. - Glenn

I discovered Monergism.com about 4 or 5 years ago as I was learning about reformed theology on the web. I'm not sure how I first came across Monergism. I was just following different rabbit trails through reformed web sites. Now Monergism is my go-to site, the most complete reformed research site I have found on the web. Thank you for a great service to the church. - James

I love this website. I have known greater intimacy with God through the articles and by following the way of life modelled to me through the men and women whose works contribute to making this website possible. - Aaron

If I remember correctly, I found Monergism last September when I was given a special invite to the new Reformation Society in Oregon from Ligonier for those of us who were signed up for the Sovereignty of God Conference, and a link to the Reformation Theology blog was attached and of course the link to Monergism was on your blog. I love Monergism.com, and use it all the time (it is my home page at work), and I always use the MP3 library; I appreciate that Monergism.com is beginning to expand its Charismatic Calvinists library to compliment the large amount of anti-charismatic resources that have been prevalent. - Justin

I learned about Monergism from another young man in my bible study in Canada. There is a group of young men who have started a small group, and one of the leaders of that group recommended that we all check out monergism.com for sound orthodox resources, readings, articles, mp3's. So I did for the first time, about a year ago or so. What I love about Monergism is its commitment to the Word of God, and the glory of God. Monergism holds high God's Word, and its evident through the doctrinally sound resources that it allows us to read, listen to, and enjoy. Monergism has been such a blessing to my spiritual life, especially coming from a town (Toronto, Ontario, Canada) where the church is dry, and Christianity is largely watered down, Monergism has been a beacon of light for us in a dark place. Thanks so much! - Mark

I've been a Christian for nearly thirty eight years, but I began studying Reformed doctrine about two years ago and I believe it's in total agreement with the teaching of the New Testament. I highly recommend your website. God bless you and keep contending for the faith. - Trotte

I believe I found Monergism.com from Phil Johnson's site about seven years or so ago. I was not a Calvinist at the time and was struggling greatly with the whole issue of Predestination. I emailed John and he graciously lead me to some articles that began a wondrous journey for me, needles to say, I am a Calvinist today, due in part to a predestined appointment with Monergism.com! - Troy

I first learned about monergism.com indirectly through the ministry of John Piper. His love for Jonathan Edwards drew me to look for links to his writings. Once I found your site, I was hooked. That was about two years ago. I appreciate all you do for the glory of God and the edification of the saints. - Ron

Monergism.com came to my attention when I was searching for information on Calvinism when I was making the switch from an Arminian soteriology. The sermons, media files, and links to websites were invaluable during this time, as they have been many times since. Thank you! - William

Hi found Monergism.com while i was studying the doctrines of Grace and was making the transition from Non Reformed to Reformed. I Love the site and it's very helpful in leading me to great resources and of course providing resources through the book store. I like everything about it. It's very easy to use and to search for solid material. Also the books i've ordered come within the week of ordering them. Thats great! Thanks alot for the website. - Gregory

I first learned of monergism.com from a friend who was helping me along the path to discovering Reformed Theology. To say that it has been an incredible resource for me would be quite an understatement. - Tim

A couple of years ago when monergism.com was young I became interested in Reformed Theology and was looking up info and found monergism.com. It has been my homepage ever since. I especially like the mp3 library and the weekly feature section. - Thompson

A friend told me about Mongism; it has been a great blessing in my life. I especially enjoy all the puritan info, especially Jon Edwards stuff. - Mellon

I can feel confident that if it is at this site it is a fairly solid product.the wide variety of areas of study makes it nice to look here first. - Steve

I think I first heard about monergism at a Desiring God pastor's conference - actually listening to a recording of it. It has been my homepage for about 2 years. I love it and use it often. I research articles and download MP3's quite often. I really like the new design and how easy it is to search topics. I also appreciate the weekly features. - Jonathan

I heard about monergism.com from a young man I knew five or six years ago. He was a Baptist follower of Calvinism, I was and still am an Anglican Calvinist. I like the website because it sets the Reformation in the light of the entire history of the church up to that point: 33 AD-1517 AD, etc. - Calabris

I stumbled upon Monergism.com while studying about amillenialism. I was an arminian dispensationalist who could not reconcile certain aspects of my belief system with the Word of God. Through the resources of your website I have come to embrace the Reformed Faith and I have even found a good Reformed Church where I will be having my children baptized soon. God bless you all. - Benjamin

Monergism.com is a trustworthy and relevant source for information for anyone desiring a better understanding of God's Word and the Doctrines of Grace. When looking for theological resources, monergism.com is the first website I go to. I've been greatly blessed and challenged this unique ministry. - Rev. Timothy

I enjoy the focus and faithfulness of the website to Reformed Theology and the glory of God. I find it useful to search for books and find biblical evaluations of theological issues. I have been impressed with the site every time I use it. - Jason

