john Frame Stats
· Born:

Author of books and articles from a reformed perspective. Professor of Systematic Theology and Philosophy at
Reformed Theological Seminary in Orlando, FL.

Princeton University A.B.; Westminster Theological Seminary B.D.; Yale University, M.Phil.; Belhaven College, D.D.

· Denomination:
· Theology:
Covenental, 5-point Calvinist, Paedo-Baptist, Presuppositional Apologetics, Amillenialist


Frame's Books


[Libertarians argue] ...For no one is responsible for an act unless he “could have done otherwise.” If I am strapped to a robotic machine which, using my arms, robs a bank, I am not to blame for robbing the bank. I “could not have done otherwise.” Such is the libertarian argument. I have always felt that this position lacked cogency. For one thing, it denies the rule of God’s sovereignty over the hearts and decisions of human beings, a rule which I find abundantly attested in Scripture (see my lectures on the Doctrine of God). Indeed, in saying that human actions can be “uncaused,” it attributes to man ultimate causality; but in Christianity, only God is the first cause. For another thing, libertarianism seems to me to be unintelligible on its own terms, for it makes our moral choices accidental. R. E. Hobart, in a famous article from the 1930s, wrote to the effect that on the libertarian basis, a moral choice is like my feet popping out of my bed without my desiring them to, and carrying me where I don’t want to go. The attempt to separate decisions from desires is psychologically perverse. Further, libertarianism, rather than guaranteeing moral responsibility, actually destroys it. How can we be held responsible for decisions, if those decisions are “psychological accidents,” unconnected with any of our desires? Indeed, such a situation would, precisely, negate all responsibility. Certainly it is difficult to imagine being held responsible for something we really didn’t want to do....If we have difficulty here, it may be because we fail to understand the nature of the sinner’s bondage. It is a moral and spiritual bondage, not a metaphysical, physical or psychological bondage. If, as in my robot-machine illustration, someone is physically forced to do something he doesn’t want to do, then of course his bondage removes his responsibility for the act. Confronted with his “deed,” the person would have a valid excuse: “I couldn’t help it; I was physically forced to do it.” But imagine someone coming before a human judge and saying, to excuse himself of a crime, “I couldn’t help it, your honor; I was forced to do it by my nature. Since birth I’ve just been a rotten guy!” Surely there is something ironic about appealing to depravity to excuse depraved acts! If our defendant really is a “rotten guy,” then, far from being an excuse, that is all the more reason to lock him up! My point, then, is that although physical (and some other kinds of) bondage can furnish valid excuses for otherwise bad actions, moral bondage is not such an excuse. I can’t imagine anyone disputing that proposition once he understands it.

Biographical Sketch

Dr. John M. Frame is an American philosopher and a Calvinist theologian especially noted for his work in epistemology and presuppositional apologetics, systematic theology, and ethics. He is one of the foremost interpreters and critics of the thought of Cornelius Van Til (who he studied under while working on his B.D. at Westminster Theological Seminary). An outstanding theologian, John Frame distinguished himself during 31 years on the faculty of Westminster Theological Seminary, and was a founding faculty member of WTS California. He is best known for his prolific writings including ten volumes, a contributor to many books and reference volumes, as well as scholarly articles and magazines.

Dr. Frame was born (1939) and raised in Pittsburgh, PA. He came to know Christ at around 13 or 14 years of age, through the ministry of Beverly Hights UP Church (in particular the youth and music ministries) and some Christian friends.

For his education, Frame received degrees from Princeton University (A.B.), Westminster Theological Seminary (B.D.), Yale University (A.M. and M.Phil., though he was working on a doctorate and admits his own failure to complete his dissertation), and Belhaven College (D.D.). He has served on the faculty of Westminster Theological Seminary and was a founding faculty member of their California campus. He currently (as of 2005) teaches Apologetics and The History of Philosophy and Christian thought at Reformed Theological Seminary in Orlando, FL. He is appreciated, by many of his students, for his charitable spirit and fairness to opposing arguments (although, he fairly demolishes them nonetheless).

Dr. Frame is also a classically trained musician (he plays the piano and organ) and a critic of film, music, and other media. He has been involved in the music/worship ministry of the church since he was a teenager, upon coming to faith in Christ. He is deeply committed to the work of ministry and training pastors.

Sources: Wikipedia, RTS website, Marco Gonzalez, and John Frame

Essays Available Online
Apologetic Method

• Certainty

• Christ and Culture

• Doctrine of the Knowledge of God (for Apologetics)

• Do We Need God To Be Moral?

