by Thomas Goodwin
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"A Child of Light Walking in Darkness" by Thomas Goodwin provides an examination of the spiritual trials and distresses a believer may face, particularly focusing on those periods when God's comforting presence seems withdrawn, leaving the soul in a state of darkness. Through a exposition of Isaiah 50:10-11, Goodwin offers invaluable insights into the reasons behind such divine withdrawals, the spiritual conditions that precipitate them, and, most importantly, the purposes they serve within God's overarching plan for His children.
At the heart of this treatise is the assertion that a true believer, one who fears God and strives to obey His commands, can experience profound spiritual darkness, a condition marked by a distressing lack of assurance and a deep sense of divine absence. Goodwin considers the various causes of this spiritual condition, highlighting the roles of the Holy Spirit, Satan, and the believer's own heart in contributing to these seasons of darkness.
Importantly, Goodwin distinguishes between the Spirit's righteous dealings and the subsequent misinterpretations by Satan and the believer's own heart, which often exacerbate the distress and lead to unwarranted conclusions about one's spiritual state. He meticulously outlines how these misunderstandings can drive a wedge between the believer and the comforting assurances of God's Word, leading to unnecessary despair.
Yet, "A Child of Light Walking in Darkness" is not merely a catalog of spiritual woes. Goodwin offers a beacon of hope, presenting practical guidance for navigating these dark seasons. He encourages believers to trust in the unchanging character of God, to rely on the promises of His Word, and to persevere in faith, even when the path seems obscured by shadows.
This treatise stands as a testament to the complexity of the Christian walk, acknowledging the genuine struggles believers face while steering them back to the foundational truths of their faith. It is an essential read for anyone seeking to understand the deeper workings of God in the soul, offering both solace and direction for those times when the light of His countenance seems dim.
Table of Contents
CHAPTER I: The first and main observation: That a child of God may walk in darkness
CHAPTER II: The two phrases, 'walking in darkness,' 'having no light,'
CHAPTER III: The efficient causes of this distress
CHAPTER IV: How Satan and our hearts increase this darkness and distress
CHAPTER V: The second efficient cause of this darkness
CHAPTER VI: The third efficient cause - Satan: his special malice in this temptation, commission
CHAPTER VII: More particularly how Satan works upon those three principles in us: first, on carnal reason
CHAPTER VIII: That Satan is able to work upon that other corrupt principle in us
CHAPTER IX: How able Satan is to work upon that third principle, the passions and corrupt affections
CHAPTER X: The conclusion: seven advantages, in common, which Satan hath over us in all these his dealings
CHAPTER XI: The cases wherein God leaves his unto darkness
CHAPTER XII: The cases ordinary wherein God doth leave his in darkness
CHAPTER XIII: The ends for which God leaveth to darkness
CHAPTER XIV: A second sort of ends for the trial and discovery of graces, especially of faith
CHAPTER XV: Six ends more
USE I.—To those that fear not God nor obey him; what darkness reserved for such!
USE II.—To those that are translated from darkness into light, and yet never thus walked in darkness
USE III.—To those that have been in darkness, and are now recovered out of it
USE IV.—To such as fear God, and walk in darkness
TEN DIRECTIONS for those who are more deeply troubled; and means to be used how to recover light
SECTION II: Other observations out of the 10th verse
A Child of Darkness Walking in Light