by R. C. Sproul
In the year King Uzziah died, the prophet Isaiah saw a vision of the Holy One of Israel that made him understand the horror of sin and gave him a passion to proclaim the hope of restoration to all who would turn from their wickedness. In like manner, if we truly understand God's holiness, we too will be motivated to flee from evil and to cling to Him for salvation. Our understanding of the Lord's transcendent holiness impacts how we view worship and how we will acknowledge the depth of our sin. In this expanded edition of his classic series The Holiness of God , Dr. R.C. Sproul provides a comprehensive, biblical survey of God's holy character and demonstrates how the demands of His holiness are met in Christ. To download MP3, right click and save to your hard drive:
The Otherness of God (MP3)
The Holy Place (MP3)
The Fall of a Hero (MP3)
Blazing with Glory (MP3)
The Anthem of the Angels (MP3)
The Majesty of God (MP3)
Finding the Glory (MP3)
Here I Am, Send Me (MP3)
The Real God (MP3)
Who is this Jesus? (MP3)
A New Perspective (MP3)
Covering the Shame (MP3)
A Hard Lesson Learned (MP3)
The Untouchable (MP3)
Justice and Grace (MP3)