• Greeks Bearing Gifts

• I'm Glad You Asked

• Infinite Series

• No News Is Good News

• The Ontological Argument

• Problems of Apologetics

• Self Refuting Statements

• Apologetic Method Summer 2004

• Transcendental Arguments

• Unregenerate Knowledge of God

• A Van Til Glossary

• Van Til Reconsidered

• Why I Believe 2

• No News Is Good News: Modernity, The Postmodern, and Apologetics

• Evangelical Reunion, part 21

• The Bible On the Problem of Evil

• Presuppositional Apologetics, part 1

• Presuppositional Apologetics, part 2

• A Theology of Opportunity, part 1

• A Theology of Opportunity, part 2

• A Theology of Opportunity, part 3

• A Van Til Glossary

• Evangelical Reunion, part 2

• Evangelical Reunion, part 11

• Evangelical Reunion, part 12

• Evangelical Reunion, part 13

• Evangelical Reunion, part 14

• Evangelical Reunion, part 15

• Evangelical Reunion, part 16

• Evangelical Reunion, part 17

• Evangelical Reunion, part 18

• Evangelical Reunion, part 19

• Evangelical Reunion, part 20

• Evangelical Reunion, part 3

• Evangelical Reunion, part 4

• Evangelical Reunion, part 5

• Evangelical Reunion, part 6

• Evangelical Reunion, part 7

• Evangelical Reunion, part 8

• Evangelical Reunion, part 9

• Evangelical Reunion, part 10

• Evangelical Reunion, part 21

• Evangelical Reunion, part 22

• Evangelical Reunion, part 1

The third volume of John Frame's Theology of Lordship: Doctrine of the Christian Lifeseries (yet to be published), which you can read the textbook online:.
  • Opening Pages Word
  • Table of Contents Word
  • Preface Word
  • chapter 1: Introduction Word
  • chapter 2: Ethical Glossary Word
  • chapter 3: Divine Lordship Word
  • chapter 4: Christian and Non-Christian Ethics Word
  • chapter 5: Ethics and the Religions Word
  • chapter 6: The Existential Tradition Word
  • chapter 7: The Teleological Tradition Word
  • chapter 8: The Deontological Tradition Word
  • chapter 9: The Organism of Revelation Word
  • chapter 10: Attributes of Scripture Word
  • chapter 11: Sufficiency of Scripture Word
  • chapter 12: Law in Biblical Ethics Word
  • chapter 13: Applying the Law Word
  • chapter 14: Situation and Norm Word
  • chapter 15: Our Ethical Situation Word
  • chapter 16: Redemptive History Word
  • chapter 17: Our Chief End Word
  • chapter 18: Goodness and Being Word
  • chapter 19: Motives and Virtues Word
  • chapter 20: The New Life as a Source of Ethical Knowledge Word
  • chapter 21: Organs of Ethical Knowledge Word
  • chapter 22: Introduction to the Decalogue Word
  • chapter 23: The First Commandment Word
  • chapter 24: The First Commandment Contemporary Issues Word
  • chapter 25: The Second Commandment Word
  • chapter 26: The Second Commandment Regulating Worship Word
  • chapter 27: The Third Commandment Word
  • chapter 28: The Fourth Commandment Word
  • chapter 29: The Fourth Commandment Theology of the Sabbath Word
  • chapter 30: The Fourth Commandment Sabbath in the New Covenant Word
  • chapter 31: The Fifth Commandment Word
  • chapter 32: The Fifth Commandment Family Church and State Word
  • chapter 33: The Fifth Commandment Man and Woman Word
  • chapter 34: The Fifth Commandment Equalities Word
  • chapter 35: The Sixth Commandment Word
  • chapter 36: The Sixth Commandment War and Punishment Word
  • chapter 37: The Sixth Commandment Protecting Life Word
  • chapter 38: The Seventh Commandment Word
  • chapter 39: The Seventh Commandment Divorce Word
  • chapter 40: The Seventh Commandment Reproduction Word
  • chapter 41: The Eighth Commandment Word
  • chapter 42: The Eighth Commandment Wealth and Poverty Word
  • chapter 43: The Ninth Commandment Word
  • chapter 44: The Tenth Commandment Word

More Essays

In Defense of Something Close to Biblicism: Reflections on Sola Scriptura and History in Theological Method
Introduction to the Reformed Faith
Traditionalism and Sola Scriptura Part I; Part II
Law and Gospel
Working Together
Walking Together
The Lord's Authority
Preaching Christ from the Decalogue

The Lord of Power
The Presence of the Lord
Is the Bible Inerrant?
Foreknowledge and the Free Will of Men
Preaching Christ From the Decalogue
How to Be Confident Amid Millennial Frenzies
God in Time
God: Encyclopedia Article
Images of GodFree Will and Moral Responsibility
Serving One Another in Worship
Christians and Charter Schools
Does God Change His Mind?
The Bible on the Problem of Evil
Who Owns Palestine?
"Cornelius Van Til"
Dealing with Doctrinal Differences

Men and Women in the Image of God
Studying Theology as a Servant of Jesus
Political Theology in Wartime
Moral Heroism
The Claims of Christ A Sermon on John 5:16-29

“Presuppositional Apologetics, ”
“Self-Refuting Statements,”
Nursing Homes and the Fifth Command
A Theology of Opportunity:Sola Scriptura and the Great Commission, Part 2, Part 3
Unregenerate Knowledge of God

