I can't believe it is already the end of 2013. Lot's a very good titles to choose from this year. These were not necessarily best-sellers .. or at least I did not take this number into account when compiling this list.. They were simply books we liked or thought were the most important in the last 12 months ... even if (on rare occassion) we did not agree with every detail ... lots of good reading here!!!
1) Who's Your Father?: Returning to the Love of the Biblical God
By Robert Bernecker
Extremely well-written book which grips your attention to the end. Teaches the doctrines of grace but avoids the buzz-words. A great book to put into the hand of your theologically skeptical friends. One of the best books of the year.2) From Heaven He Came and Sought Her: Definite Atonement in Historical, Biblical, Theological, and Pastoral Perspective
From Crossway/Good News Publishers
“A massive product of exact and well-informed scholarship . . . with landmark significance. . . . I give this book top marks for its range of solid scholarship, cogency of argument, warmth of style, and zeal for the true glory of God. I recommend it most highly.”
—J. I. Packer3) Systematic Theology: An Introduction to Christian Belief
By John M. Frame
John Frame s Systematic Theology is an important landmark in one-volume treatments of the major loci of doctrine. Frame s signature is readily apparent on every page: commitment to Scripture for everything he writes, accessible philosophical analysis of difficult questions, and, yes, triperspectivalism. This volume ranks as the most recommendable single-volume systematic theology of our time.
—Derek W. H. Thomas4) The Question of Canon: Challenging the Status Quo in the New Testament Debate
By Michael J. Kruger
"In this important book, Michael Kruger effectively challenges the common but unjustified conclusion that the canon was the late creation of the church, imposed on it by external forces.. If you are interested in the formation of the New Testament canon, you cannot afford to neglect this book."
—Donald A. Hagner5) Covenantal Apologetics: Principles and Practice in Defense of Our Faith
By K. Scott Oliphint
“In a day marked by shallow thinking, weak reasoning, and arguments lacking in both theological and biblical depth, Oliphint offers an arsenal of apologetic insight. His affirmation and exposition of a covenantal apologetic brings a vital biblical and theological dimension to the apologetic task. Believers seeking to give an answer for the hope that is in us will enthusiastically receive this book.”
—R. Albert Mohler Jr.6) The Gospel Call and True Conversion
By Paul Washer
Washer reminds us that there is nothing more important and more relevant than getting the gospel right, making the gospel clear, and trusting that gospel to do its work of calling, saving, and securing a people to God and for God. Praise God for the gospel and books like this that help us know, understand, and love it more deeply.
—Voddie Baucham7) Why Christ Came: 31 Meditations on the Incarnation
By Joel R. Beeke, William Boekestein
Like a multifaceted diamond, the question Why did the eternal Son become man? admits a variety of answers. Probing some of those with wisdom bathed in the Scriptures is what makes this devotional guide so rich. It will be part of our family s Advent devotions and, I hope, a source of blessing for many others.
—Michael Horton
8) Joseph and the Gospel of Many Colors: Reading an Old Story in a New Way
By Voddie Baucham Jr.
“Here is a popular-level reading of the life of Joseph as it is found in Genesis—an approach that reads the narrative both within the framework of Genesis and within the framework of the entire Bible. It avoids mere moralism, but does not overlook the morals implicit in the story; it avoids finding Jesus hiding behind every verse in some earnest but skewed and uncontrolled appeal to typology, yet it shows how the narrative prepares the way for Jesus. In many ways these chapters foster quiet, patient, faithful Bible reading, while driving readers toward the gospel.”
—D. A. Carson
9) Kingdom Come: The Amillennial Alternative
By Sam Storms
"Sam Storms' book, Kingdom Come: the Amillennial Alternative, is a substantial work on the viability of the Amillennial perspective on eschatology, including that of the Book of Revelation.....Even those who may disagree with Storms' Amillennial approach will definitely benefit from his book."
— G. K. Beale10) What Every Christian Needs to Know About the Qur'an
By James R. White
This will, no doubt become a classic work on the subject. A very informative book to help Christians who want to have a much deeper understanding of Islam as well as for challenging Muslims to take a closer look at the claims of the Qur'an. Perhaps the best Christian book on Islam out there. A must read.
11) Resisting Gossip: Winning the War of the Wagging Tongue
by Matthew C. Mitchell
Gossip is a spark that starts countless relational fires every day. Matt provides practical, biblical guidance on how believers can reduce this insidious problem by bringing their tongues under the lordship of Christ.
— Ken Sande
12) What Is Biblical Theology?: A Guide to the Bible's Story, Symbolism, and Patterns
By James M. Hamilton Jr.
“What Is Biblical Theology? confirms Jim Hamilton’s reputation as a top-shelf thinker and a wickedly good writer. This slim volume builds on the presupposition that the capacious biblical narrative—sixty-six books written by numerous authors and including stories, poems, proverbs, letters, and apocalypses—possesses a deep inner unity. Its unity arises from its divine inspiration, and it is in fact the true story of the whole world. Hamilton teaches his readers to engage in biblical theology, allowing the biblical story to shape us and conform us to God’s will.”
—Bruce Riley Ashford
Honorable Mention (a Monergism title)
Encountering Christ in the Covenants: An Introduction to Covenant Theology
By Daniel W. McManigal