By Chapter - Ephesians
In the devil’s quiver there are all kinds of fiery bolts. Paul mentions “tribulation, anguish, persecution, famine,” etc. Some of these missiles enkindle doubt, others lust, greed, vanity, envy, etc. Only by looking away from self to God Triune, placing one’s trust in Him for life, death, and eternity, relying on His word of revelation and promise, is it possible to repel this shower of flaming arrows. Things looked thoroughly hopeless to Jairus when his servants arrived with the announcement, “Your daughter is dead, do not bother the Teacher any more.” But Jesus answered, “Fear not, only believe” (Luke 8:49, 50). But faith is more than a weapon of defense. It is also “the victory that overcomes the world” (1John 5:4). Surely, this shield must be taken up “in addition to everything else.” (Exposition of Ephesians. Baker Book House).
By Scripture
Old Testament