by Jeremiah Burroughs
in ePub, .mobi & .pdf formats
Deut. 32:5. Their spot is not the spot of his Children.
The words read, is a part of Moses Song, that he sung a little before he was to die; (like the Swan that sings sweetest when Death approaches) The Scope and End of this Song of Moses, it was to leave a Testimony behind him after he should be gone, of the goodness, and mercy, and faithfulness of God towards this people; and of their sinfulness, and perversness toward; him again; to the end, that if great evils should befal them after he was gone, they should have no cause to speak ill of God, or of his Servant Moses. You have brought us to a fair Land, you gave us many fair Promises, that God would be our God, and be gracious to us, and that he would never leave us; yet see what befalls us. Moses now leaves this on purpose behind him, for ever to stop their mouths; as if Moses should say, It's true, the Lord hath made me an Instrument of bringing you out of Egypt, and by me hath made many Promises to you, to encourage you; and hath chosen you to be a peculiar people, and led you along all this while: But, if evils do befal you, if you be brought into a sad, and distressed Condition after I am dead and gone; Remember what I leave behind me, and know, that God is to be justified in All, and his Words is to be justified; but you have sinned and rebelled against God, and have brought upon your selves all the evil that is come upon you. This is the Scope of this Song of Moses.
Table of Contents
To the Reader
The First Sermon - Deuteronomy 32:5
The Second Sermon
The Thrid Sermon
The Fourth Sermon