"God’s Word, when rightly expounded, is medicinal for a whole host of spiritual diseases."
" Do you talk to others about our depraved nature and our desperate need for salvation in Jesus Christ? Do you say that you are no better than they are by nature; that we are all, apart from grace, sinners with a terrible record, which is a legal problem, as well as a bad heart, which is a moral problem? Do you talk to them about the dreadful character of sin; that sin is something that stems back to our tragic fall in Adam and affects every part of us, so dominating our mind, heart, will, and conscience that we are slaves to it? Do you describe sin as moral rebellion against God? Do you say that the wages of sin is death, now and for all eternity?"
"Every person in the world is by nature a slave to sin. The world, by nature, is held in sin's grip. What a shock to our complacency- that everything of us by nature belongs to sin. Our silences belong to sin, our omissions belong to sin, our talents belong to sin, our actions belong to sin. Every facet of our personalities belong to sin; it own us and dominates us. We are its servants."
"Unconditional election places all people on an equal playing field before God as sinners utterly dependent on unmerited grace. The biblical teaching of God’s providence inspires courageous activism to resist evil because we believe a sovereign God hears our prayers and is working out His plan through our efforts."
Dr. Joel R. Beeke is president and professor of systematic theology and homiletics at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary, a pastor of the Heritage Netherlands Reformed Congregation in Grand Rapids, Michigan, editor of Banner of Sovereign Grace Truth, editorial director of Reformation Heritage Books, president of Inheritance Publishers, and vice-president of the Dutch Reformed Translation Society. He has written, co-authored, or edited seventy books (most recently, A Puritan Theology: Doctrine for Life, Living Zealously, Friends and Lovers: Cultivating Companionship and Intimacy in Marriage, Getting Back Into the Race: The Cure for Backsliding, Parenting by God’s Promises: How to Raise Children in the Covenant of Grace, Living for the Glory of God: An Introduction to Calvinism, Meet the Puritans, Contagious Christian Living, Calvin for Today, Developing a Healthy Prayer Life, and Taking Hold of God), and contributed 2,000 articles to Reformed books, journals, periodicals, and encyclopedias. His Ph.D. is in Reformation and Post-Reformation theology from Westminster Theological Seminary (Philadelphia). He is frequently called upon to lecture at seminaries and to speak at Reformed conferences around the world. He and his wife Mary have been blessed with three children: Calvin, Esther, and Lydia.
"The primary ground of assurance is rooted in the promises of God, but those promises must become increasingly real to the believer through the subjective evidences of grace and the internal witness of the Holy Spirit." Joel R. Beeke
Lecture Series
- Study of the Holy Spirit (14-Part MP3 Series)
- The Basics of Salvation (MP3 Series
- Do You Know the Real Calvin? (MP3 Series)
- How to View Our Covenant Children (MP3 Series)
- Theology Proper (22-Part MP3 Lecture Series)
- The Five Solas of the Reformation (MP3 Lectures)
- Advanced Teaching on Predestination, Providence, God's Attributes, The Trinity (MP3 Series)
- Assurance of Faith (4-Part MP3 Series)
- Living in the Fear of God (MP3 Lecture Series)
- Reformed Expository Preaching (14-Part MP3 Lecture Series)
- Teaching Children to Listen (5-Part Lecture Series)
- On Holiness (MP3 Series)
- On Family Worship (MP3 Series)
- Marriage (Series)
- On Child Rearing (MP3 Series)
- Backslidding (MP3 Series)
- Case for the Historic Adam (YouTube)
- On Hell (Vimeo)
- Covenant Theology (5-Part YouTube Series)
- Puritan Theology (26-Part YouTube Series)
- Reformed Experiential Preaching (24-Part YouTube Series)
- The Powerful Life of the Praying Pastor (2-Part YouTube Series)
- The Fear of God and A Sense of Sin (Vimeo)
- The Definition of Holiness (Vimeo)
- Primer on the Puritans (Video)
- True Faith in Christ (YouTube)
- 16 Puritan Biographies with Guide to Modern Reprints
- Definite Atonement
- The Puritans on Union with Christ, Justification, and Regeneration
- The Gospel of Sovereign Grace
- Justification by Faith Alone
- The Puritans on Coming to Christ
- The Puritans on Union with Christ, Justification, and Regeneration
- Problems with Arminian Universal Redemption
- Preaching God's Word
- The Puritans on Regeneration
