Peace, O LORD

Peace, O LORD
From “God the All-Terrible, King Who Ordaineth” by H. Chorley
Jehovah is the God of peace. (Phil 4:9 et al) If nations are at peace, He has ordered it. If we have peace with Him, He has saved us. Into the world at enmity with Him, He sends us to propose peace. God has promised peace in full when its time. And when its time there will be only peace as God consummates what He has ordained. Notice how God is portrayed in the first line of each verse of this hymn. You can easily see how it is that He is able to bring about the promised peace. Surely above all is the peace God grants a humble, repentant person who has lived as the enemy of God. Such were we. Were! Give thanks!
*Find this song on all streaming platforms. Links to lyric sheets and devotion available at*
The songs of Regulative Heart are curated, adapted and produced by Greg Pearson of Tennessee. Greg has served the Lord’s church in various roles over the last 44 years, including Pastor, Minister of Music, Student Pastor, Associate Pastor, and Elder in a Reformed Baptist Church. After suffering a debilitating stroke in December 2021, limiting his ability to continue to serve in those roles, Greg has turned his attention to bringing these important songs, in various musical styles, to as many of God’s people as possible. Now, in partnership with, Greg is in the process of writing a short devotional intro for each song as you will find each week in the blog.