Brethren, pray for us

Brethren, pray for us
September 17—Morning—1 Thessalonians 5:25
"Brethren, pray for us." — 1 Thessalonians 5:25
My soul, take note of how earnestly the apostle sought the prayers of the faithful. If such a prominent servant in the church of Jesus asked to be remembered by the brethren at the mercy seat, how much more should the brethren remember one another in prayer. Not only should ministers pray for the people, but the people should also pray for their ministers. "Brethren, pray for us" should be the constant request of every lover of Jesus.
I feel as if I would ask everyone I knew to be a constant attendant at the heavenly court to speak for me to the King when He is most near and in the enjoyment of His presence. I would say, "Tell the Lord that His poor servant needs His mercy, longs for His grace, and is waiting with anxious expectation for His visits. Beg for me that I may live always under the blessed tokens of His love, that I may live near to the Lord, and be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. And please tell His Sovereign Majesty that the one great object of my soul’s desire is to have increasing views of the infinite dignity of His person, work, merit, offices, and all that relates to One so dear, so lovely, so glorious, and so suited to a poor sinner like me—the Lord Jesus Christ in all things."
And do add for me that my humble request is that, after He has given me all the gifts and graces He sees necessary for me in this pilgrimage, that Jesus would give me more than all, by giving me Himself and causing my heart to be dissatisfied with all but Him. For until Jesus Himself is my portion, I still do not have what I truly need. It is not enough for Him to give me life—He must be my life. It is not enough for Him to give me rest—He Himself must be my rest, and I must rest in Him.
Precious Jesus! I would say, in You is all I need: all to pardon, all to justify, all to sanctify, all to glorify, all to satisfy, all to make me happy now and forever. Brethren, let this be your prayer for me, and it shall be mine for you—that Jesus would be the all in all for our souls, and our portion forever.
September 17—Evening—Psalm 22:30, 31
"A seed shall serve Him; it shall be accounted to the Lord for a generation. They shall come and shall declare His righteousness to a people yet unborn, that He has done this." — Psalm 22:30, 31
It is precious, truly blessed, to see the harmony between the various parts of scripture as they testify about God’s people. Jehovah, in His threefold character of persons, is always engaged in this work, and each One of the Holy Trinity assures it. "I will pour out My Spirit," says God the Father, speaking to His dear Son, "upon your seed, and My blessing upon your offspring" (Isaiah 44:3). "A seed," says Christ, "shall serve Him." This is the very seed that the Lord has blessed and which all who see shall acknowledge (Isaiah 61:9). They are "the people whom Jehovah formed for Himself" and gave to His Son, "who shall declare His praise" (Isaiah 43:21).
As both the Father and the Son have marked them with these distinctive features, so the Holy Spirit confirms this great truth, making them "willing in the day of His power."
Now, my soul, behold how the characters of Christ’s seed are clearly marked in this blessed scripture, and trace your own features in them. The seed of Christ—His offspring, His people, His redeemed—delight in the Lord to varying degrees. They serve the Lord, and they are accounted as His people, His generation. Just as they are the seed of Adam after the flesh, they are now the seed of Christ through the new birth by grace. So they are counted, accepted, and received in God’s sight.
Consider another blessed characteristic by which they are known: "They shall come and shall declare His righteousness." Yes! The language of every one of them is, "I will make mention of Your righteousness, even of Yours alone" (Psalm 71:16). Indeed, the name by which they call their Holy One, their Redeemer, is "The LORD Our Righteousness!" They renounce everything in themselves as contributing to this blessedness; and they attribute both the original design and the actual possession of it entirely to the unsearchable goodness, mercy, and grace of God.
The work, glory, and praise all belong to the Lord, and all declarations of it will be to this effect: that the Lord "has done it!"
What do you say to this precious and blessed testimony, my soul? Surely, you can and will affirm with your heart, "God is true!"
Robert Hawker