Meeting with Mormons at the Café

Meeting with Mormons at the Café
Spoke with some Mormons this morning. Met at a cafe.
Went through the Isaiah passages and Revelation 4:8.
God is incomparable. He never learned. He has no ancestry. He’s the first and the last.
He never was tutored toward godhood.
He never was mentored toward divinity.
He never had to pray James 1:5.
His résumé doesn’t have to block out an embarrassing episode.
He never needed his internet browser history cleared.
If God sinned, if he learned to become a god, if he has ancestor gods, if his dominion is region-specific, if he is comparable to billions of other deities, then Christians have to throw out their hymn books and burn their worship CDs and repent of thinking we have a relationship with the original, Most High God.
But no. God is holy, holy, holy. Who was and is and is to come.
THIS is the God who gives strength to the weak! This is the God we may know, that in humility became a man and took the form of a servant. This is Yahweh, the Most High who became flesh and died on the cross.
They conceded that their god was regional, that he has an ancestry, that he learned what he knows, that his dominion has boundaries, and that he may have committed sins which needed to be “forgotten”.
I told them that this was now a matter of repentance and conscience. That they already know they ought to worship the highest, most original God, the one who doesn’t owe worship to yet a higher god.
They said they’d like to meet again. Happy to. Thank you Lord for enduring patience to speak with my stubborn, blind Mormon neighbors. Open their eyes! Draw them to yourself with eyes to see irresistible beauty in the person of Jesus, and the light of the gospel of the glory of God.
The LDS god considered: He received what he has. He learned what he knows. Others can someday learn *everything* he now knows. He has relationally superior ancestors. He is comparable to other gods in the family tree of exalted deities. He hasn’t always known the future. He created in collaboration.
But Isaiah says God never learned from another (40:14), he has inexhaustible understanding (40:28), he can’t be likened to another (46:9), has always known the future (48:3), he doesn’t have ancestors (43:10, 44:6,8), and he created without collaboration (44:24).