Pluralism & Relativism
"Just as microsurgery proves more effective than the amputation of a limb, there are better ways to deal with religious pluralism than removing religion from public life. In short, there are good reasons to question whether secularism is the enlightened path to living together." Hunter Baker's The End of Secularism (pg 23).
"You have your way. I have my way. As for the right way, the correct way, and the only way, it does not exist."- Friedrich Nietzsche
"Moral outrage is absurd if you reject objective truth."
John Hendryx
"If you derive your idea of "right" and "wrong" from the fact that "everybody is doing it", then your are basing your thoughts, actions and life on the ever-changing, arbitrary, subjective bent of society ... But ideas that are arbitrary only have as much authority as someone decides to give them. If someone does not embrace that view of morality as authoritative, what standard can the others appeal to in order to tell them they are wrong? They have no basis but their own self-declared authority. Instead ground your own thoughts and actions in light of God's Word alone." John Hendryx
"When relativists speak up about cruelties in other cultures, they surrender their relativism; if they do not speak up about cruelties in other cultures, they surrender their humanity."
- J. Hendryx
"If God did not exist, all would be permitted."
Feodor Dostoevsky