by John Calvin
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To be Christians under the law of grace does not mean to wander unbridled outside the law, but to be engrafted in Christ, by whose grace we are free from the curse of the law, and by whose Spirit we have the law engraved upon our hearts. ~ John Calvin
We have seen that men must be worse than insane (whatever they say) if they do not come to the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation. For if they cling to the law, it will only bring damnation, as I have shown; this is borne out sufficiently by our own experience. Indeed, when Paul in his Epistle to the Romans seeks to prove that men are greatly deceived if they trust in their own merits, he points out that the law can only bring God’s wrath and vengeance upon us (Rom. 4:15). For although we already stand condemned (even before God has opened his mouth in judgment against us), our evil is exposed by the law because it is written that if we transgress in just one area, we are God’s enemies and have provoked his wrath against us.
Table of Contents
We All Stand Condemned by the Law
The Law Renders us Inexcusable and Dirves us to Despair
Freedom from the Bondage of the Law
The Spirituality of the Law
When Curse Becomes a Blessing
The Word our Only Rule
Exposition of the Moral Law
First Commandment
Second Commandment
Third Commandment
Fourth Commandment
Fifth Commandment
Sixth Commandment
Seventh Commandment
Eighth Commandment
Ninth Commandment
Tenth Commandment
Christ Known to the Jews Under the Law, Yet on Manifested Under the Gospel