by B. B. Warfield
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REV. BENJAMIN BRECKINRIDGE WARFIELD, D.D., LL.D., Professor of Didactic and Polemic Theology in the Theological Seminary of the Presbyterian Church at Princeton, New Jersey, provided in his will for the collection and publication of the numerous articles on theological subjects which he contributed to encyclopaedias, reviews and other periodicals, and appointed a committee to edit and publish these papers. In pursuance of his instructions, this, the tenth (and last) volume, containing a selection from those of his Critical Reviews which appeared in The Presbyterian and Reformed Review and The Princeton Theological Review, has been prepared under the editorial direction of this committee.
The clerical preparation of this volume has been done by Mr. John E. Meeter, to whom the thanks of the committee are hereby expressed.
Table of Contents
1. MACKINTOSH, The Natural History of the Christian Religion
2. BURGON, The Traditional Text of the Holy Gospels Vindicated and Established
3. HASTINGS, A Dictionary of the Bible, Vol. I
4. LANG, The Making of Religion
5. CHEYNE, Encyclopædia Biblica, Vol. I
6. DOUMERGUE, Jean Calvin, Vol. I
7. KENYON, Our Bible and the Ancient Manuscripts
8. MCCABE, St. Augustine and His Age
9. DENNEY, The Atonement and the Modern Mind
10. SABATIER, The Doctrine of the Atonement, and its Historical Evolution: and Religion and Modern Culture
11. CHEYNE, Bible Problems and the New Material for their Solution
12. DODS, The Bible, Its Origin and Nature
13. STEVENS, The Christian Doctrine of Salvation
14. ORR, God's Image in Man, and its Defacement, in the Light of Modern Denials
15. DOBSCHÜTZ, Christian Life in the Primitive Church
16. MCTAGGART, Some Dogmas of Religion
17. FORREST, The Authority of Christ
18. BOUSSET, What is Religion?
19. KELLOGG, Darwinism To-day
20. OTTO, Naturalism and Religion
21. SMITH, The Christ of the Cross
22. HASTINGS, Encyclopædia of Religion and Ethics, Vol. I
23. MISCH, Geschichte der Autobiographic, Vol. I
24. SEEBERG, Revelation and Inspiration
25. MONOD, Le Problème de Dieu et la Théologie Chrétienne depuis la Réforme, Vol. I
26. SANDAY, Christologies Ancient and Modern
27. SANDAY, Personality in Christ and in Ourselves
28. WEISS, Christus
29. HOLDSWORTH, The Christ of the Gospels
30. TROELTSCH, Die Bedeutung der Geschichtlichkeit Jesu für den Glauben
31. VISCHER, Jesus Christus in der Geschichte
32. MACKINTOSH, The Doctrine of the Person of Jesus Christ
33. STREETER and others, Foundations
34. UNDERHILL, Mysticism
35. FRESENIUS, Mystik und geschichtliche Religion
36. FLEMING, Mysticism in Christianity
37. ROBINSON, The Christian Doctrine of Man
38. GLOVER, The Christian Tradition and its Verification
40. HAERING, The Christian Faith: A System of Dogmatics
41. KNOX, Some Loose Stones
42. STEINLEITNER, Die Beicht im Zusammenhange mit der sakralen Rechtspflege in der Antike
43. HASTINGS, Dictionary of the Apostolic Church, Vol. I
44. HASTINGS, Dictionary of the Apostolic Church, Vol. II
45. MOZLEY, The Doctrine of the Atonement
46. VISSCHER, Van den Eeuwigen Vrede tusschen Wetenschap en Religie