I've been visiting the site for a couple of years now. It has been EXTREMELY helpful to my study of Calvinism. I went from a generic evangelical to being persuaded of Calvinism thanks to your site. I also love the book store. All in all, I love the site and visit often. I weekly find sermons to listen to or articles to read that help me in my ministry. Thanks a lot for all you do! - Noah

I found it several years ago through searching for Bible and theology resources and have been coming back ever since! - Lucas

I found it when I was first becoming familiar with Reformed theology after studying the doctrines of grace outside of the Reformed confessional context. After reading many of the articles that helped me think through a lot of difficult doctrines from your website, the Lord was gracious enough to open my eyes to the historicity and truthfulness of the Reformed confessions, their theology, piety, and practice that is unique and revitalizing. Thanks for such a great ministry! - Timothy

I found out about monergism by just searching online for reformed theology. I find it awesome and helpful. I download audio from it several times a month. - Heath

I found monergism.com a few years ago searching for Reformed websites. I find it extremely comprehensive and valuable - definitely the website I consult first and most frequently when studying doctrinal matters. The extensive multimedia offerings are what I most like about it. - Robert

I found out about Monergism.com through a friend of mine who was helping me to learn about proper doctrine. It was crucial in helping me to learn how to defend my faith from a family full of Mormons, Universalists and Oneness Pentecostals. I have been reading for years, and have been very blessed through the site. I like the fact that every subject I could possibly think of is on here. It is also laid out in a way that I can explore. That has prompted me to read about subjects that I had never thought on before, and has really strengthened my personal theology, not to mention my theological vocabulary. - Byron

I can't possibly say anything negative about your site. It is awesome! God has tremendously blessed those of us that peruse your site! Your hard work is well appreciated as you bring such a wealth of information and knowledge to the public for Christ's glory! Thank you!!!! - Andrew

This is the place where every Christian should come if he/she is hungry for God-glorifying and Christ-centred materials. The site scores highly both in quantity and quality of content and amazingly it is still expanding! - Wong

I learned about Monergism.com when I was Googling for a site that would give me sermons on all of the doctrines of grace on one site - needless to say I fell in love with what I found at Monergism.com - I thank God for the wealth of contemporary and classic material all on one site. Thank you everyone at Monergism! - Stanley

I initially learned about monergism.com by searching for reformed speakers and messages on the internet when new to reformed theology. I have especially enjoyed the "Hall of Contemporary Reformers." Since finding this Moergism.com, I am constantly using it in referencing reformed speakers and downloading mp3s and articles, hearing the word of God and the Doctrines of Grace. I so much appreciate this valuable resource! - David

I discovered Monergism.com several years ago while searching for John Piper resources and was amazed at the collection of online resources that I found on the website. I don't think there is any other place online where I can find teaching and discipleship resources at this high level of quality and categorization. I am a lay reformed theologian with no formal training. The resources available at monergism.com will clearly keep me busy for a lifetime of study. - Daniel

I first learned about monergism back in seminary doing a google search for reformed theology resources. Of course, the site had continued to grow and now I tell people about it all the time at church. If there is something I don't like it's having to explain the name. Not that I don't like the name, but most people are unfamiliar with the word and so I have to spell it for them, then explain the concept to them. If nothing else, it's a good conversation starter! - Botkin

Learned about your site a few years ago when R.C. Sproul used the the term 'monergism' in a lecture [don't remember now which one or the series] which I'd NEVER heard before. I googled it. Found your site. Been a most frequent visitor ever since for MP3s and articles mostly but sometimes to 'vet' a new name I hear or read something about from the Hall of Contemporary Reformers. It's very nice to have a place to go which is 'safe' for a growing mind to go in order to learn from a Biblically Reformed persective. - Jane

I liked the site because it's a goldmine of doctrinally sound information. - Frederick

There's not too much criticism I could give for a website that has been so helpful and formative for me in understanding theological issues. - Tom

What I've learned about Monergism.com is that it I need resources for writing papers, sermons or if I need to direct anyone to an important resource that I only have to go to one website and that is monergism.com. - Shawn

What continually brings me back is the storehouse of wisdom contained on the site. One can simply read and read all this immsense wisdom and all that for free. As a student, money is hard to come buy, but with Monergism.com I have a wealth of MP3 and text materials to last a lifetime. Thank you so much for making it available! - Douglas

I learned about Monergism from my pastor. He told me he's not one to spend hours surfing the web, but with Monergism, he doesn't have to. He can just go straight to Monergism.com and find information on whatever theological question he has. I checked it out and discovered that he was right. - Norlan

I love the fact that Monergism.com points the way to other great materials on the web, like the lead to 'Preaching Christ in a Postmodern World' - Curtis

