Edited by John Hendryx
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Contributing authors include J. Gresham Machen, Horatius Bonar, A. W. Pink, B. B. Warfield, Herman Bavinck, Martin Luther, John Calvin, Louis Berkhof, J. C. Ryle, John Bunyan, Archibald Alexander, James Buchanan, John Colquhoun & more...
"We must have the full message. . . 'deliver the whole counsel of God'. . . . It starts with the Law. The Law of God ... the demands of a righteous God, the wrath of God. That is the way to bring men and women to conviction; not by modifying the Truth.... We must confront them with the fact that they are men and that they are fallible men, that they are dying men, that they are sinful men, and that they will all have to stand before God at the Bar of Eternal Judgement....And then we must present to them the full-orbed doctrine of the Grace of God in Salvation in Jesus Christ. We must show that no man is saved 'by the deeds of the Law', by his own goodness or righteousness, or church membership or anything else, but solely, utterly, entirely by the free gift of God in Jesus Christ His Son. . . . We must preach the full-orbed doctrine leaving nothing out-conviction of sin, the reality of Judgement and Hell, free grace, justification, sanctification, glorification. We must also show that there is a world view in the Bible ... that here alone you can understand history-past history, present history, future history. Let us show this great world view, and God's Eternal purpose.... Let us at the same time be very careful that we are giving it to the whole man ... the gospel is not only for a man's heart, that you start with his head and present Truth to it ... Let us show that it is a great message given by God which we in turn pass on to the mind, to the heart, to the will. There is ever this danger of leaving out some part or other of man's personality... Let us be certain that we address the whole man-his mind, his emotions and his will." - D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones
"Men are to be taught, indeed, that the Divine benignity is free to all who seek it, without any exception; but since none begin to seek it, but those who have been inspired by heavenly grace,... not even this diminutive portion ought to be taken from his praise. This is the privilege of the elect, that being regenerated by the Spirit of God, they are led and governed by his direction. Wherefore Augustine as justly ridicules those who arrogate to themselves any part of a good volition, as he reprehends others, who suppose that to be given promiscuously to all, which is the special evidence of gratuitous election. "Nature," says he, "is common to all men, but not grace." He calls it "a transparent subtlety, which shines merely with vanity, when that is extended generally to all, which God confers on whom he chooses." - John Calvin
Preface (key gospel quotes)
Introduction: Our Ongoing Need of Redemption as Christians by John Hendryx
What is the Gospel? by John Hendryx
God the Creator by J. Gresham Machen
The Triune God by J. Gresham Machen
The Knowledge of God by Herman Bavinck
The Greatness of God by Herman Bavinck
The Holiness of God by A. W. Pink
The Authority and Inspiration of the Scriptures by B. B. Warfield
The Inspiration of the Scriptures by John Macleod
Revelation by J. I. Packer
The Greatness and Misery of Man by Herman Bavinck
The Present State of the World by Herman Bavinck
We All Stand Condemned by the Law by John Calvin
God's Testimony Concerning Man by Horatius Bonar
Man's Own Character No Ground for Peace by Horatius Bonar
The Fall of Man by J. Gresham Machen
Sin's Wages and God's Gift by J. Gresham Machen
What is Sin? by J. Gresham Machen
Is Mankind Lost in Sin? by J. Gresham Machen
The Consequences of the Fall of Man by J. Gresham Machen
Knowing Ourselves by Nathan Pitchford
Man in His Original State by Louis Berkhof
Man in the State of Sin by Louis Berkhof
Key Excerpt from Bondage of the Will by Martin Luther
The Person of Christ by Benjamin Breckinridge Warfield
The Atonement by J. Gresham Machen
Forgiveness by J. C. Ryle
The Way of Salvation by J. C. Ryle
Blessed Are they Whose Iniquity is Forgiven by John Calvin
God's Purpose of Grace by Horatius Bonar
Faith Born of Need by J. Gresham Machen
Faith in God by J. Gresham Machen
Sinners Welcome to Come to Jesus Christ by Archibald Alexander
Saved by Grace by John Bunyan
The Day of Judgement by Archibald Alexander
Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God by Jonathan Edwards
God's Way of Peace by Horatius Bonar (full length book)
The Everlasting Righteousness by Horatius Bonar (full length book)
All of Grace by C. H. Spurgeon (full length book)
What is Your Only Comfort in Life and Death? The first 21 Questions of the Heidelberg Catechism
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit – Each Have A Part In Saving Sinners by James Buchanan
Alarm to Unconverted by Joseph Alleine, 1671 (full length book)
What is the Gospel of Jesus Christ? From the Second Head of Doctrine at the Synod of Dort, 1619
What is the Gospel? by John Fonville
On the Covenant of Works & Grace by John Calvin
Faith and Regeneration by C. H. Spurgeon
What Is the Gospel? Five Observations - quote by Andreas Köstenberger
When the Good News Becomes Bad by R. Scott Clark
How Christ is Rightly and Properly Said to have Merited Grace and Salvation for Us by John Calvin (1509-1564)
What is the Gospel? by Zacharias Ursinus (1534-1583)
The Law and the Gospel by Martin Luther
On Perverting the Gospel of Christ by John Calvin
Perversions of the Gospel by Louis Berkhof
The Proper Distinction Between Law and Gospel by C.F.W. Walther
Faith and the Gospel by J. Gresham Machen
Uses of the Gospel and the Law by John Colquhoun
The Establishment of the Law by the Gospel by John Colquhoun
What is the Gospel? by Loraine Boettner
The Law of Works, The Law of Faith and the Law of Christ by Edward Fisher with Footnotes by Thomas Boston
Studies on Saving Faith by A. W. Pink (full length book)
The Almost Christian by George Whitefield
The Properties of Grace by William Plumer
Jesus Christ Fount of Every Blessing by John Hendryx
Jesus Christ: The Interpretive Key to the Scripture by John Hendryx
To Cut off the Sinner from All Hope in Himself by John Hendryx
Repenting of our Good Works and Bad Works by John Hendryx
What God Requires of You by John Hendryx
Are Our Churches Preaching the Gospel? by John Hendryx
Growing in Grace and Conscious of Sin by John Hendryx
Paul's Definition of a Christian by John Hendryx
Is There More than One Way to God? by John Hendryx
The Emergent Church and the Gospel by John Hendryx
Christ vs. Moralism by John Hendryx