Progressive Covenantalism & NCT
Progressive Covenantalism is a self-described via media (or hybrid) between Covenant Theology and Dispensationalism. The argument for this whole alternative Bible system can be found best expressed in the book "Kingdom through Covenant" by Peter Gentry and Stephen Wellum. There is much positive to agree upon with PC but the book so profoundly and unrepentantly misrepresents traditional covenant theology (such as its erroneous declarations throughout the book that CT is "replacement" theology) that we unfortunately had no alternative. Ultimately I regard this controversy as an intramural dispute regarding Baptist/Reformed Baptist identity. I don't have a specific stake in that debate as I am Presbyterian. But the degree of mis-characterization of the Covenant Theology position is breathtaking so I needed to weigh in.
Although the work attempts to arbitrate between the two systems of CT and DT, and bring them together, it fails to succeed at its task and doesn’t really break any new ground. Instead, it’s an extended defense of Reformed Baptist/NCT theology, (Tom Schreiner, D. A. Carson & Fred G. Zaspel). While we find ourselves in agreement many areas of theology with these brothers, and there is much to be commended in the work, yet we sharply diverge from their erroneous arguments against traditional covenant theology.
By Scripture
Old Testament