The Lord, will be a wall of fire all around her

The Lord, will be a wall of fire all around her
September 25—Morning—Deuteronomy 19:3
"You shall prepare a way for yourself, and divide the territory of your land, which the Lord your God gives you to inherit, into three parts, that every manslayer may flee there." — Deuteronomy 19:3
What a comforting thought that He who is our refuge is also the way for every soul who has brought harm to themselves through sin. And who, my soul, could prepare this way for you but God the Father, who provided both Jesus as the way and Jesus as the refuge? How has God the Spirit pointed out and prepared this path, by removing every obstacle along the way, as God said of His people? (Isaiah 57:14). Is it not God the Holy Spirit who lifts up Jesus, just as Moses lifted up the serpent, pointing to His person, His blood, and His righteousness, as the sanctuary and city of refuge for every poor sinner who has caused the death of their own soul?
If it is true, as the Jews have said, that magistrates once a year were required to inspect the roads, ensuring no obstacles hindered the path of the one fleeing, and that they were obliged to set up a post at every turning with the word "miklat" (refuge) upon it, to guide the one in flight, then how much more should ministers every day, and all day, stand at the gates of the city and in places of gathering, pointing to Jesus and proclaiming, "Behold the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!"
Precious Lord Jesus! I come to You; You are my city of refuge—You are the "miklat" of my soul! In You and under Your care, I am safe. Cease, you avengers of blood, your futile pursuit; Christ has taken me in. You shall answer for me, O Lord my God.
September 25—Evening—Zechariah 2:5
"For I, says the Lord, will be a wall of fire all around her, and I will be the glory in her midst." — Zechariah 2:5
What precious promises these are, my soul! And like all the promises of our God, they are "Yes and Amen in Christ Jesus!" Is the church, in this wilderness state, exposed to the attacks of Satan, who prowls like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour? Then God will "be a wall of fire" around her, just as travelers in the desert encircle themselves with fire at night to protect against wild beasts, keeping her secure from all threats.
Does the church, in her humble condition, need comfort within? Then God in Christ will be "the glory in her midst." Hence, all around, inside and out, in every direction and every way, Jesus will be "the hiding place from the storm, and a shelter from the tempest; and upon all the glory shall be a defense."
Look up, then, my soul! What do you have to fear? Even if storms rage outside and poverty is felt within, He who is "the wall of fire" can never be extinguished, and He who is "the glory in the midst" will continue to shine upon you, meeting all your needs.
Precious Lord Jesus! While You are my defense, what army of foes can I fear? And while You are my glory, surely I will never be concerned about my humble circumstances. Therefore, I will say with the believer of old, "Whenever I am afraid, I will trust in You" (Psalm 56:3).
To whom shall a child run in distress, but to their father? And to whom shall a soul redeemed by Jesus look, but to their Redeemer? He will be both a shield and a sun, "when the blast of the terrible ones is as a storm against the wall." What a sweet thought to bring peace to the soul! And you, my soul, take this thought with you to your bed tonight: Jesus is to you as "a wall of fire all around," and He who is in your midst is "your God, your glory!"