Doctrine of the Christian Life Study Guide Word PDF


Taken from
- Review: W. Cantwell Smith, Questions of Religious Truth in WTJ 30:2 (May, 1968), 241-242.
- Review: Gordon Kaufman, Systematic Theology: a Historicist Perspective in WTJ 32:1 (Nov., 1969), 119-124.
- “Abortion and the Christian,” The Presbyterian Guardian 39 (Nov., 1970), 78-80.
- Review: Dallas M. High, ed., New Essays on Religious Language , WTJ 33:1 (Nov., 1970), 126-131.
- “General Assembly—The Morning After,” The Presbyterian Guardian 40 (June-July, 1971), 86-87.
- Report of the Committee to Study the Matter of Abortion in Minutes of the General Assembly of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church, 1971 . Also published in pamphlet form. I was principal author, with much help from other committee members.
- “Abortion and Some Christian Assumptions,” Cambridge Fish 3 (1972), 6. Also in Banner of Truth 100 (Jan., 1972), 29-31.
- The Amsterdam Philosophy: a Preliminary Critique (Phillipsburg, NJ: Harmony Press, 1972).
- “Constitutional Revision in the NUCS: Counting the Cost,” Christian Educators Journal 11:4 (May, 1972), 22-23. Also published as “Will the NUCS Remain Christian?” in Presbyterian Guardian (?).
- “The Law, Theology and Abortion,” in The Christian Lawyer 4 (Winter, 1972), 24-27.
- “No Scripture, No Christ,” Synapse II 1:1 (Jan., 1972), 1.
- “The Quiet Crisis in the Christian Schools ,” Presbyterian Guardian 41 (April, 1972), 56-57.
- Review: Peter Achinstein and Stephen F. Barker, ed., The Legacy of Logical Positivism , WTJ 34:2 (May, 1972), 199-201.
- Review: Brian Armstrong, Calvinism and the Amyraut Heresy , WTJ 34:2 (May, 1972), 186-192.
- Review: Rex Gardner, Abortion: The Personal Dilemma , Cambridge Fish 3 (1972), 3, 6; also in Banner of Truth 109 (Oct., 1972), 31-32.
- “School Subscription to Church Creeds,” Christian Home and School 51 (Nov., 1972), 9-10.
- “Reformed Ethics,” in Carl F. H. Henry, ed., Baker's Dictionary of Christian Ethics ( Grand Rapids : Baker), 571-72.
- Review: Rex Gardner, Abortion: The Personal Dilemma in WTJ 35:2 (Winter, 1973), 234-237.
- Review: Paul Van Buren, The Edges of Language , WTJ 36:1 (Fall, 1973), 106-111.
- Review: John Wenham, Christ and the Bible , in Banner of Truth 118-119 (July-August, 1973), 39-41.
- “Schleiermacher and Protestant Ethics,” in Carl F. H. Henry, ed., Baker's Dictionary of Christian Ethics ( Grand Rapids : Baker), 603-604.
- “The Word of God in the Cosmonomic Philosophy,” Parts 1 and 2, Presbyterian Guardian 41 (Oct, 1972), 123-125; (Nov., 1972), 140-142.
- “What Is God's Word?” in Robert Morey, ed., The Dooyeweerdian Concept of the Word of God ( Phillipsburg , NJ : P&R). 32-37, and in Presbyterian Guardian 42 (Nov., 1973), 142-43.
- “The Word of God and the AACS: A Reply to Prof. Zylstra,” Presbyterian Guardian 42 (April, 1973), 60-61.
- “Church Creeds and Christian Schools ,” Calvinist Contact 1446 (Mar. 4, 1974), 1, 5.
- “God and Biblical Language: Transcendence and Immanence,” in John W. Montgomery, ed., God's Inerrant Word (Minneapolis: Bethany Fellowship, 1974), 159-177.
- Review: Rex Gardner, Abortion: The Personal Dilemma in Christian Literature World 1 (Aug., 1974), 1-2.
- “Scripture Speaks For Itself,” in John W. Montgomery, ed., God's Inerrant Word (Minneapolis: Bethany Fellowship, 1974), 178-200.
- “The Ugliness of Evangelism,” Synapse III (Fall, 1974), 1, 5, 7, 11.
- “How to Study For My Courses,” reproduced by WTS. Revised many times after.
- “The Need to Postpone Obedience,” Mandate 108 (July 21, 1975), 3-4.
- “Toronto , Reformed Orthodoxy, and the Word of God: Where Do We Go From Here?” Vanguard (Jan.-Feb., 1975), 3-4.
- “Unity of Faith Inseparable From Unity of Conviction,” The Wanderer (July 31, 1975), 5.
- “Abortion and the Lonely Modern Woman,” The New Community 2 (Jan., 1976), 1-5.
- “The Problem of Theological Paradox,” in Gary North, ed., Foundations of Christian Scholarship ( Vallecito , CA : Ross House), 295-330.
- Review: R. J. Rushdoony, The Institutes of Biblical Law , in WTJ 38:2 (Winter, 1976), 195-217.
- Van Til, The Theologian ( Phillipsburg : Pilgrim Publications). Same as “The Problem of Theological Paradox.”
- “Capital Punishment,” The New Community 3 (Sept., 1977).
- Christianity and the Great Debates (Lecture Outline).
- Doctrine of the Knowledge of God (Lecture Outline).
- Review: Greg Bahnsen, Theonomy in Christian Ethics , in The Presbyterian Journal 36 (Aug. 31, 1977), 18.
- Review: John Beardslee, Reformed Dogmatics , in The Presbyterian Journal 36 (Oct. 5, 1977), 19-20.
