When God converts a sinner, and translates him into the state of grace, He frees him from his natural bondage under sin; and, by His grace alone, enables him freely to will and to do that which is spiritually good; yet so, as that by reason of his remaining corruption, he does not perfectly, or only, will that which is good, but does also will that which is evil. WCF 9.4.
Spiritus Recreator by Sinclair Ferguson
A Divine and Supernatural Light by Jonathan Edwards
The State of Grace: Regeneration by Thomas Boston
But Spiritual Discernment is Wholly Lost Until we are Regenerated by John Calvin
The New Genesis: The Holy Spirit and Regeneration by R. C. Sproul
Regeneration: Beginning with God by Eric Alexander
Regeneration and Effectual Calling by Louis Berkhof
Reclaiming Monergism by Matthew Barrett
Regeneration and Calling by Geerhardus Vos
Regeneration by A. A. Hodge
Regeneration Necessary to Perceive the Beauty and Excellency of Christ by Charles Hodge
Lydia's Conversion - Acts 16:14, 15 by Richard Sibbes
The Will in Regeneration by William Cunningham
Regeneration Is Monergistic by Steven Lawson
The Wind of the Holy Ghost Blowing upon the Dry Bones in the Valley of Vision by Ebenezer Erskine
The Work of the Spirit in Renewing the Heart by James Buchanan
The Stony Heart Removed by C. H. Spurgeon
Once Saved, Always Changed by Steven Fernandez
Augustine on the New Life in Christ by N. R. Needham
Effectual Calling & Regeneration (eBook) by Martyn Lloyd-Jones
The Work of the Holy Spirit in Regeneration (eBook) by John Owen
Regeneration (eBook) by Stephen Charnock
The Holy Spirit's Work of Calling and Regeneration (eBook) by Herman Bavinck
The Method of Grace (eBook) by John Flavel
Alive or Dead (eBook) by J. C. Ryle
The Door of Salvation Opened by the Key of Regeneration (eBook) by George Swinnock
Saved by Grace Alone: The Work of the Holy Spirit in Calling and Regeneration (eBook) by Abraham Kuyper
Regeneration or the New Birth (eBook) by A. W. Pink
Justification & Regeneration (Audiobook) by Charles Leiter
Of Free Will (Ch.9, Sec.2-5) by Greg Bahsnen
The Doctrine of Effectual Calling & Regeneration (series) by Brian Borgman
Marks of the New Birth (MP3) by Eric Alexander
Monergistic Birth (Video) by Steven Lawson
What is the New Birth (YouTube) by Steven Lawson
Regeneration (5-Part MP3 Series) by Al Martin
Born of God: A Deposit Guaranteeing Our Salvation by R. C. Sproul
Regeneration and Perseverance (White vs Wilkin) by James White
Salvation by Grace: The Case for Effectual Calling and Regeneration by Matthew Barrett
Holy Spirit - Owen by John Owen
A Treatise on Regeneration by Peter Van Mastricht
Saved by Grace by Anthony A. Hoekema
The Beginnings: Word & Spirit in Conversion by Paul Helm