by John Calvin
in ePub. .mobi & .pdf
Edited by Thomas and Colleen Witte
In offering this selection of Sermons to the public, the publishers have not been governed by Sectarian principles, but have selected Sermons upon various subjects, that the reader may understand the general doctrine held forth by this eminent divine. When we consider the mental darkness which enveloped the world in the days of Calvin, under Popish superstition and idolatry, and that he was one of the first who attempted to emancipate the human intellect from more than “Egyptian darkness,” the reader will undoubtedly censure lightly any defects that may appear in his discourses; considering his great object to have been, the removal of that servile yoke of Papistry under which nations were groaning, and of bringing mankind into the liberty of the gospel.
SERMON I - I TIMOTHY, Chap. iii. verse 16.
SERMON II - 2 TIMOTHY, Chap. i. verses 8 and 9
SERMON III. - 2 TIMOTHY, Chap. 1. verses 9 and 10
SERMON IV. - 2 TIMOTHY, Chap. ii. verses 16, 17, and 18.
SERMON V - TITUS, Chap. i. verses 15 and 16.
SERMON VI. - 2 TIMOTHY, Chap. ii. verse 19
SERMON VII - 1 TIMOTHY, Chap. ii. verses 3, 4, and 5.
SERMON VIII. - 1 TIMOTHY, Chap. iii. verses 14 and 15.
SERMON IX - 2 TIMOTHY, Chap. iii. verses 16 and 17.
SERMON X. - 2 TIMOTHY, Chap. ii. verses 20 and 21.
SERMON XI - TITUS, Chap. i. verses 7, 8, and 9.
SERMON XII. - TITUS, Chap. i. verses 10, 11, and 12.
SERMON XIII - 1 TIMOTHY, Chap. ii. verse 8
SERMON XIV - 1 TIMOTHY, Chap. ii. verses 5 and 6.