Overviews of Covenant Theology
"If election is the doctrine that describes God’s sovereign and gracious purpose to redeem his people in Christ, then covenant is the doctrine that describes God’s chosen means to accomplish this purpose in time."
- Cornelis Venema Christ and Covenant Theology
“It appears very plainly, that by these two covenants he (Paul in Gal 4.24ff) understands, (a) the covenant of works, the sum of which, together with the covenant of grace (which was administered in a legal manner under the Old Testament) was proposed at mount Sinai, and often exhibited for the condemnation of sinners, and in order to urge them to the Messiah, who was to come; and therefore the Jews, the Jerusalem of Paul’s time, seeking their righteousness and the inheritance by this covenant, showed that they, being born after the flesh, of the servile covenant of works, were also servile with their children, since they, like Ishmael, mocked and persecuted them, who were born after the Spirit. (b) The second covenant, which Paul mentioneth, is the covenant of grace, which is established only in promises; and therefore all who believe, the Jerusalem that is above, the true church, being born like Isaac, after the Spirit, of this covenant, are free, and obtain the inheritance by promise” (vol 1, p. 433 of The Christian: Entirely the Property of Christ in Life and Death by Vanderkemp).
By Scripture
Old Testament