To Praise the Eternal God

To Praise the Eternal God
Adapted from ”The Eternity of God” by I Watts
Perhaps the first thing a person learns about God is God is eternal. Scripture tells us, but before we read it, scripture tells us without saying it. “In the beginning God,” the first four words of the Bible, force us to acknowledge this mind-boggling reality. As the hymn below says in so many words, there was before time when “God lived, He alone.” One of the most beautiful declarations of this truth is found in Psalm 90:2. But also note that God declares not just He will remain forever (Is. 66:22).
Spend some time today thinking about the two verses above. Give thanks that God is, and He has included you in His eternity to come.
Find link to download devotion and lyrics at
The songs of Regulative Heart are curated, adapted and produced by Greg Pearson of Tennessee. Greg has served the Lord’s church in various roles over the last 44 years, including Pastor, Minister of Music, Student Pastor, Associate Pastor, and Elder in a Reformed Baptist Church. After suffering a debilitating stroke in December 2021, limiting his ability to continue to serve in those roles, Greg has turned his attention to bringing these important songs, in various musical styles, to as many of God’s people as possible. Now, in partnership with, Greg is in the process of writing a short devotional intro for each song as you will find each week in the blog.