II. Although in relation to the foreknowledge and decree of God, the first cause, all things come to pass immutably and infallibly, yet, by the same providence, he ordereth them to fall out according to the nature of second causes, either necessarily, freely, or contingently. WCF 5.2
“The heart of man plans his way, but the LORD establishes his steps.” (Proverbs 16:9 ESV)
Concurrence: Secondary Causes by Herman Bavinck
Concurrence by Louis Berkhof
First and Second Causes - Through the WCF: 5.2, 5.3 by Philip Ryken
Primary and Secondary Causes by Robert Shaw
Behind a Frowning Providence (.pdf) by John J. Murray
God Works through Our Will to Do His Will by Jerry Bridges
God's Providence, and Man's Sin by William Cunningham
The Doctrine of Concurrence by Jack Sawyer
Human Sin and God's Purpose (pdf) by Kim Riddlebarger
Is God Responsible for Human Wickedness? by R C Sproul
Reformed Defences of God's Righteousness in Ordaining the Fall. Part One by Neil Jeffers
Reformed Defences of God's Righteousness in Ordaining the Fall. Part Two by Neil Jeffers
He is Not Lord over Evil, Is He?: The Dilemma of Providence (pdf) by Richard Gamble
Compatibilism @Monergism
Divine Concurrence with Created Causes (MP3) by James Dolezal
Providence and Evil (MP3) by James Dolezal
Of Providence (Ch.5, Sec.1-3) by Greg Bahnsen
What is secondary and primary causes in relation to God's providence? (YouTube) by R. C. Sproul
The Providence of God and the People of Promise - Exodus 1:1-7 (MP3) by Voddie Baucham
Concurrence - Proverbs 21:1 (MP3) by Andrew Webb
WCF 5.2: First and Second Causes by Jerusalem Chamber
The 1689 On Providence 5.2 by Doctrine and Devotion
The Crook in the Lot by Thomas Boston
The Providence of God by Paul Helm
The Secret Providence of God by Paul Helm
What is Providence? by Derek Thomas
Behind a Frowning Providence by John J Murray
The Providence of God by GK Berkouwer
Divine Providence by Stephen Charnock
The Mystery of Providence by John Flavel (Also free eBook)
All Things for Good by Thomas Watson (Also free eBook)
Jehovah-Jireh: A Treatise on Providence by William Plumer
Providence Handled Practically by Obadiah Sedgwick
On Providence by Ulrich Zwingli