Related Resources - Means of Grace - Baptism - Lord's Supper
In Reformed theology, baptism and the Lord's Supper are sacraments which signify a person's union with Christ, or being joined to Christ and being treated as if they had done everything Christ had. Sacraments, along with preaching of God's word, are means of grace through which the Holy Spirit works to portray visibly the promises of the gospel ... means that use our sight, taste, touch, and smell. They have no efficacy in themselves but are signs and seals which point us to point us to “the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross as the only ground of our salvation” (The Heidelberg Catechism, Q&A 67). Sacraments are believed to have their effect through the Holy Spirit, but these effects are only believed to be beneficial in any redemptive way to those who, by grace, turn to trust in Christ alone.
By Scripture
Old Testament