So instead of treating cancer with a band-aid we must begin challenging our theological opponents such that they come face to face with their own basic assumptions and presuppositions about life. Socially liberal presuppositions about truth and the nature of humanity are as religious as anyone else. They have created their own narrative of the world and the nature of human beings, about who we are and where we are going. "Progressives" even have a whole narrative of redemption and liberation. But instead of jumping on the same old treadmill by arguing about each issue according to the weekly news cycle, we must go deeper still. We must be be relentless in revealing the inconsistency of the underlying ideology which 1) claims to affirm moral relativism with 2) their constant insistence (often through judicial fiat) that we all conform to their assumptions about the meaning of life. As long as they insist OTHERS must conform and embrace to THEIR view, then they deny the very moral relativism they claim to believe: a fatal blow to their totalitarian ideology. And then, most importantly, pray that God open their eyes to see how their view does not line up with the world or the nature of human beings ... how they oppose God and need a Savior with whom they can find forgiveness. Again, pray, for no argument has its effect until God changes the heart.