- Review: D. Kelsey, The Uses of Scripture in Recent Theology , WTJ 39:2 (Spring, 1977), 328-353.
- “Abortion From a Biblical Perspective,” in Richard L. Ganz, ed., Thou Shalt Not Kill ( New Rochelle : Arlington House), 43-75. Edited version of the OPC Report on Abortion.
- Doctrine of the Word of God (Lecture Outline).
- “Proposal For a New Seminary,” Journal of Pastoral Practice 2:1 (Winter, 1978), 10-17.
- Study Guides, Answer Books, other course materials.
- Doctrine of the Christian Life (Lecture Outline). With study guide.
- “Foreword,” to Richard Pratt, Every Thought Captive ( Phillipsburg : P&R), vii-viii.
- “No Scripture, No Christ,” in Presbyterian Guardian 48 (Jan., 1979), 10-11.
- Review: Paul Holmer, The Grammar of Faith , WTJ 42:1 (Fall, 1979), 219-231.
- Review: William White, Van Til: Defender of the Faith , WTJ 42:1 (Fall, 1979), 198-203.
- Review: Robert Morey, A Christian Handbook for Defending the Faith, in The Presbyterian Journal 38 (Feb. 20, 1980).
- Review: William White, Van Til: Defender of the Faith , in The Presbyterian Journal 38 (Feb. 13, 1980), 21-22.
- Contemporary Apologetics : study guide and lecture outline.
- “Are the Reformed Creeds Worth Keeping in Schools?” The Outlook 32 (Jan. 1982), 7-9, and (Feb., 1982), 6-9.
- “Epistemological Perspectives and Evangelical Apologetics,” delivered to ETS, Far West, Biola University , April 23, 1982.
- The Public Worship of God (Lecture Outlines).
- “Guidelines for Church Union ,” Presbyterian Journal 42 (Aug. 24, 1983), 8-10.
- Integrating Theology With Life (Lecture Outline). 
- “Rationality and Scripture,” in H. Hart, J. Vander Hoeven, and N. Wolterstorff, Rationality in the Calvinian Tradition ( Lanham , MD : University Press of America ), 293-317.
- Review: Winfried Corduan, Handmaid to Theology , WTJ 45:2 (Fall, 1983), 441-448.
- Review: Norman Geisler, ed., Biblical Errancy , WTJ 45:2 (Fall, 1983), 433-441.
- Studies in Modern Theology (Lecture Outline).
- “Case Study: Proposals for a New North American Mode,” in Harvie M. Conn and Sam Rowen, ed., Missions and Theological Education in World Perspective ( Farmington , MI : Associates of Urbansu), 369-386.
- “Epistemological Perspectives and Evangelical Apologetics,” (1982 lecture) published in Bulletin of the Evangelical Philosophical Society 7:1984 (1-7).
- “Introduction” to James B. Jordan, The Law of the Covenant ( Tyler , TX : ICE), xvii-xx.
- “Pastor's Page,” Life at New Life (Sept. –Oct., 1984). Back to School; Rebellion of the Heart
- Review: Beverly Harrison, Our Right to Choose in Eternity 35 (Oct., 1984), 43-44.
- Review: P. Richardson, Paul's Ethic of Freedom in Transformation 1:4 (Oct.-Dec. 1984), 28.
- Review: H. Schlossberg, Idols For Destruction in Presbyterian Journal 43 (June 6, 1984), 10.
- Review: H. Schlossberg, Idols For Destruction , WTJ 46:2 (Fall, 1984), 438-444.
- Science and General Culture (Lecture Outline). 
- “Scientia Media,” in W. Elwell, ed., Evangelical Dictionary of Theology ( Grand Rapids : Baker Book House), 987-988.
- “Second Chance,” in W. Elwell, ed., Evangelical Dictionary of Theology ( Grand Rapids : Baker), 991-992.
- “Virgin Birth of Jesus,” in W. Elwell, ed., Evangelical Dictionary of Theology ( Grand Rapids : Baker), 1143-1145.
- Westminster Catechisms,” in W. Elwell, ed., Evangelical Dictionary of Theology ( Grand Rapids : Baker), 1168.
- Westminster Confession of Faith,” in W. Elwell, ed., Evangelical Dictionary of Theology ( Grand Rapids : Baker), 1168-69.
- Thoughts on Theonomy (Lecture Outline).
- “A Class in Praise,” Life at New Life (May-June, 1985), 1.
- “Covering Ourselves,” The Journal of Pastoral Practice 7:4 (1985), 2-6.
- “Doctrine of the Word of God,” The Geneva Review 19 (June, 1985), 8.
- “Let's Keep the Picture Fuzzy,” addition to Thoughts on Theonomy .
- “Rebellion of the Heart,” Life at New Life (Jan.- Feb., 1985), 1.
- Review: Colin Brown, Miracles and the Critical Mind , WTJ 47:1 (Spring, 1985), 140-46.
- Review: George Lindbeck, The Nature of Doctrine in The Presbyterian Journal 43 (Feb. 27, 1985), 11-12.
- Review: Magnus Verbrugge, Alive: An Enquiry into the Origin and Meaning of Life , WTJ 47:2 (Fall, 1985), 373-379.
- “Spousal Abuse and Divorce: A More Traditional View,” report to Presbytery of Southern California, Orthodox Presbyterian Church.
- “Van Til, His Simplicity and Profundity,” reprinted in Update (March, 1986), 1-2.
- “Music in Worship,” New Horizon 7:4 (April, 1986), 1-2.
