by George Whitefield
in ePub, .mobi and .pdf formats
This eBook is a collection of 59 sermons from the Rev. George Whitefield, a contemporary of Jonathan Edwards and John Wesley. He was an English Anglican preacher who spent most of his life spreading the gospel by preaching in open air and was one of the major instruments of God used in the Great Awakening in Britain and the United States. He was probably the best-known preacher in Britain and America during the 18th century and was considered one of the founders of Methodism. He drew great crowds when he preached and had amazing oratory skills which carried over long distances. Benjamin Franklin when listening to Whitefield once estimated that he could be heard by over thirty thousand people at one time in the open air. George Whitefield and John Wesley were close friends but had sharp theological differences over predestination and the degree of the work of the Holy Spirit in the salvation of men.
Table of Contents
1. The Seed of the Woman, and the Seed of the Serpent. (Gen. 3:15)
2. Walking with God. (Gen 5:24)
3. Abraham's offering up his Son Isaac. (Gen 22:12)
4. The great Duty of Family-Religion. (Joshua 24:15)
5. Christ the best Husband: or, an earnest Invitation to Young Women to come and see Christ. Preached to a Society of Young Women, in Fetter-Lane. (Psalm 45:10-11)
6. Britain's Mercies, and Britain's Duty. Preached at Philadelphia, on Sunday, August 24, 1746. and occasioned by the Suppression of the late unnatural Rebellion. (Psalm 105:45)
7. Thankfulness for Mercies received, a necessary Duty. (Psalm 107:30-31)
8. The Necessity of Benefits of Religious Society. (Eccles. 4:9-12)
9. The Folly and Danger of not being righteous enough. (Eccles. 7:16)
10. A Preservative against unsettled Notions, and want of Principles, in regard to Righteousness and Christian Perfection. (Eccles. 7:16)
11. The Benefits of an early Piety. (Eccles 12:1)
12. Christ the Believer's Husband. (Isaiah 44:5)
13. The Potter and the Clay. (Jer. 18:1-6)
14. The Lord our Righteousness. (Jer. 23:6)
15. The Rightousness of Christ an everlasting Righteousness. (Dan. 9:24)
16. The Observation of the birth of Christ, the Duty of all Christians; or the true Way of keeping Christmas. (Matthew 1:21)
17. The Temptation of Christ. (Matt. 4:1-11)
18. The Heinous Sin of profane Cursing and Swearing. (Matt. 5:34)
19. Christ the Support of the Tempted. (Matt. 6:13)
20. Worldly Business no Plea for the Neglect of Religion. (Matt. 8:22)
21. Christ the only Rest for the Weary and Heavy Laden. (Matt. 11:28)
22. The Folly and Danger of parting with Christ for the Pleasures and Profits of Life. (Matt. 8:23-34)
23. Marks of a True Conversion. (Matt. 18:3)
24. What think ye of Christ? (Matt. 22:42)
25. The wise and foolish Virgins. (Matt. 25:13)
26. The Eternity of Hell-Torments. (Matt. 25:46)
27. Blind Bartimeus. (Mark 10:52)
28. Directions how to hear Sermons. (Luke 8:18)
29. The Extent and Resaonableness of Self-Denial. (Luke 9:23)
30. Christ's Transfiguration. (Luke 9:28-36)
31. The Care of the Soul urged as the one thing needful. (Luke 10:42)
32. A Penitent Heart, the best New Year's Gift. (Luke 13:3)
33. The Gospel Supper. (Luke 14:22-24)
34. The Pharisee and the Publican. (Luke 18:14)
35. The Conversion of Zaccheus. (Luke 19:9-10)
36. The Marriage of Cana (John 2:11)
37. The Duty of searching the Scriptures. (John 5:39)
38. The Indwelling of the Spirit, the common Privilege of all Believers. (John 7:37-39)
39. The Resurrection of Lazarus. (John 11:43-44)
40. The Holy Spirit convincing the World of Sin, Righteousness, and Judgment. (John 16:8)
41. Saul's Conversion. (Acts 9:22)
