What is Regeneration? (.pdf) By Gary Brady
Gary Brady is pastor of Child's Hill Baptist Church, London. He has written extensively on regeneration. He states early on, 'When it comes to theology and the new birth in particular, we should delve into the subject as deeply as we can. However, in the end, we must recognise that it will defy us'. Nevertheless he elucidates many points that help to open up our understanding.
Great Biblical Doctrines (55 - Part MP3 Lecture Series)
by Martyn Lloyd-Jones
A collection of 55 of the lectures from the Friday evening meetings held at Westminster Chapel. Unfortunately, this collection is incomplete due to quality problems with the original tapes and the fact that some tapes were missing. The full series in the book includes 81 lectures.
The Doctrine of the Holy Spirit (.pdf)
PDF by Dr. John Frame
Biblical writers coordinate the Spirit with the Father and Son when they write about the source of spiritual blessing. See how Paul in Ephesians 2:21–22 coordinates the three persons. He speaks of Christ, “in whom the whole structure,being joined together, grows into a holy temple in the Lord. In him you also are being built together into a dwelling place for God by the Spirit.” Cf. also Rom. 15:19; Eph.4:4–6; Phil. 3:3; Rev. 1:4–5; 2:7. We noted also how NT writers often quote OT texts that contain the name of God and replace that name with the name of Jesus. The same is true of the Holy Spirit. In Jeremiah 31:33–34, the Lord is the speaker. But when the author of Hebrews quotes this text in Hebrews 10:15–17, the speaker is the Holy Spirit. Note also Leviticus 16 and Hebrews 9:8. Systematic Theology
Cross Student Missions Conference (Videos)
Videos and Summaries from the Main Sessions of the Historic Cross Student Missions Conference
Thabiti Anyabwile, John Piper, Mark Dever, Kevin DeYoung, Conrad Mbewe, Richard Chin, D. A. Carson and more..
Godless Gossip by Max Doner
The goal of speaking of the sins of another to those who have a need to know and a right to know about them is to bring about restoration of the offending party, it is not to harm their reputation or satisfy the tingling ears of those who love gossip, which is what the tale bearer is seeking to achieve.
10 Pitfalls of the Foolish Apologist
The foolish apologist chases red herrings. If the topic is the resurrection, just bring up evolution. The foolish apologist will happily hop down any bunny trail that appears. The conversation goes in all directions. He can’t make any progress in an argument because he can’t spot red herrings, distractions, and non-issues. In fact, he may often enjoy these deviations from focused dialogue, because he’s proud of his expertise in his own pet subject areas. The wise apologist knows how to stick to one point.
The Benefits of Not Ignoring Election in Your Bible
by James M. Boice
So many people think that election is useless and perhaps even pernicious. It is nothing of the sort. It is part of the Bible's inspired teaching and is therefore "useful," as Paul insisted all Scripture is (2 Tim. 3:16-17). Here's a look at ways election impacts things like evangelism and worship:
Bibliology by Brian Borgman (Free MP3 Lectures)
A study of the Bible's Revelation, Inspiration, Inerrancy, Infallibility, Authority, Sufficiency, Canon, Text, Transmission and Translation (22-Part Mp3 Lecture Series)
Helpful Theological Essays for Your Smart-Phone
From time to time here at Monergism we plan on taking some good theological resources and making them available in a way that they can easily be read in a smart-phone friendly format. Of course these can also be read on your laptop or tablet, but many of these were previously only available in such a way that smart-phone users could only see them in tiny almost unreadable text.
Bonus MP3s
Pope Francis Shows His True Colors (MP3) (Audio/MP3) Richard Bennett
The Infinity of God (MP3) (Audio/MP3) by Curt Daniel
Infinity of God's Nature, Works, and Our Response (MP3) (Audio/MP3) by Dr Jospeh Pipa
God is Infinite (MP3) (Audio/MP3) by Rev David P Murray