He who knows what it is to enjoy God will dread his loss. He who has seen his face will fear to see his back. Richard Alleine
But what is this fear of the Lord? It is that affectionate reverence, by which the child of God bends himself humbly and carefully to his Father’s law. Charles Bridges
If Jesus in his humanity delighted in the fear of God, surely we need to give serious thought to cultivating this attitude in our lives. Jerry Bridges
Just as obedience to the Lord is an indication of our love for him, so is it also a proof of our fear of God. Jerry Bridges
The one who kneels before God can stand before men. The fear of God always displaces the fear of man. Steven Lawson
The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom, and they that lack the beginning have neither middle nor end. John Bunyan
Though there is not always grace where there is fear of hell, yet, to be sure, there is no grace where there is no fear of God. John Bunyan
He that fears God fears nothing else. Edmund Burke
Nothing is more powerful to overcome temptation than the fear of God. John Calvin
Righteousness flows from only one principle—the fear of God. John Calvin
The fear of God is the root and origin of all righteousness. John Calvin
There is no wisdom but that which is founded on the fear of God. John Calvin
The fear of the Lord is not just the end of wisdom but its beginning. Edmund P. Clowney
The learning of the Christian man ought to begin with the fear of God. Thomas Cranmer
Let us familiarize our minds with the fear due to Christ the Judge, and a new power will enter into our service, making it at once more urgent and more wholesome than it could otherwise be. James Denney
As he that fears God fears nothing else, so, he that sees God sees nothing else. John Donne
The fear of the Lord was a lovely grace in the perfect humanity of Jesus. Let it be the test of our ‘predestination to be conformed to his image’ Sinclair Ferguson
The essential ingredients of the fear of God are correct concepts of the character of God, a pervasive sense of the presence of God and a constant awareness of our obligation to God. Al Martin
The fear of God is the soul of godliness. John Murray
As the embankment keeps out the water, so the fear of the Lord keeps out uncleanness. Thomas Watson
The fear of God promotes spiritual joy; it is the morning star that ushers in the sunlight of comfort. Thomas Watson
It is only the fear of God that can deliver us from the fear of man. John Witherspoon
No man acts with true wisdom till he fears God and hopes in his mercy. William S. Plumer
True piety is never separate from the fear of God. William S. Plumer
As faith is a grace that feeds all the rest, so fear is a grace that guards all the rest. William Secker
True ethical absolutes can only be grounded in the fear of a living God. R. C. Sproul
It is a blessed fear which drives us to trust. C. H. Spurgeon
Unregenerate fear drives from God, gracious fear drives to him. C. H. Spurgeon
Fear came into man’s heart with sin. Adam was never afraid of his God till he had broken his commands. C. H. Spurgeon
The Christian, like a net, must have both the lead of a godly fear and the cork of a lively faith. George Swinnock
The height of God must lay man low. George Swinnock
The fear of God is both a virtue and a keeper of other virtues. John Trapp
He who does not fear God has need to fear everything else. Anon.
The fear of God is the greatest antidote against the fear of man. Anon.