- “Only One Legitimate Issue Before Us,” New Horizon 7:4 (April, 1986), 13.
- Review: John H. Gerstner, R. C. Sproul, and Art Lindsley, Classical Apologetics , in WTJ 47:2 (Fall, 1986), 279-299.
- “Should We Reordain PCUSA Ministers?” privately published and distributed to Presbytery of Southern California, Orthodox Presbyterian Church.
- “The Spirit and the Scriptures,” in Donald Carson and John Woodbridge, ed., Hermeneutics, Authority and Canon ( Grand Rapids : Zondervan), 217-235.
- The Doctrine of the Knowledge of God ( Phillipsburg : P&R). With Study Guide. 
- Old Testament Survey (Lecture Outlines for adult Sunday School course). 
- Review: Stephen Lawhead, Turn Back the Night (Lecture Outline).
- “We Used to Sing Only Psalms; What Happened?” Reformed Worship (Spring, 1987), 32-34.
- “Death of God Theology,” in Sinclair B. Ferguson and David F. Wright, New Dictionary of Theology ( Downers Grove , IL : Inter-Varsity Press), 188-189.
- “The Ethics of Realignment,” privately published and distributed.
- Letter, in Journey 3:2 (March-April, 1988), 9-11.
- Letter, in Journey 3:4 (July-October, 1988), 45-46.
- Medical Ethics: Principles, Persons, and Problems ( Phillipsburg : P&R).
- Review: Robert Lightner, Evangelical Theology: a Survey and Review, WTJ 50:1 (Spring, 1988), 222-226.
- Review: Schubert Ogden, On Theology , WTJ 50:1 (Spring, 1988), 157-65.
- The Shorter Catechism, (Lecture Outlines for adult Sunday School course).
- “Abortion, and Some Christian Assumptions,” revised; distributed by WTS in California .
- “Is Realignment a Biblical Option?” New Horizons 10:6 (June-July, 1989), 18.
- Letter, concerning William Dennison, Journey 6:1 (Jan.-Feb., 1989), 22-23.
- Letter, concerning William White, Journey , 6:1 (Jan.-Feb., 1989), 14-15, 23.
- “The OPC: a Theological Analysis,” privately published and distributed.
- Response to “What Was It Like?” New Horizons 10:5 (May, 1989), 2-3.
- Review: Benjamin Farley, The Providence of God , WTJ 51:2 (Fall, 1989), 397-400.
- “Toward a Theology of the State,” WTJ 51:2 (Fall, 1989), 199-226.
- “Apologetics at Westminster,” Update 8:2, 2.
- “Calvin Center Research Book Mirrors Secular Thinking,” review of H. Bouma, D. Diekema, E. Langerak, T. Rottman, A. Verhey, Christian Faith, Health, and Medical Practice , in Christian Renewal (June 18, 1990), 16-17.
- “Christianity and Contemporary Epistemology,” WTJ 52 (1990), 131-41.
- “The One, the Many, and Theonomy,” in Will Barker and W. Robert Godfrey, ed., Theonomy: a Reformed Critique (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1990), 89-99.
- Perspectives on the Word of God ( Phillipsburg : P&R).
- Evangelical Reunion: Denominations and the Body of Christ ( Grand Rapids : Baker).
- “Foreword” to Mil Am Yi, Women and the Church: a Biblical Perspective (Columbus, GA: Brentwood Christian Press, 1991), 7-8.
- Interview on apologetics, reported in Pensacola News-Journal (Fri., 8/23/91), 1D, 5D.
- Letter on Anti-Semitism and Religious Relativism, Biblical Archeology Review xvii/4 (July-Aug., 1991), 18-19.
- “Men and Women in the Image of God,” in John Piper and Wayne Grudem, ed., Recovering Biblical Manhood and Womanhood (Wheaton: Crossway Books, 1991), 225-32.
- “The Other Shoe: Copyright and the Responsible Use of Technology,” Antithesis II/4 (July-Aug., 1991), 10-12.
- “Van Til, le theologien,” tr. Into French by André Coste, La Revue Reformée 167 (Janvier, 1991), 7-42.
- “Frame Responds to Engelsma,” Christian Renewal 10:16 (May 11, 1992), 4.
- “Frame's Ten-Point Rebuttal,” Christian Renewal 10:16 (May 11, 1992), 5.
- “Infralapsarianism,” in Donald K. McKim, ed., Encyclopedia of the Reformed Faith ( Louisville : John Knox/Westminster), 193-94.
- “Introduction” to Jim West, The Covenant Baptism of Infants (Palo Cedro, CA: Christian Worldview Ministries, 1992), iii.
- “Proposal For a New Seminary,” in Reformed Theology (Korean), published by Reformed Presbyterian Seminary, Gardena , CA .
- “Some Questions About the Regulative Principle,” WTJ 54 (1992), 357-66.
- Review: David R. Griffin, Evil Revisited , Calvin Theological Journal 27:2 (Nov., 1992), 435-38.
- “Cornelius Van Til,” in W. Elwell , ed., Handbook of Evangelical Theologians (Grand Rapids: Baker, 1993), 156-167.
- Letter to Editor, Escondido Times-Advocate (April 18), A-9, on religious right.
Short Essays in Ethics, for course in Doctrine of the Christian Life. Privately published and distributed.
Compassion and the Ethical Calculus
Levels of Ethical Evaluation
