Reformation Theology Blog

God Will Prevail

Adapted from Psalm 12 by Gregory S Pearson             

Grace and Free Will: Why True Righteousness Begins with the Holy Spirit

We, however, on our side affirm that the human will is so divinely aided in the pursuit of righteousness, that (in addition to man's being created with a free-will, and in addition to the teaching by which he is instructed how he ought to live) he receives the Holy Ghost, by whom there is formed in his mind a delight in, and a love of, that supreme and unchangeable good which is God, even now while he is still walking by faith and not yet by sight; 2 Corinthians 5:7 in order that by this gift to him of the earnest, as it were, of the free gift, he may conceive an ardent desi

The Glories of the Son

Adapted from “Glory and Grace in the Person of Christ” by I Watts

Dear Refuge of My Soul

Adapted from “God Our Refuge” by A. Steele

The Son Deserves it Well

THE SON DESERVES IT WELL Adapted from “A New Song to the Lamb that was Slain” by Isaac Watts

Christ the Fountain for Sin


Adapted from “Christ the Fountain for Sin and Uncleanness” by J Hart; Chorus by W. Cowper
