Reformation Theology Blog

A Promise Made to Jacob and His Descendants

October 4—Morning—Genesis 28:15
"Behold, I am with thee, and will keep thee in all places whither thou goest; for I will not leave thee, until I have done that which I have spoken to thee of." — Genesis 28:15

And the oil stayed

September 29—Morning—2 Kings 4:6
"And it came to pass, when the vessels were full, that she said unto her son, 'Bring me yet a vessel.' And he said unto her, 'There is not a vessel more.' And the oil stayed." — 2 Kings 4:6

A Rainbow Around the Throne

September 28—Morning—Revelation 4:3
"And there was a rainbow round about the throne." — Revelation 4:3

The glory of his father's house

September 26—Morning—Isaiah 22:24
"And they shall hang upon him all the glory of his father's house." — Isaiah 22:24

And who is this but Jesus, the true Eliakim and Governor of heaven and earth? Jesus explained this Himself when He declared that He possesses the key of David (Revelation 3:7). Has not God the Father literally given all things into His hands? Is there anything that Jehovah has withheld from Him? Has it not pleased the Father that in Him all fullness should dwell?

The Lord, will be a wall of fire all around her

September 25—Morning—Deuteronomy 19:3
"You shall prepare a way for yourself, and divide the territory of your land, which the Lord your God gives you to inherit, into three parts, that every manslayer may flee there." — Deuteronomy 19:3