42. Marks of having received the Holy Ghost. (Acts 19:2)
43. The Almost Christian. (Acts 26:28)
44. Christ, the Believer's Wisdom, Righteousness, Sanctification, and Redemption. (1 Cor. 1:30)
45. The Knowledge of Jesus Christ the best Knowledge. (1 Cor. 2:2)
46. Of Justification by Christ. (1 Cor. 6:11)
47. The great Duty of Charity recommended. (1 Cor. 13:8)
48. Satan's Devices. (1 Cor. 2:11)
49. On Regeneration. (2 Cor. 5:17)
50. Christians, Temples of the living God. (2 Cor. 6:16)
51. Christ the only Preservative against a Reprobate Spirit. (2 Cor. 13:5)
52. The heinous Sin of Drunkenness. (Ephesians 5:18)
53. The Power of Christ's Resurrection. (Philip. 3:10)
54. Intercession, every Chritian's Duty. (1 Thess. 5:25)
55. Persecution every Christian's Lot. (2 Tim. 3:12)
56. An Exhortation to the People of God not to be discouraged in their Way, by the Scoffs and Contempt of wicked Men. (Hebrews 4:9)
57. Preached before the Governor and Council, and the House of Assembly, in Georgia, on January 28, 1770. (Zech. 4:10)
58. The Method of Grace. (Jeremiah 6:14)
59. The Good Shepherd [A Farewell Sermon (The last sermon which Whitefield preached in London, on Wednesday, August 30th, 1769, before his final departure to America.)] (John 10:27-28)
Resources at Monergism
A Sketch of the Life & Labors of George Whitefield by J.C. Ryle
The Works of George Whitefield | 6 Volumes - Pdf, Mobi, ePub.
(Good resource but these eBooks are of imperfect quality)
God In America: People: George Whitefield | PBS
Whitefield/Wesley Exchange over Predestination/Free Will
- Wesley's sermon "Free Grace"
- A Letter from George Whitefield to the Rev. John Wesley (responding to the above sermon)
- Whitefield's Letter to Wesley on Election (eBook)
- Iain Murray on Whitefield & Wesley
- George Whitefield Sermons (MP3s ) - Read by SWRB
- Dr Lloyd-Jones documentary on George Whitefield
- "George Whitefield" - Michael Haykin
- "The Power of God in George Whitefield's Life" - Steve Lawson
- "The Preaching of George Whitefield" - Steve Lawson
- "I Will Not Be A Velvet-Mouthed Preacher!" - John Piper
- "George Whitefield, A Spur to the Minister" - Iain Murray
- "Whitefield Contrasted with Spurgeon" - Iain Murray
- "Whitefield & Catholicity" - Iain Murray
- "George Whitefield - Revival Preacher" - Banner of Truth
Individual Sermons of George Whitefield in .pdf format
- George Whitefield A Letter from George Whitefield to the Rev. Mr. John Wesley.pdf
- George Whitefield A Penitent Heart, the best New Year's Gift.pdf
- George Whitefield A Preservative against unsettled Notions, and want of Principles, in regard to Righteousness and Christian Perfection.pdf
- George Whitefield Abraham's offering up his Son Isaac..pdf
- George Whitefield An Exhortation to the People of God not to be discouraged in their Way, by the Scoffs and Contempt of wicked Men.pdf
- George Whitefield Blind Bartimeus.pdf
- George Whitefield Britain's Mercies, and Britain's Duty occasioned by the Suppression of the late unnatural Rebellion.pdf
- George Whitefield Christ the Believer's Husband.pdf
- George Whitefield Christ the Support of the Tempted.pdf
- George Whitefield Christ the best Husband or, an earnest Invitation to Young Women to come and see Christ.pdf
- George Whitefield Christ the only Preservative against a Reprobate Spirit.pdf
- George Whitefield Christ the only Rest for the Weary and Heavy Laden.pdf
- George Whitefield Christ's Transfiguration.pdf
- George Whitefield Christ, the Believer's Wisdom, Righteousness, Sanctification, and Redemption.pdf
- George Whitefield Christians, Temples of the living God.pdf
- George Whitefield Directions how to hear Sermons.pdf
