by Richard Sibbes
in ePub, .mobi & .pdf formats
A heavenly conference between Christ and Mary after His resurrection. Wherein the intimate familiarity, and near relation between Christ and a believer is discovered.
Although this is an exposition of the meeting between Christ and Mary, it is also a deep and loving treatment of the believers' union with Christ and the sweet assurance of our salvation which comes from that union.
The largest part of this book is spent upon that sweet doctrine, viz., a believer's interest in God as a Father, and the comforts that flow from that sweet relation. The foundation of our relation to God is here handled, and how God is first a Father to Christ, and in him to us. What can be more comfortable in this earthly, interest-shaking, disjointing, confounding age, than to clear up our soul's interest in God? Tolle meum, et tolle deum, as he said (c). It were better for me there were no God, than that he should not be my God. This will be thy comfort, that when thou canst not say, My state, my liberty, my house, my land, my friend, my trade, thou mayest be able to say, 'My Father, my God.' If therefore thou savourest the things of God, this subject will be acceptable and grateful to thee; and if this treatise may be any ways instrumental for putting thee upon study how to get it, or upon practice how to improve it, or in case thy soul sits in darkness, how to endear and clear thy interest, the publishers shall have much of their aim, and thou wilt have no cause to repent thy cost in buying, or thy pains in reading. We shall add no more than this. Blessed is that man or woman that hath an interest in him who is the Father of Jesus Christ by eternal generation, and of all believers in Christ by adoption and regeneration; in which inheritance and portion, that thou mayest have a share, shall be the prayer of Thy soul's and thy faith's servants in the work of the ministry for Jesus' sake,
Table of Contents
To the Reader
A Heavenly Discourse Between Christ and Mary
The Ministry of Angels
The apprehension of Christ
One Word from Christ; one word from Mary
Why Did Jesus Conceal Himself?
Touch Me Not
Observe the Circumstances
But How came they to be His Brethren?
Christ Chose Mary
Christ's Ascension and Ours
Christ's Father and ours
Christ's God and ours
The comfort in God being our God
God all-sufficient for us
Assurance of salvation