by Edward Polhill
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THAT God is, is a primordial verity, from whence all other verities derive their original. If God were not (which is the highest contradiction), there could be nothing but perfect nullity; because nullity can never pass that infinite vast gulf, which lies between itself and being, without an infinite God. If God were not, he could not be; a mere possible God is utterly impossible: for a God he cannot be, unless he be supreme perfection, a pure act, immovable eternity, and eternal necessity, in suprema essendi vehementia. This glorious truth, that God is, can no where be doubted of; not in heaven, where his glorious face is opened to the blessed spirits; not in hell, where his righteous breath, as a river of brimstone, doth kindle the fire unquenchable; nor on earth, whilst any glimpses of heaven irradiate the godly, or any sparks of hell flame out in the guilty consciences of the wicked; whilst the candle of the Lord shines within men, or the heavens and the earth (those natural preachers) declare a Deity without, and wonderfully render the invisible power and Godhead as it were visible unto them. Every particle of being in heaven and earth leads us to the infinite Being of beings; every motion within the sphere of nature and grace draws us to adore a first immovable Mover; every breath of life in the old and new creature tells us of the great Fountain of life; every beam of light in the natural and spiritual world owns the high Father of lights; every drop of rain, natural on the earth, and spiritual on the heart, witnesses a Deity, This truth is so indubitable, that none but a fool in his greatest folly can deny it.
Table of Contents
CHAPTER I: That God is
CHAPTER II: That God hath a will
CHAPTER III: Of the decrees of God in general
CHAPTER IV: Of God's decree of election as touching men
CHAPTER V: Of God's decree of reprobation, as touching men
CHAPTER VI: Of the work of creation
CHAPTER VII: Of the works of conservation and gubernation
CHAPTER VIII: Of the work of redemption
CHAPTER IX: Of the work of conversion