Reactive Ethics and Sola Scriptura
Between the Apostles and the Parousia: Bearing the Burdens of Change and of Knowledge
Ethics and the Millennium
Euthyphro, Hume, and the Biblical God
Free Will and Moral Responsibility
Heart Righteousness and Decalogical Hermeneutics
More on Imprecations
Oaths and Slang
Operation Rescue: Case Study on Civil Disobedience
Recent Reflections on Divorce
The New Reproduction
- Apologetics to the Glory of God: an Introduction ( Phillipsburg : P&R).
- Letter to Editor, Escondido Times-Advocate (May 26), A-10, on limits of public schools.
- Letter to Editor, Escondido Times-Advocate (June 9), A-13, “Values and Public Schools.”
- “Muller on Theology,” WTJ 56 (Spring, 1994), 133-151.
- “Reply to T. David Gordon,” WTJ 56:1 (Spring, 1994), 181-183.
- Review: Paul Helm, The Providence of God , WTJ 56:2 (Fall, 1994), 438-442.
- “Shadowlands,” review in Open Book 20 (Mar., 1994), 1-2.
- Theology At the Movies , privately published and distributed.
- Christian Apologetics (Lecture Outlines for church SS course).
- Cornelius Van Til: An Analysis of His Thought ( Phillipsburg : P&R).
- “Encounter on a Plane: Evidence For the Biblical God,” excerpt from AGG in Areopagus Proclamation 5:9, #9506 (June, 1995).
- Review: Paul Helm, Belief Policies , WTJ 57 (1995), 248-251.
- “Scripture and the Apologetic Task,” The Journal of Biblical Counseling 13/2 (Winter, 1995), 9-12. (From AGG, chapter 1).
- “A Theology of Opportunity : Breaking Through to the Foundations of Our Faith,” Equip for Ministry 1:2 (June/July, 1995), 7-9.
- “Van Til on Antithesis,” WTJ 57 (1995), 81-102.
- “Who Needs God?” Debate with Paul Kurtz, Dallas Morning News (Sat., 10.28/95), G1, G3, G6.
- Debate with philosopher Michael Martin on his “Transcendental Argument for the Non-Existence of God,”
- “Do We Need God to be Moral?” debate with Paul Kurtz in Free Inquiry 16.2 (Spring, 1996).
- “Foreword,” to Andrew Sandlin, ed., A Comprehensive Faith : Festschrift for Rousas J. Rushdoony (San José: Friends of Chalcedon, 1996).
- “Greg Bahnsen: Student/Scholar,” The Counsel of Chalcedon XVII: 11, 12 (Jan.-Feb., 1996), 4-8.
- Letter to the Editor (on Richard Horner's review of CVT), New Horizons (July, 1996), 22.
- “Without a Supreme Being, Everything is Permitter,” Free Inquiry 16:2 (Spring, 1996), 4-7.
- Worship in Spirit and Truth ( Phillipsburg : P&R).
- Apologetics to the Glory of God , translated into Korean by Ji-Hyun Jun (Seoul: Yungeum Press, 1997).
- Contemporary Worship Music: a Biblical Defense ( Phillipsburg : P&R).
- “God Made Me This Way,” Tabletalk 21:3 (Mar., 1997), 8-11. Also published in Immanuel 107 (Mar., 1997), 3.
- “In Defense of Something Close to Biblicism,” WTJ 59 (1997), 269-318, with replies by David Wells and Richard Muller and a further reply by me. Also published as an appendix to CWM.
- “Reformation in Our Personal Attitudes,” Reformation Today (July-Aug., 1997), 21-24. Excerpt from Evangelical Reunion .
- “Where Did Denominations Come From?” Reformation Today (July-Aug., 1997), 11-14. Excerpt from Evangelical Reunion .
- Apologetics to the Glory of God tr. Into Japanese by Kunio Sakurai of Tokyo Christian University . (Publication Committee of the Presbyterian Church of Japan ).
- “The Regulative Principle: Scripture, Tradition, and Culture,” debate with Darryl Hart on Warfield computer list. Published in hardcopy by Westminster Campus Bookstore, ed. Charles R. Biggs. See mailto:[email protected].
- “Reply to Mark W. Karlberg, Mid-America Journal of Theology 9:2 (Fall, 1993—actually published in 1998), 297-308.
Short articles published at
Between the Apostles and the Parousia
The Bible on the Problem of Evil
The Claims of Christ
Covenant and the Unity of Scripture
Ethics, Preaching, and Biblical Theology
Euthyphro, Hume, and the Biblical God
Free Will and Moral Responsibility
God With Us, Here and Now
Grow in Grace and Knowledge
How to Be Confident Amid Millennial Frenzies
Introduction to the Reformed Faith
Is the Bible Inerrant?
Lessons on Ministry From the Pharisees
Levels of Ethical Evaluation
Marriage as Unjust Suffering
The Medical Model Revisited
Ministries of Mercy to the Unborn
Mixed Marriages
Perspectives on the Word of God
Preaching Christ From the Decalogue
Presuppositional Apologetics: An Introduction
A Theology of Opportunity
Trinitarian Analogies
Walking Together
When in the Course of Human Events Does Civil Disobedience Become Necessary?
- “How Does God Regulate Worship?” Presbyterian Network (Spring, 1999), 12-17.

