The following is from Spurgeon's, "Christ's Incarnation, the Foundation of Christianity"
by C. H. Spurgeon
"...who gave himself for our sins to deliver us from the present evil age, according to the will of our God and Father" - Gal 1:4
That a wonderful text in Galatians 1:4, did you ever meditate upon it?
Jesus never gave Himself for our righteousness, but He did give Himself for our sins!
Sin is a horrible evil, a deadly poison, yet it is this which gives Jesus His title of Savior when He overcomes it. What a wonder this is!
The first link between my soul and Christ is- not my goodness, but my badness; not my merit, but my misery; not my standing, but my falling; not my riches, but my need. He comes to visit His people, yet not to admire their beauties, but to remove their deformities; not to reward their virtues, but to forgive their sins. Fully, Entirely and Perfectly!
"You Shall Call His Name Jesus: For He WILL SAVE His People From Their Sins." Matthew 1:21
JESUS is nothing at all if He is not a SAVIOR. He is anointed to this very end. His very Name is a sham if He does not SAVE His people from their sins.
This Jesus of Nazareth, the King of kings, and Lord of Lords, is the one and only Savior. He, and none but He, shall save His people. He, and not another, shall save them by His own act and deed. Singly and unaided, He shall save His people. Personally, and not by another, in His own Name, and on His own behalf, He shall, by Himself, purge away His people's sins.
He shall do ALL the work, and leave none of it undone; He shall begin it, carry it on, and complete it; and therefore is His Name called Jesus, Savior, because He Shall Fully, Entirely, and Perfectly, Save His People from Their Sins!
Jesus Christ has come to seek and to save those who were lost. If He does not save, He was born in vain, for the object of His birth was the salvation of sinners. If He shall not be a Savior, then His mission in coming to this earth has missed its end, for its design was that lost sinners might be saved.
Lost one, lost one, if there were news that 'an angel' had come to save you, there might be some good cheer in it; but there are better tidings still. God Himself has come! The Infinite, the Almighty, has stooped from the highest heaven that He may pick you up, a poor undone and worthless worm!
Source: Christ's Incarnation, the Foundation of Christianity