by A. W. Pink
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This is a collection of many of A.W. Pink's tracts brought together into one book. A practical theologian with a pastor's heart, Pink has shaped the thinking of a generation of believers—especially on the topics of God's attributes, salvation, divine election and God's sovereignty.
H. B. Charles says, "I have been greatly helped by the writings of A.W. Pink - God-centered, biblical, clear, practical, helpful, and uplifting. The story of his life is sad, fascinating, and God-glorifying."
Arthur Walkington Pink (1886–1952) was one of the most influential evangelical authors in the second half of the twentieth century. He was born in England and converted in his twenties. He served as a pastor in Colorado and other locations until he decided to concentrate on writing and speaking at conferences. The next year he started a monthly magazine, Studies in the Scriptures, which he edited until his death. His writing focused on biblical living and sparked a revival of expository preaching. His works include The Attributes of God, The Sovereignty of God, and The Satisfaction of Christ, among many others.
Table of Contents
1. 1 John 2:2
2. Another Gospel
3. Anxiety
4. Bearing the Rod
5. Chosen to Salvation
6. Christian Fools
7. The Christian in Romans 7
8. Christian Liberty
9. The Christian Sabbath
10. Churches of God
11. Communion
12. The Covenant Allegory
13. The Cross and Self
14. Cross-Bearing
15. The Cure for Despondency
16. "Doctor" or "Brother"
17. Does First Corinthians 12 Mean the Universal Church or a Local New Testament
18. Eternal Punishment
19. Evangelical Preaching
20. Experimental Salvation
21. The Eye of Faith
22. Faith
23. Family Worship
24. "The Fear of the Lord is the Beginning of Wisdom"
25. A Fourfold Salvation
26. The God of Jacob
27. The "god" of This Generation
28. Godly Companions
29. God's Sovereignty and the Human Will
30. The Gospel of Satan
31. Gospel Preaching Commanded
32. A Great Deception
33. Have You Truly Come to Christ
34. "He Instructed Him"
35. The Holiness of God
36. The Hope of His Calling
37. The Impotency of the Human Will
38. "It Is Finished"
39. Keeping the Heart
40. Knowing God
41. The Law and the Saint
42. The Longsuffering Of God
43. Love Of the Truth or For the Truth?
44. The Meaning of "KOSMOS" in John 3:16
45. The Narrow Way
46. The Nature of Christ's Salvation Misrepresented by the Present-day "Evangelist"
47. Objections to God's Sovereignty Answered
48. The Ordained Lamp
49. Personal Holiness
50. Practical Godliness
51. Prayer
52. Preaching False and True
53. The Prodigal Son
54. Real Christianity
55. "Rejoice in the Lord Alway"
56. Repent or Perish
57. Resisting the Devil
58. Satan and His Gospel
59. Signs of the Times
60. The Snare of Service
61. The Sovereignty of God in Creation
62. The Sovereignty of God
63. A Study of Dispensationalism
64. Subjection Under God's Chastisement
65. That Worthy Name
66. Tithing
67. True Christian Love
68. Vile!
69. What Ought to be Our Attitude Toward the Sovereignty of God?
70. Worship
71. The Wrong Emphasis!