- Perspectives On the Word of God (Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock, 1999). Reprint.

- “Some Questions About the Regulative Principle,” reprinted at .

- “Van Til and the Ligonier Apologetic,” reprinted at .

- “Van Til, the Theologian,” at .

- Walking Together [Address given at the organizing conference for F. I. R. E., the Fellowship of Independent Reformed Evangelicals, April 27, 1999.]

Short articles and book, published at
Gal. 3:15-29: a Dialogue
Evangelical Reunion
A Van Til Glossary
- Apologetics to the Glory of God , translated into Indonesian ( Phillipsburg : P&R).

- Cornelius Van Til (Lecture Outline).

- Doctrine of the Knowledge of God , translated into Indonesian ( Phillipsburg : P&R).

- History of Epistemology (Lecture Outline).

- “The Lord of Authority,” Northland News 1:5 (Oct. 1-7, 2000), 1.

- “The Lord of Power,” Northland News 1:4 (Sept. 23, 2000), 1.

- “The Lord of Presence,” Northland News 1:6 (Oct. 8-14, 2000), 1.

- “Presuppositional Apologetics,” in Steve Cowan, ed., Five Views of Apologetics ( Grand Rapids : Zondervan). One major article, four replies, and a concluding article.

- “Studying Theology as a Servant of Jesus,” pamphlet published by Reformed Theological Seminary Bookstore.

- “The Wonder of God Over Us and With Us,” Reformed Quarterly (Winter, 2000), 12-13, 17.

Materials published at
Doctrine of the Word of God (Lecture Outline)
“Living With Ourselves,” 3.31 (July 30-Aug. 5).
“Meanings of ‘Racism' and Some Evaluations,” 3.39 (Sept. 24-30).
“Moral Heroism,” 3.33 (Aug. 13-19).
“Oaths and Slang,” 3:35 (Aug. 27-Sept.2).
Pastoral and Social Ethics (Lecture Outline) 3.51 (Dec. 17-23), in three segments.
“Penultimate Thoughts on Theonomy,” 3:34 (Aug. 20-26).
Review of The Nature and Extent of Biblical Authority , 3.37 (Sept. 10-16).
“Toward a Theology of the State,” in three parts: 3.43 (Oct. 22-28), 3.44 (Oct. 29-Nov. 4), 3.45 (Nov. 5-11).
- “A Blind Beggar Becomes an Apologist,” In Covenant 4:3 (June, 2001), 1-2.

- No Other God ( Phillipsburg : P&R, 2001).

- “Open Theism and Divine Foreknowledge,” in D. Wilson , ed., Bound Only Once: the Failure of Open Theism ( Moscow , ID : Canon Press, 2001), 83-94.

- “Traditionalism and Sola Scriptura, I” Chalcedon Report (Oct., 2001), 15-19.

- Same, Part II, (Nov., 2001), 434-35.

- “Serving One Another in Worship,” In Covenant 4:3 (Mar., 2001), 1-2.


Posted at
“Apologetic Method,” Lecture Outline, Sept. 3, 2002.
“But God Made Me This Way,” 4.10 (Mar. 11-17).
“ Christian Schools ,” 4.11 (Mar. 18-24).
“Christians and Education: Are Charter Schools the Answer?” 4.14 (Apr. 7-13).
“DKG for Apologetics,” Lecture Outline (Sept. 3, 2002).
“Imprecations: Holy Fire,” 4.17 (Apr. 29-May 5).
“Is the Bible Inerrant?” 4.19 (May 13-20).
“Keeping Your Elders Happy,” sermon on Heb. 13:17. 4.28 (July 17-24).
“May Women Teach Adult Sunday School Classes?” 4.21 (May 27-June 3).
“Moving Pictures: Theologizing at the Movies” 4.23 (June 12-19).
“No Place to Hide Our Head: the Problem of Homelessness,” 4.9 (Mar. 4-10).
“Problems of Apologetics,” Lecture Outline (Sept. 3, 2002).
“Should Christians Go to Movies?” 4.18 (May 6-12).
“Spousal Abuse: Ground for Divorce?” 4.22 (June 3-9).
“The Apostle,” film review, 4.16 (Apr. 21-26).
“The Other Shoe: Copyright and the Reasonable Use of Technology,” 4.15 (Apr. 14-20. Also posted at
“Triads for Apologetics,” Sept. 3, 2002.
“Questions to Ask of Films,” 4.20 (May 20-26).
- “Contemporary Worship Music: Quality,” in Tim Dearborn and Scott Coil, ed., More Than a Worship Band (Calvin Institute of Christian Worship , 2002), 175-82. Reprints a chapter of my 1997 book Contemporary Worship Music.

- Cornelius Van Til in Indonesian ( Surabaya : Penerbit Momentum, 2002).

- Doctrine of God ( Phillipsburg , NJ : P&R, 2002).

- “Faith and the Fight Against Terrorism,” Fort Worth Star-Telegram (Sun., Jan. 27).

- “Foreword” to R. J. Gore, Covenantal Worship ( Phillipsburg : P&R, 2002), ix-x.

- “Law and Gospel” at and*rchive/lawandgospel.html.

- “Nursing Homes and the Fifth Commandment,” Christian Culture (Aug., 2002), 2.

- Perspectives on the Word of God in Russian ( Odessa , Ukraine : Godeistvize, 2002).

- Spirit of the Reformation Study Bible ( Grand Rapids : Zondervan, 2002). I was theological editor.

- “Studying Theology as a Servant of Jesus,” Reformation and Revival 11:1 (Winter, 2002), 45-69.

- “Who Owns Palestine?” Christian Culture (June, 2002), 2.

- Worship in Spirit and Truth in Hungarian. Can't decipher publication data.


