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A look at the atoning work of Jesus Christ on the cross. What did Jesus accomplish on the cross? The perfect pardon for all of the sins of those who believe on Him.
Do you ask, How am I to find salvation, and how am I to go to that God, on the blood of whose Son I have trampled so long? I answer, Go to Him in your proper and present character—that of sinner. Go with no lie upon your lips, professing to be what you are not, or to feel what you do not. Tell Him honestly what you are, and what you feel, and what you do not feel. “Take with you words”; but let them be honest words, not the words of hypocrisy and deceit. Tell Him that your sin is piercing you; or tell Him that you have no sense of sin, no repentance, no relish for divine things, no right knowledge of your own worthlessness and guilt. Present yourself before Him just as you are, and not as you wish to be, or think you ought to be, or suppose He desires you to be. Recount your necessities; make mention of the multitude of His mercies; point to the work of the blessed Son; remind Him how entirely righteous it would be for Him to receive and bless you. Appear before Him, taking for granted just that you are what you are, a sinner; and that Christ is what He is, a Saviour; deal honestly with God, and be assured that it is most thoroughly impossible that you can miss your errand. “Seek the LORD while He may be found”; and you will see that He is found of you. “Call upon Him while He is near”; and you will find how near He is.
Table of Contents
1. The Accusation
2. Israel Guilty
3. The World Guilty
4. God's Controversy with the World
5. What God Thinks of This Blood
6. Ways in Which God Proclaims Its Value
7. The Careless Sinner's Thoughts Concerning It
8. The Thoughts of the Awakened Sinner Concerning It
9. The Thoughts of the Saint Concerning It
10. The Thoughts of the Lost Soul Concerning It
11. The Good News Concerning This Blood
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