I love being able to recommend it to folks and know that they will be reading solid material any direction they go on the site. I also really enjoy the bookstore and recommended resources. There really isn't much that I don't like about it. Sometimes it can be a little to much having to dig through a lot to find things but the search section is very helpful, I would love to see it keep growing and staying organized easy to acess what I'm looking for. I thank God for your ministry. - Kenneth

as a professor of theology, I often assign students to read or listen to an MP3 from monergism. - Josue

This is the first site that I turn to whenever I am looking for theological guidance, encouragement or simply to listen to some of our Scottsh preachers that we have lost to you over recent years!
May the Lord continue to bless this site. - Colin

If we only had one site we could pull up, it'd be yours. - Paul

It was about 5 years ago that the Lord opened my eyes and heart to reformed theology and my heart was set on fire for God's glory. I started devouring books and articles and Monergism was the first website I found that had lots of reformed articles. Monergism.com has played and continues to play an enormous part in my spiritual growth and edification. - Danny

It’s great because it has no end of brilliant, reformed resources, both ancient and modern. - Simon

In college I spent a lot of my time on your site...I was a sponge in college and your site helped me pursue questions I had and was a great resource to me. - Jeremy

It is a tool, a sharp and oft used tool, in my ministry as a pastor. I appreciate the Puritan emphasis and the contemporary works as well. - Heath

a few years ago when a friend of mine recommended a book to me, so I google searched the book and monergism was on the top of the list and had the cheapest price. I really enjoy the extensive amount of articles on the site and of course the free mp3's. but most of all you have the books I want at a good price. - Joey

The website update from last year was very helpful. I always enjoy "This week's features" because it makes me think about topics that I might not ordinarily look into. - Gregg

I've just recently put in a second order for books from the monergism bookstore. The price was good and the selection was as well. Keep up the good work. - Singley

I have referred many friends to the site. In addition, Reformed blogs, websites, and partners often times have links to monergism.com. And to be sure, the links are helpful. I love the website! I always have, and it's hard to not like anyhting about it. - Jones

I find it most helpful, in fact we have made it a resource link from our church web site. - Wesley

I like that I know what I'm going to get. Clear, Reformed, Biblical Truth. There's nothing that I've found unsatisfactory at this point. - Jeremy

Your resources are exhaustive and they supply the browser with everything that is monergistic. - Summer

I like the site's dedication to educating believers in Christ-centered, biblical theology and the extensive, well organized online bookstore. - Nathan

I receive daily e-mailed updates on what is new on the website. I am glad that you have 501 (c)(3) status now so I may be able to give toward your ministry. Keep up the good work! - Kevin

I learned about Monergism.com via some German blogs, which deal with reformed theology and orthodoxy. I'm very thankful for your website. The vast majority of German evangelical and reformed churches have abandonend reformed and biblical orthodoxy. Therefore I really do appreciate you being steadfast in the faith and providing me and others with sound teachings and theology. - Tim-Christian

I like that you guys are going radically out of your way to make reformed resources available. I love the book lists, theme of the month, and everything else available. - Nic

I don't have a church that I attend (not found one where I "trust" the content/character of the people or the church. Encountering your site has been a much appreciated blessing to me - especially the extensive array of mp3 files! - Ellingson

My favorite thing on Monergism is the Free Online books section. I also like the bookmarks you send with orders, and wish you sold them. There is nothing I don't like about Monergism. - Wenning

My wife and I memorize books of Scripture and the sermons and articles on the site are helpful as we delve into each book. - Christopher Pearson

You guys ship much quicker than Christian book distributors (CBD), that's for sure! - Scott

Monergism.com reminds me of excitement of going to the library when is was a child. Just rows and rows information for the taking. - Edward

I heard about the site a couple of years ago when I started preparing for a college bible study group in my residence hall. I needed resources for study and I didn't have the cash to spend on Matthew Henry's complete works. So a friend told me about all the commentaries and other resources you had and I've consulted the site almost every time I've prepared for anything. - Russ

I love all of the various types of solid Christian resources available, but what I don't like about Monergism.com is that there is so much available that I spend too much time on the site. - Rebecca

I especially appreciate your books site. When I need a book I can trust on a subject, I go to your site and see what you have listed under the topic I'm studying. - Pastor Ryan

A friend of mine told me about the great prices on books, I have been shopping ever since. - Marjorie

I have found the content on monergism to be extremely helpful in my own personal studies as well as in prepartion for teaching High School Bible classes. The fact that you now have a large section of MP3s has made your site even more invaluable. - Matt

I love the site! It is the first one I click on when I am searching for material that I can trust. It is kept up-to-date with very few "dead" links. - Johnson

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2 Corinthians





1 Thessalonians

2 Thessalonians

1 Timothy

2 Timothy





1 Peter

2 Peter

1 John

2 John

3 John



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