Posted at
“Cloning: Maybe?” 5.1 (Jan. 1-17).
“Hurting People's Feelings: or ‘The Pathos Game'” 5.1 (Jan. 1-17).
“Minorities and the Reformed Churches,” 5.1 (Jan. 1-17).
“Moral Heroism,” 5.8-10 (Feb. 20-Mar. 13).
“Should Christians Join the Cultural Elite?” 5.2 (Jan. 17-30).
- Above the Battle?, photocopied for worship course.

- Apologetics to the Glory of God in Chinese ( China Evangelical Seminary Press, 2003).

- “Cornelius Van Til,” in Timothy Larsen, ed., Biographical Dictionary of Evangelicals (Leicester/Downers Grove, Inter-Varsity Press, 2003), 682-4.

- “Covenant of Works? Yes and No” posted at

- “Does God Know Everything?” Moody Magazine (Mar.-Apr., 2003), 26-30. Interview with Alan Sholes and Lisa Cockrel.

- “Is the Bible Inerrant?” in German, at
Learning at Jesus' Feet: a Case for Seminary Education. Pamphlet published by RTS/Orlando.

- “Machen's Warrior Children,” in Sung Wook Chung, ed., Alister E. McGrath and Evangelical Theology ( Grand Rapids : Baker, 2003).

- “No Moral Justification,” letter to Orlando Sentinel on Terri Schiavo case, published Oct. 24.

- “Preface” to Andrew Sandlin, New Flesh, New Earth ( Lincoln , CA : Oakdown, 2003), 9-10.

- “Reply to Don Collett on Transcendental Argument,” Westminster Theol. Journal 65 (2003), 307-309.

- Review of Esther Meek , Longing to Know , in Presbyterion 29:2 (Fall, 2003).

- “The Other Shoe: Copyright and the Reasonable Use of Technology,” in Lithuanian, at In English here.

- “Tribute to D. Clair Davis,” in The Practical Calvinist (Christian Focus).

- “Should Christians Go to Movies?” Christian Culture (May, 2003), 2-3.


- Foreword to Andrew Sandlin, ed., Backbone of the Bible: Covenant in Contemporary Perspective ( Nacodoches , TX : Covenant Media Press, 2004).

- “John Frame on Just War Theory” posted at

- “Johnson on Van Til: a Rejoinder,” with Steve Hays, Evangelical Quarterly 76-3 (July, 2004), 227-239. Available at

- “Retraction and Apology,” posted at, included as erratum sheet in Sandlin, Backbone of the Bible (above).

- “Systematic Theology and Apologetics at the Westminster Seminaries,” in David Van Drunen, ed., The Pattern of Sound Doctrine: Systematic Theology at the Westminster Seminaries ( Phillipsburg : P&R, 2004), 73-98. 

- “The Bible and the Problem of Evil” in Lithuanian, at,php?action=view&id=422.

- “The Burden of Change: a Warning Against Laziness and Shortcuts,” Christian Culture (Sept., 2004), 4.


- “Salvation and Theological Pedagogy,” Reformation and Revival Journal 14:1 (Winter, 2005), 57-70.

- “What's the Faculty Reading?” BookMarks 2:3 (April, 2005), 1.

Completed, Awaiting Publication

- “Above the Battle ,” reviewing books by Dawn, Horton, Muether, and Hart. Possibly for 

- “Apologetics,” for Dictionary of Theological Interpretation of Scripture.

- “Certainty,” for IVP Dictionary of Apologetics.

- “Cornelius Van Til,” for IVP Dictionary of Apologetics.

- “Cornelius Van Til, Apologist,” for Apologetics Study Bible.

- “Determinism, Chance, and Freedom,” for IVP Dictionary of Apologetics.

- “Divine Aseity and Apologetics,” for Lane Tipton and Scott Oliphint, ed., Revelation and Reason: New Essays in Reformed Apologetics . (P&R)

- “Does the Bible Affirm Open Theism?” for Apologetics Study Bible .

- “A Fresh Look at the Regulative Principle,” for D. Hagopian, ed., Always Reformed (P&R).

- “God,” for Zondervan Pictorial Bible Encyclopedia .

- “Greeks Bearing Gifts,” for Hoffecker, ed., Revolutions in Worldview . (P&R)

- “Infinite Series,” for IVP Dictionary of Apologetics. 

- “Logic,” for Dictionary of Theological Interpretation of Scripture.

- “Must we Always Tell the Truth?” possibly for Thirdmill.

- “Ontological Argument,” for IVP Dictionary of Apologetics.

- “Presuppositionalism,” for IVP Dictionary of Apologetics.

- Review of Brian McLaren, A Generous Orthodoxy for Reformation and Revival Journal.

- “Self-Refuting Statements,” for IVP Dictionary of Apologetics.

- “Testimony,” for book of Christian testimonies by Princeton University alumni.

- “Transcendental Argument,” for IVP Dictionary of Apologetics.

- “Unregenerate Knowledge of God,” for IVP Dictionary of Apologetics.

In Progress, Under Contract 

- Doctrine of the Christian Life , part 1 scheduled to be published in 2006 by P&R. Earlier draft temporarily available at Part 2: writing in progress.

- Salvation Belongs to the Lord: an Introductory Systematic Theology Scheduled to be published in 2006 by P&R.

Author Related Links
Third Millennium Ministries offers audio, books, articles, essays, and lecture outlines by Frame, his like-minded colleagues, and his students.
John Frame Essays by Topic publishes the writings of John Frame and Vern Poythress.
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