- Signs of Backsliding Churches
- Implementing Family Worship
- Pray For Your Children’s Salvation
- The Marrow of Calvinism
- The Golden Age of Puritan Preaching
- Richard Sibbes on Entertaining the Holy Spirit
- Why You Should Read the Puritans
- The Puritan View of Holiness
- Cultivating Private Prayer as a Pastor
- Leading Family Worship
- Christ Alone
- The Puritans and Their Evangelistic Model
- The Gospel of Sovereign Grace
- The Origins of Calvinism
- The Calvinist’s Ultimate Concern
- The Puritans on Coming to Christ
- Faith and Assurance
- Ten Commandments for Pastors
- Ten Commandments for Church Members Regarding Your Pastor
- Reading the Puritans
- Books that have Helped Joel Beeke the Best
- Holiness (.pdf)
- John Owen on Assurance (.pdf)
- The Puritan Practice of Meditation (.pdf)
- Puritan Evangelism: A Biblical Approach (.pdf)
- The Lasting Power of Reformed Experimental Preaching (.pdf)
- Does Assurance Belong to the Essence of Faith? (.pdf)
- John Calvin: Teacher and Practitioner of Evangelism (.pdf)
- An Appointment you Will Keep (.pdf)
- Family Worship (.pdf)
- Escape For Your Life (.pdf)
- Reading The Best In Puritan Literature: A Modern Bibliography (.pdf)
- Reading and Hearing the Word in a Puritan Way (.pdf)
- Puritans Living in Relationship to Affliction, Desertion, and Sin (.pdf)
- The Church's Unity (.pdf)
- The Belgic Confession Of Faith And The Canons Of Dordt (.pdf)
- Theodore Beza's Supralapsarian Predestination (.pdf)
- Bringing the Gospel to Covenant Children (.pdf)
- John Owen, the Prince of Puritans (.pdf)
Sermon Series
Genesis (MP3 Series)
2 Kings (10-Part Series)
Elijah (MP3 Series)
Psalms (MP3 Series)
Jonah (MP3 Series)
Luke (MP3 Series)
John & 1 John (MP3 Series)
2 Corinthians (MP3 Series)
Ephesians (MP3 Series)
Revelation (MP3 Series)
Select Individual Sermons/Lectures
How the Reformation Impacted People's Daily Lives (MP3)
Through Faith Alone (MP3) - Justification: What Are the Basics?
The Essence of the Gospel (MP3)
How the Holy Spirit Works Faith - Ephesians 2:8 (MP3)
The Illumination of the Spirit (MP3)
The Sanctification of the Spirit (MP3)
The Inner Witness of the Spirit (MP3)
Puritans And The Family (MP3)
The Parable, the Sower, and the Response (MP3)
Good Works - Ephesians 2:10 (MP3)
The Pharisee's Prayer to Himself (MP3)
The Puritan Worldview (MP3)
The Puritan View of Prayer: Taking Hold of God (MP3)The
Puritan View of Preaching: Taking Hold of Man - 2 Timothy 4:1,2 (MP3)
God's Grace & Mercy (MP3)
God's Sovereign Will & Power (MP3)
God's Sovereign Predestination of Jacob and Esau - Romans 9:13 (MP3)
The Millennium - Revelation 20:1-10 (MP3)
The Puritans on Sanctification (MP3)
Persevering in the Face of Criticism
A Plea for Grace to Do God's Will - Psalm 143:10a (MP3)
Running the Best Race - Hebrews 11:37-12:3 (MP3)
Job's Submission to Providence (MP3)
How to Respond Christianly to Providential Afflictions (MP3)
How to be a Faithful Church Member (MP3)
Practical Calvinism
Experimental Calvinism
“Experimental preaching is discriminatory preaching. It clearly defines the difference between Christian and non-Christian, opening the kingdom of heaven to one and shutting against the other. A faithful minister rightly divides the word of truth to separate the precious from the vile (Jer. 15:19) . . . grace is to be offered indiscriminately to all (Matt. 13:24-30); however, the divine acts, marks, and fruits of grace that God works in His people must be explained to encourage the elect and uncover the false hopes of hypocrites. . . . It is discriminating preaching defining the differences between the Christian and the non- Christian, pressing home the promises of forgiveness and eternal life to those who believe and promises of wrath and judgment on those who are unconverted. . . .Preaching must be discriminatory. We must distinguish that there are both believers and unbelievers in the midst of the congregation.” - Joel R. Beeke
"Read as an act of worship. Read to be elevated into the great truths of God so that you may worship the Trinity in Spirit and in truth. Be selective about what you read, however. Measure all your reading against the touchstone of Scripture. So much of today’s Christian literature is froth, riddled with Arminian theology or secular thinking. Time is too precious to waste on nonsense. Read more for eternity than time, more for spiritual growth than professional advancement." - Joel R. Beeke
Other Resources
Heritage Reformed Congregation
Joel Beeke Resources at the National Center for Family Integrated Churches
Books by Joel Beeke