by Joe Rigney
The things of earth–they surround us on every side. They compete for our attention. They occupy our minds and delight our hearts. What are we to do with the things of earth? Embrace them? Reject them? Use them? Look at them with suspicious eyes? Enjoy them with a twinge of guilt? And what happens to the things of earth when Jesus shows up? Do they grow dim in the light of his glory and grace? In these ten sessions, Joe Rigney explores the often-perceived tension between enjoying God’s creation and enjoying God himself, with the aim of helping his audience find joy in God in a world full of wonderful things.
The Glory of the Triune God (Vimeo)
The Author and His Story (Vimeo)
Creation as Communication (Vimeo)
Created to be a Creature (Vimeo)
The Gospel Solution to Idolatry (Vimeo)
Rhythms of Godwardness (Vimeo)
Naming the World (Vimeo)
Sacrifice, Self-Denial, and Generosity (Vimeo)
When Wartime Goes Wrong (Vimeo)
Suffering, Death, and the Loss of Good Gifts (Vimeo)