by Herman Witsius
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HT: Thanks to Lionel Dyck for his help with the Docx formats
This is one of the greatest theological classics of all time. Witsius originally wrote his magnum opus on the covenants to promote peace among Dutch theologians who were divided on covenant theology. Witsius sought to be a theologian of synthesis who strove to lessen tension between the Voetians and the Cocceians. He wrote in his introduction, "the enemies of our church...secretly rejoice that there are as many and as warm disputes amongst ourselves, as with them. And this, not very secretly neither: for they do not, nor will ever cease to cast this reproach upon us; which, I grieve to say is not so easily wiped away. O! how much better would it be to use our utmost endeavours, to lessen, make up, and, if it could be, put an end to all controversy!"
Economy of the Covenants is not a complete systematic theology, though its title claims that it comprehends "a complete body of divinity." Several major doctrines not addressed here, such as the Trinity, creation, and providence, were dealt with later in Witsius's exposition of the Apostles' Creed.
For Witsius, the doctrine of the covenants is the best way of reading Scripture. The covenants are for him what J. I. Packer calls "a successful hermeneutic," or a consistent interpretative procedure yielding a proper understanding of Scripture, both law and gospel.30 Witsius's work is divided into four books:
Book 1: The Covenant of Works (120 pages)
Book 2: The Covenant of Redemption, or The Covenant of Grace from Eternity between the Father and the Son (118 pages)
Book 3: The Covenant of Grace in Time (295 pages)
Book 4: Covenant Ordinances throughout the Scriptures (356 pages)
Supplementary Reading
Read Intro to Witsius' "The Economy of the Covenants between God and Man" by J. I. Packer
Read A Short Overview of Witsius’ Economy of the Covenants By Dr. C. Matthew McMahon
A Pacific Address
The Life of the Author
Book I
Chapter I: The Divine Covenants in General
Chapter II: Of the Contracting Parties in The Covenant of Works
Chapter III: Of the Law or Condition of the Covenant of Works
Chapter IV: Of the Promises of the Covenant of Works
Chapter V: Of the Penal Sanction
Chapter VI: Of the Sacraments of the Covenant of Works
Chapter VII: Of the First Sabbath
Chapter VIII: Of the Violation of the Covenant of Works on the Part of Man
Chapter IX: Of the Abrogation of the Covenant of Works on the Part of God
Book II
Chapter I: Introduction to the Covenant of Grace
Chapter II: Of the Covenant between God the Father and the Son
Chapter III: The Nature of the Covenant between the Father and the Son more fully explained
Chapter IV: Of the Person of the Surety
Chapter V: Of the Suretiship and Satisfaction of Christ
Chapter VI: What Sufferings of Christ are Satisfactory
Chapter VII: Of the Efficacy of Christ's Satisfaction
Chapter VIII: Of the Necessity of Christ's Satisfaction
Chapter IX: Of the Persons for whom Christ Engaged and Satisfied
Chapter X: After what manner Christ Used the Sacraments
Book III
Chapter I: Of the Covenant of God with the Elect
Chapter II: Of the ONENESS of the Covenant of Grace, as to its Substance
Chapter III: Of the different Economies or Dispensations of the Covenant of Grace
Chapter IV: Of Election
Chapter V: Of Effectual Calling
Chapter VI: Of Regeneration
Chapter VII: Of Faith
Chapter VIII: Of Justification
Chapter IX: Of Spiritual Peace
Chapter X: Of Adoption
Chapter XI: Of the Spirit of Adoption
Chapter XII: Of Sanctification
Chapter XIII: Of Conservation
Chapter XIV: Of Glorification
Book IV
Chapter I: Of the Doctrine of Salvation in the first age of the World
Chapter II: Of the Doctrine of Grace under Noah
Chapter III: Of the Doctrine of Grace from Abraham to Moses
Chapter IV: Of the Decalogue
Chapter V: Of the Doctrine of the Prophets
Chapter VI: Of the Types
Chapter VII: Of the Sacraments of Grace down to Abraham
Chapter VIII: Of Circumcision
Chapter IX: Of the Passover
Chapter X: Of the Extraordinary Sacraments in the Wilderness
Chapter XI: Of the Blessings of the Old Testament
Chapter XII: Of the Imperfections falsely ascribed to the Old Testament
Chapter XIII: Of the real defects of the Old Testament
Chapter XIV: Of the Abrogation of the Old Testament
Chapter XV: Of the Benefits of the New Testament
Chapter XVI: Of Baptism
Chapter XVII: Of the Lord's Supper