- George Whitefield Intercession every Christian's Duty.pdf
- George Whitefield Marks of a True Conversion.pdf
- George Whitefield Marks of having received the Holy Ghost.pdf
- George Whitefield Of Justification by Christ.pdf
- George Whitefield On Regeneration.pdf
- George Whitefield Persecution every Christian's Lot.pdf
- George Whitefield Preached before the Governor and Council, and the House of Assembly, in Georgia, on January 28, 1770.pdf
- George Whitefield Satan's Devices.pdf
- George Whitefield Saul's Conversion.pdf
- George Whitefield Thankfulness for Mercies received, a necessary Duty.pdf
- George Whitefield The Almost Christian.pdf
- George Whitefield The Benefits of an early Piety.pdf
- George Whitefield The Care of the Soul urged as the one thing needful.pdf
- George Whitefield The Conversion of Zaccheus.pdf
- George Whitefield The Duty of searching the Scriptures.pdf
- George Whitefield The Eternity of Hell-Torments.pdf
- George Whitefield The Extent and Reasonableness of Self-Denial.pdf
- George Whitefield The Folly and Danger of not being righteous enough.pdf
- George Whitefield The Folly and Danger of parting with Christ for the Pleasures and Profits of Life.pdf
- George Whitefield The Good Shepherd.pdf
- George Whitefield The Gospel Supper.pdf
- George Whitefield The Heinous Sin of profane Cursing and Swearing.pdf
- George Whitefield The Holy Spirit convincing the World of Sin, Righteousness, and Judgment.pdf
- George Whitefield The Indwelling of the Spirit, the common Privilege of all Believers.pdf
- George Whitefield The Knowledge of Jesus Christ the best Knowledge.pdf
- George Whitefield The Lord our Righteousness.pdf
- George Whitefield The Marriage of Cana.pdf
- George Whitefield The Method of Grace.pdf
- George Whitefield The Necessity and Benefits of Religious Society.pdf
- George Whitefield The Observation of the birth of Christ, the Duty of all Christians; or the true Way of keeping Christmas.pdf
- George Whitefield The Pharisee and the Publican.pdf
- George Whitefield The Potter and the Clay.pdf
- George Whitefield The Power of Christ's Resurrection.pdf
- George Whitefield The Resurrection of Lazarus.pdf
- George Whitefield The Righteousness of Christ an everlasting Righteousness.pdf
- George Whitefield The Seed of the Woman, and the Seed of the Serpent.pdf
- George Whitefield The Temptation of Christ.pdf
- George Whitefield The great Duty of Charity recommended.pdf
- George Whitefield The great Duty of Family-Religion.pdf
- George Whitefield The heinous Sin of Drunkenness.pdf
- George Whitefield The wise and foolish Virgins.pdf
- George Whitefield Walking with God.pdf
- George Whitefield What think ye of Christ.pdf
- George Whitefield Worldly Business no Plea for the Neglect of Religion.pdf
- The Works of George Whitefield: Journals
- George Whitefield at 300 (Credo Magazine)
- Complete Journals PDF
- Third Journal PDF
- The Works of George Whitefield: Letters 1735-1742
- The Works of George Whitefield: Letters 1742-1753
- The Works of George Whitefield: Letters 1753-1770
- The Works of George Whitefield: Additional Letters
- Benjamin Franklin on George Whitefield (.pdf)
- Memoirs of the Life of the Rev. George Whitefield - John Gilles
- George Whitefield, M.A., Field Preacher - James Peterson Gledstone
- The Life of George Whitefield - J.R. Andrews
- Sensational Evangelist of England & America - Christian History
- A Sketch of the Life & Labors of George Whitefield - J.C. Ryle
- George Whitefield & His Ministry - J.C. Ryle
- George Whitefield: Portrait of a Revival Preacher - Leonard Ravenhill
- The Life & Times of the Rev. George Whitefield - Robert Philip